Saturday, September 18, 2021

From the vineyards of Ernest and Julio Gallo. And Joey.


  1. Burl Ives rolls over in his gigantic grave.

  2. Gil looking pretty good.

    Gallo is the fine winery that brought us Thunderbird and Ripple. Hard to top that record.

    1. JM, true but they own a ton of CA vineyards now including high end wineries.

  3. Gallo batting .364 with 1.557 OPS in his last six games. Dropping him down in the order seems to be the magic elixir. And of course, just like playing Stanton in the outfield, it took forever for the braintrust to figure it out.

  4. That would be the Yankee way.

    Gil coughs up a meatball. 1-0.

  5. Im just back from my football (soccer) game where my team one with a last minute goal
    I'm toasting the health of all you my fellow Yankees fans let's hope for a 1 tonight to pass off a good day

  6. A Heineken and not a big glass of Oban? ;-)

    Congratulations on the win!

  7. Only have a malt on special occasions despite making the stuff it is more expensive in Scotland than the USA as the government taxes it to buggery

    Here is a minute or so of the highlights if you are interested my team is roughly the equivalent of AAA baseball

    We play in black and white stripes nearly pinstripes

  8. A thing of beauty. The goalie was completely faked out. Well done.

    That's too bad about the whiskey tax. My God, how un-Scottish of the government! That's a birthright no one should be denied.

  9. Goalie should another never get beat by a short at the near post like that but our forward did batter it giving him no chance

    A decent whiskey in Scotland you are talking at least £25-30 which is ridiculous it should be cheaper than that

  10. I used to buy fairly expensive American bourbon or rye, but switched to a $20/l brand of rye. And I don't like the ritzy titsy stuff anymore. It tastes too sweet, feels too thick, and doesn't have the crispness of the less expensive stuff.

    I moved to rye whiskey for the dryness. I find that lacking in the costly brands. So screw 'em.

  11. Red Sox wearing one of those gimmick uniforms today. Yellow shirts with blue Totally wrong.

  12. Gil hits Mercato. Should've hit Sanchez.

  13. Yes I agree with that I don't mind a more rough taste either we have a brand made by an off licence shop (store that just sells alcohol and nothing else and is the only place to buy a carry out on a Sunday)
    It's called Old Tom costs £10 and when you run out of anti freeze for your car you could pour it in instead and it would work just as well it probably rots your entire insides out but it is cheap so nobody cares

  14. Coincidentally, my rye is called Old Overholt. Named after a guy called Overholt, I think.

  15. I used to drink with our previous landlord. He called it Old Overcoat. Seemed appropriate.

  16. Abreu sucking in relief. And we can't hit today.

    This doesn't bode well.

  17. Abreu really blows today. 4-0 and only one out, guys on second and third.

    Time to watch an old episode of Foyle.

    Say, Scot--any good Scottish cop or mystery TV series you can point me to?

  18. The season's over guys. It was over after the Toronto series - or maybe before that. Winter is coming ...

  19. "Indians lead could have turned off your tv then...."

  20. Gary should be DFA'd. Now.

  21. The inning should have been 2 out none on, Gil with confidence looking for the final out to complete a good 5. Instead, Gary Sanchez, comically bad catcher, takes over. Cost them the Os game. This is his loss. The guy has got to go. He doesn't hit much anymore, not enough to justify the horrific defense. Goodbye.

  22. A total revamp is needed just to make the Yankees competitive next year. Such a terribly constructed team ...

  23. AB...What happened? Gary Sanchez, the worst defensive catcher in Yankees history, happened.

  24. Gary Sanchez is the worst defensive catcher in (maybe) all of baseball history.

  25. What that piece of shit Sanchez do? I see he has an error but don't know how bad things got due to it. I also see that Gley Igawa got caught stealing, shocker I've seen shot putters run faster than him.

  26. Since ICS should be DFA'd, brainless will likely sign him to hicksian deal in the offseason.

    The only saving grace is I'm working on electrical in the basement and have missed all but the ICS attempt at catching a pop-up. Time to go back to work in the dank cellar. Better than watching this train wreck.

  27. Couldn't catch a popup behind the plate. Led to a 7 run inning.

    This after blowing the last game in Baltimore.

    He sucks and blows at the same time.

  28. Yankees have 7 total bases and the Indians have 10 runs.

  29. I cannot be arsed watching anymore of this game it will only make me more crabbit than I already am

  30. How we gave up anyone for that utter dumpling Heaney just boggles the mind

    Cooperstown Cashman should get sacked for that trade alone

  31. I don't know how Coops can keep this guy on the team as long as he has. He's been in a slump since the second half of 2017 and his defense is the worst in the game. Oh wait I remember, Coops is a moron. I know we all had our gripes with Joey Blue Binders, but we have to respect the utter contempt he had for Sanchez before anyone else soured on him.

  32. Very true, Leinstery. I thought Joe was too tough on Gary. Suspected Joe was a D first "try hard" catcher who was simply jealous of Gary the Slugger. "Let Gary be Gary", I thought. But Joe was right. Gary's a waste of talent.


  33. There is a cliche the football fans in this country often say

    It isn't the pain of losing I can handle that it is the hope that kills you

    Think that describes this Yankee team and organisation?


  34. My god! Why am I still here? Watching, hoping? Why? WHY?!?!?

  35. I missed the game, well, not "missed." I read our commentary in lieu of the official recap.

  36. This Yankee season is a tale told by an idiot: Brian Cashman.

  37. Love to see the revenue book on this year.
    Ticket revenue has to be down and next year's season tickets must be going quite badly.
    they had to put many of the tickets "on sale" to get the fannies in the seats.

    Maybe we should hope for a lockout when this contract expires in DECEMBER.

    TV revenue will dwindle and football will rise up again and the people who have killed baseball will lose what they treasure the most----Money.
    Fuck them all. They have given me a Gallo [i.e., a pain in the neck. Please don't even Strat me on that ]
    The Bruised but Defiant Archangel

  38. Gallo's tightness in his neck is a metaphor for the Yanks choking in September...


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