Wednesday, September 22, 2021

Game 153: The Blue Jays lost today



  1. You say that as if it had some meaning.

    Remember: it’s the hope that kills you.

  2. Stealing bases, what a novel concept.

  3. What an annoying team this is.

    Two on, nobody out. The Gleyber hits a little dribbler, but running with the same, dazzling speed that ended the 2018 season, is thrown out at first.

    Still, runners at second and third. But then Gio hits a fly so shallow to right that no one can advance, and Higgy flies out to the warning track.

    Meanwhile the Mets, having expended every last particle of energy beating us two out of three, are losing up in Boston again.

  4. Three very loud Texas outs. Kluber isn't fooling anyone with these fat pitches. He hasn't had much since (a) the stick stuff was outlawed and (b) he returned from his injury.

  5. It is getting to crunch time my 2021 Suckees. You're at 85 wins. You're going to really bear down if you're going to lose all but 1 of your remaining games. I know it is a herculean task, BUT I HAVE FAITH IN YOUR SUCKITUDE.



  6. I thought: “Well, these two balls weren’t hit hard enough to turn two” - twice in one inning - then Luke hit a slow roller in the hole and, just like that - a 6-4-3.

    Is this team apathetic, or just slow and pathetic?

    Or all three?

  7. That had to be one of the most pathetic attempts at a fly ball since Conseco bounced one off his head into the stands.

    I thought he was supposed to be a good outfielder?

  8. I’m watching the game and using the word pathetic again and again.

  9. Kluber:91 mph without a lot of bite or movement. You can routinely find college pitchers with better stuff.


  10. I don’t know which is worse: watching this team play baseball or watching Tom Brady hawking Subway.

    Nope. Check that. Watching Tom Brady do anything is much much worse. And pitching for Subway? WTF?!?!?!

  11. Hernandez's double: that's a single for every starting Yankee except Gardner.

    Hernandez scoring from second on that single to left: impossible for every starting Yankee except Gardner.

    That's a Cashman squad for you: devoid of youth and athleticism. An aging bunch of yesterday's "names" lumbering around the field waiting to cash their next paycheck.

  12. AB what you say is true. The Yankees have terrible base running. Gio is the second worst runner in baseball. I think they said ICS is the worst?

  13. HC 67-- You were responding to a comment on baserunning from A, not AB. Oops.

  14. I cannot remember the context or what stat was used or which broadcaster said it. And I'm failing to google it. BBRef and FG are mocking me and my inept search skills.

  15. They can't even beat the Rangers? Haven't been watching and just looked at the box.

    I'm glad I haven't been watching.

    Revive the "Steinbrenner sucks!" chants please.

  16. And there ya go. Gio scores from first on a double. Of course he ran through Nevins stop sign, but what of it.

  17. He scored from first on a double only because of a botched relay.

  18. Hey! Blind, slow of foot squirrel and all that!

  19. Rangers are having a rather Yankeesesque inning.

  20. Terrible at-bat by Glaybah. Not that I'm surprised.

  21. Terrible at-bat by Urshela. Not that I'm surprised.

  22. Holmes is good. Now we need a catcher named Watson.

    This ump is calling outside pitches strikes. For both sides, at least.

  23. Nice job by Higgy.

    Now we'll honor America by playing a song.

  24. Dick, you are correct, it's the HOPE that kills you and, as we know, "hope is the thing with feathers."

    Ergo, feathers will kill you. And you know what has feathers? That's right - Blue jays, flying around your yard.

    We are the large dog turd rolling slowly down the hill, picking up tiny pebbles and bits of sticks as it rolls.

    Onward, inexorably, rolling downward to the last day of the season.

    The worst thing that could happen would be for us to make the wild card.

  25. The only bit of semi-optimism I have left is the fact that this team is incredibly streaky. So if we go on a tear, anything could happen.

    I doubt it will, but it could. Theoretically. With fairy dust.

  26. He better steal home. DJ looked terrible.

  27. Can Wade steal home? Because we are not going to drive him in.

  28. Terrible at-bat by LeMahouieu. Not that I'm surprised.

  29. RedSox wearing the ugliest of all City Connect outfits. Jesus, Mary and Josephine.

  30. Chapman up. If the Yanks don't score here, what are the odds that Chapo will cough up the game?

  31. Hey look at that, Gley Igawa got more than a meaningless single.

  32. Bury em in the bottom of the eighth.

  33. I believe in these my, no our 2021 Suckees. They will go on a streak. I know they can. They will run the table and lose every remaining game. They will get their 86 wins!

  34. Well, a win is a win. Now, all they need is 9 in a row, with the first 6 on the road. Easy, peasy...

    I guess 6-3 MIGHT do it. But what is the point? To grab that play-in spot that will lead nowhere?


  35. You do do know, all of you (and I include myself in this) that one way or another, we are going to get fucked. Totally, royally fucked.

    It will look like DJ on that dink of a hit that landed ten feet fair while he was standing in foul territory wondering which way was up.

    The Yankees will give us all a tantalizing sniff of the biscuit, then demure and leave us with a serious case of blue balls. I can’t prove it, I just know it’s eventually gonna happen.

  36. Wow. Bosch. I didn’t know kd lang was Canadian. I always thought she was a lesbian.


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