Monday, September 13, 2021

Game 144: Revenge of the Gil Man


  1. Wait, so Judge is back in the lineup for today's game?

    So the dizziness was, what? Lack of hydration? Because he's an 85-year-old retiree in Florida?

    Well, at least we know the clubhouse fainting couch works well.

  2. I’m gonna be that guy, Mr. Optimistic and say they Yankees relatively cruise today, 6-2 win. Brett will have a pair of hits and Wade will drive in 2

  3. Gotta differ with our Peerless Leader, I'm afraid.

    Chad Green IS the problem—or at least a part of it.

    Has Green been "wildly overworked" this year? Not really, compared to his own history.

    Green has not yet reached his own Yankees' high for innings pitched. He's now at 74—but he threw 75 2/3 in 2018. And in that 2018 season, he actually gave up a good many more hits than he has this season, 64, as opposed to just 51 in 2021 (Walks are the same, at 15).

    Yep, his WHIP has dropped from 1.044 that year to 0.892 this year. But—he was 8-3, 2.50 in 2018, 7-7, 3.28 this year.

    And as far as innings in general go, well, Greenie was brought up to be a starter. He threw 148 2/3 innings in the Detroit farm system, back in 2015.

    So what IS going on?

    Well, Mom and Dad, it seems to be an obscure phenomenon known in the medical world as "choking"—along with a side order of gopher balls. Chad has looked great in forgettable middle inning appearances, but put him in the spotlight of a must-win can do. Plus he has already allowed 13 dingers this season, as opposed to just 9 in all of 2018.

    So the next time someone tells you that Chad Green is overworked, Bobby, you just smile right back at them and say, 'Oh, no, sir! His gonads are the size of raisins!'

  4. Agreed Hoss...Green has not approached Paul Quantrill numbers...a lot of players have hit a wall since they played only 60 some-odd games last year so we're also seeing this come into play....

  5. Hoss,

    You seem angry. Maybe you should change your moniker to "The Incredible Hoss"

    Doug K.

  6. Hoss, you are a sage and wise creature. I agree with you wholeheartedly but shall restate the matter more concisely: Chad Green is not a good major league late innings reliever.

  7. Doug K., who was it who said, "If you're not angry, you're not paying attention?"

    No, I'm not asking for any specific reason. Huh? I don't know; it just popped into my head and I want to know?

    Multitudes? What multitudes?

  8. Looks like we all overrated Gil...

    He's not gonna get out of the first inning...

  9. Get an out, give up a 2-run HR.
    Get an out, give up a 2-run HR.

    This is not a good pattern.

  10. Hello suckitude my old friend.

    It's painful to see you again.


  12. Gil working out fine so far.


  13. The Master jinxed him. Talked about how he hadn't allowed a home run yet. Two pitches later...BOOM!

    Hasn't he heard of the jujus?

  14. It's the fucking Twins, for God's sake!

  15. I hate this Yankees team with the white-hot passion of a thousand suns.

    The Twins? This is an all-time low.

    At least Boone finally sat Gio, who is doing absolutely nothing. Why not DL him for the rest of the season, and bring up Velazquez again?

    Cone going on and on about how many great SS there are in the Yanks' system. Yeah, like the days of all those great catchers they used to have. Jesus Montero, Cervelli, Murphy, Romine, Sanchez. It was a lock!

  16. How many people do you think are in the Stadium today? I think it approaches the infamous 413 for a 1966 day game that got Red Barber fired.

    Of course, things are much better now. No matter how much this team stinks, no one EVER gets fired!

  17. Your moment of bliss from YES:

    This now makes 9 straight games in which the Yanks have given up 5 or more runs.

    The record is 10 straight, which happened in 1926. Of course, Ruth and Gehrig were hitting in the 3-4 spots so it didn't really matter so much...

  18. You know, I'm all for putting The Gleyber back at second. But this is yet another spring training type move.

    The whole decision to play the month of September as if they had a 15-game lead and just needed to get some returning stars in shape is typical of the entire, delusional way Coops always runs this team.

    He really thought he had done it after that 13-game stretch, and all he needed was to buff up the Death Star for the playoffs. Ah, me!

  19. We can't pitch, we can't hit too many times, and we have some infield issues.

    Ready for the playoffs!

  20. Wow, so much for optimism. There’s been some bad fucking games this year but getting no hit by the Twinkies through five is bottoming out

  21. Dantes, the Twins are a fine organization with a long history of existing.

  22. Yes, Winnie, existing is usually all it takes to beat the Yankees. Sometimes you can do it even if you don't exist, like covid

  23. At least this game will finish well before midnight my time (8:46pm here just now)

    I usually go into work next morning with eyes like a half shut knife because I have stayed up until 3 a.m. my watching the game

    I refuse to watch any more of this farcical game and team it is pure and utter mince and giving me a sore head

  24. Scotty, they're not worth losing sleep over.

  25. I feel confident that the Yankees will score a quantifiable number of runs between now and the end of the season.

  26. Yeah, this is what I mean by lack of a good faith effort.

    Okay, sure, it's an afternoon game after a late, tough loss. And the assholes from Minny started a little-seen guy who is basically a reliever.

    But NO hits in five innings? Then a bunt single? This is a team that's just not up for it. If they are not, why should we be?

  27. "It is pure and utter mince and giving me a sore head."

    Duque? There's the new chyron.

    The big hug for SYF.

  28. Can't believe I've come to love Tyler Wade so. But basically, he just hustled that run by himself.

    Refreshing to see someone is still out there trying.

  29. And...Aaron "Vapors" Judge back to his old, clutch self. Just a single there, and who knows what happens? Well, maybe he had the fantods again.

  30. And's HEANEY! The demon pitcher of Cash. Man.

  31. All right, I take it back about Judge.

  32. Mrs. Firefly repeatedly says she's never seen Judge get a big hit. Usually just before she leaves the room and well, you know. Like today.

    I don't take it back what I said about bonehead, brainless or HAL. Fuck 'em all.

  33. Oh my, a K on a foul bunt. What other ugly shit have the Yankees left to pull?

  34. I take back one thing I said about ICS. Just one.

  35. How bizarre.

  36. You guys just dont appreciate how bad Duffy and columne are. I've been watching these two screw up all year. The comeback was great but not a surprise

  37. Although Duffey got a little screwed on a couple of those pitches.

    But hey, we'll take it!

    Twins, oh, Twins, we love you so. You complete us so.

  38. I'm just looking forward to line up against the Dodgers. This would allow baseball fans to admire our staph.


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