Wednesday, September 8, 2021

New Thread - No abuse -baseball only

 OK Mr. Bosch you got it. I'm watching anyway. I can moderate. 


  1. Last thread ended with exactly 42 comments? Could that be a good omen?

  2. Also, is Toronto overhanging by bringing in another reliever now?

    (Sadly, probably not.)

  3. Gotta say, have any of you EVER heard Yankee Stadium more quiet for a close, must-win Sept.-Oct. game?

    I haven't.

    No one believes. They've been so beaten down by this maddening team that they have no more hope—or they didn't go.

  4. Our best hope here is that this guy can't find the strike zone.

  5. 67? Did you have a birthday?

    Doug K.

  6. Wow, that was a break. And giving him a hit on that is simply ridiculous. Judge should be 0-23. This is what I'm talk about. And now comes Mr. Responsibility.

  7. Nicely played in the field, too. Holy shit this team is bad.

    Really amateur hour now.

    And this site sounds as empty as the Stadium.

  8. Cone giving Green big props for backing up third. Yeah, made a huge difference.

    And no, Doug K., just another screwy thing about my computer, so I had to invent a new name.


  9. Green is gassed. He has been pitched out already. He had nothing left for the stretch run. A stretch run that is rapidly becoming a crippled stumble and fall. Losing 9 of 11. I'm looking for more.

    I stand pat on my prediction of 86 wins, although I may go over. Probably will go over.

    They suck so badly, the Fuckers. The Fuckees? Something like that.

  10. Green ain't right. Not that anyone else is

  11. You know, I was thinking that the fans should be booing the hell out of these guys. But the eerie silence is almost better.

    'You guys want to play on a team and in a place where there's absolutely no excitement? You're well on the road to it. Just keep cashing those checks and turning in one more lifeless, appalling performance after another.'

  12. el duque mentioned it the other day...the Yanks look like an old baseball team. Gil finally came back to earth throwing more balls than strikes. Even Stanton and Judge appear like they are on the other side of their careers...


  13. 67? Did you have a birthday?

    Good eye, you observant m'f'er. 67 has been with us for a few weeks and, other than making 10 posts in this thread, has generally keeping a low profile. I was wondering if the presence of 67 was related to 66's reported computer woes.

    66, would you please clarify?

  14. Oh that's great. Let Aroldis throw some batting practice.

  15. Here's something I read the other day.

    "There is nothing to reject and nothing to accept. Things just happen—beyond every scheme for improvement, beyond yearning and hope for betterment. When experienced like this, all occasions are delightful, the cause of merriment and laughter.

    —Steven D. Goodman, “The Spiritual Work of a Worldly Life”

    So what I'm saying is Chapman giving up the HR made me snort milk out my nose.

    Doug K.

  16. Actually I have to say that I'mm kind of enjoying watching the BJs take batting practice against Chapo. It's exactly the fate he deserves.

  17. We got 'em where we want 'em. They're tired of punching us in the mouth. Any day now, they'll cry uncle. Any day

  18. Ranger,

    Good one

    Doug K.

  19. Ah! Ren and Stimpy!

    Doug K.

  20. Thanks for noticing and caring, LBJ. Been keeping a low profile of late mostly because of crushing work pressures. But hey—what better year to miss so much of, huh?

    And yeah, the name change has just been due to more computer woes. But always great to be back with you guys.

  21. Cone now being amazingly frank about how the Yanks have "squandered" everything from that hot month. Continues to be amateur hour out there. A stolen base with no throw, a crazy wild pitch.

    Even Ma Boone can't take anymore from Chapo.

    But it's not just him. In 56 seasons, I've never seen a Yankees team come apart like this.

  22. As "Dandy Don" used to sing, "turn out the lights, the party's over...." I've accepted that this season might bring something better next year. Mindful of the fact that men were born, grew-up/old, and died in many baseball cities reaching for The Monolith. Now it's time for the pod bay doors to open....

  23. And Chapo on the bench, still pouring sweat. I just can't understand how it has become verboten to even ask about that.

  24. A run differential of +39 through 138 games equates to an expected record of 73-65. The Yankees are lucky to be where they are in the standings. That .529 expected winning percentage translates to 86 wins over a full season.

    I think that’s what they are. A middling team prone to horrific slumps and one great hot streak, but overall just an 86-win team.

  25. Hah, they just named Vladdy, Jr.'s shot off Chapo the Drive of the Game. Which is a great way of taking another shot at Aroldis.

  26. It's like we're watching Space Jam 1 and all the athletic powers were taken from the Yankees...

  27. Zachary, I don't think they'll even get there, what with Cole gone. I suspect we have not yet begun to flail.

    This series against the Mets, who always play us like it's the World Series, should be mind-boggling.

  28. They only need to go 8-16 to reach 86 wins.

    I feel like they’ll fall ass backwards into 8 wins just from teams who have nothing left to play for (BAL, MIN, TEX, CLE) or teams resting their starters in the final week.

  29. This team is wearing tatters.

    Good night everybody.

    Doug K.

  30. 1 extra-base hit in the last 29 innings, and it was by our fourth outfielder

    What a ballclub

  31. And what an appropriate last out: an outstanding play from an outstanding athlete on a team that has plenty of them, as opposed to our 9 Old Men. (Or, really, 28 old men, at least in spirit and effort.)

    The Yanks were not only beaten, they were outclassed, as they have been throughout this series. Stick a fork in them.

  32. And Zach, I dunno if they can get 8 wins. The pitching is suddenly, completely gone, which is a little terrifying. I'm not even sure they will get the 4 wins necessary for another winning record.

    We keep saying—or really, YOU keep saying how this or that stat is a historic low. Well, I think we should get ready for a historic slump to the end of the season. When you have no pitching, you have nothing holding you up.

  33. Even if it had dropped in for a hit, it's not like the Yanks would have done shit with it anyway.

  34. Not only the Yanks don't belong in the postseason, they don't belong in the regular season either...

  35. Hoss,

    They'll get the four. They're not the 64 Phillies. Right? Right? Uh oh...

    Doug K.

  36. 1964 Phillies? No, Doug K. This Yankees team was never in first place.

    More like the 1961 Phillies who lost, what, 23 in a row?

  37. And hey, ZacharyA, just want to make sure that you didn't think my writing "YOU keep saying" was some sort of accusation. Quite the opposite: I didn't want to hog any credit. Your research has been remarkable.


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