Saturday, September 4, 2021

Okay, we can exhale. The terror scenario of losing to Baltimore has been exorcized... for now.

Yank Aaron scored on Jumbo Gia's single, the Death Barge beat the TomatO's, and - by my count, anyway - America actually went a day without a national catastrophe. 

No new flooding. No new fire. No new Constitutional crisis, military debacle or A-list celebrity divorce. (Our daily No-Disaster streak now stands at - gulp - one...)

And - most germane to this site - the Yankees survived. Yeesh. I watched nine innings channeling Malcolm McDowell in A Clockwork Orange, eyes pried open, lashed to a chair, convinced that we'd lose. To blow game one would supercharge Baltimore's confidence levels to a degree that - even 50 games below .500 - they could still eat our lunch... in our own home park. Then, when Stanton finally drove in the game-winner, I was terrified that Judge's passenger pigeon slide (seen above, launching, while twisting) was a surefire gonad-tweaker. 

The Yankees are fluctuating in mid-air, like Judge's slide. They win 13 straight, lose four straight, now take two in a row. Our wild card rivals - (exception: Tampa, whose management we must poach) - are treading water on 6-4 rolls. But last night, we simply had to win.  And we did. Yeesh. Does everything have to be so stressful? Can't we just win 15-0 someday?

One last note: A friend emailed yesterday wondering what happened to the IT IS HIGH Zoom game - when we'd come together through the information superhighway to watch a game together and rant. To be honest, I'm not sure how it would work, or how I would set up something. It looks like a fiasco, eh?

But, hey, what's the world without another fiasco?

Should we try to set one up in September, just to see what Armageddon looks like, up close? 


  1. So here's one reason why there's something wrong with baseball...

    I get emails every morning from You're all gonna say that's whats wrong with baseball...but it was something in the email saying how Mike Stanton hit a 121.1 MPH single to win the game.

    This is from someone's tweet...

    Giancarlo Stanton 121.1 mph walk-off single

    That's the hardest-hit batted ball for a walk-off tracked by Statcast (since 2015)

    It's his 6th batted ball at 121+ mph since '15. Only 2 other players have even 1 each: Aaron Judge & Gary Sánchez


    So there you have it, Stanton's 121.4 single overshadows the Yankee victory. Hell, if Stanton had hit a 121.4 line drive at someone to lose a game, that would overshadow the loss.

    Nice win, Yanks are not good enough to be in postseason having to beat this AAA team in extras.

  2. The Dodgers and Giants are both on pace for 102+ wins, but one of them is gonna have to play in the shitty Wild Card Game against a team that’s won like 85 games. Heh.

  3. "if Stanton had hit a 121.4 line drive at someone to lose a game, that would overshadow the loss."

    Their death would have overshadowed the loss.

    Doug K.

  4. Statcast is not only annoying and irrelevant--do we really need a service that tells us the hard hit ball that got through the infield was hit hard?--but there have been some questions about its measurement of home run balls. Most seem correct-ish just from watching, but others seem oddly truncated or extended. Which leads me to the logical conclusion: fuck Statcast.

    Holmes did quite the high-wire act last night. No net. Smoked a whole pack of cigarettes watching it.

  5. Uh oh. Monty is pitching today. Expect us to score two runs or less, at least until he's out of the game.

  6. Zoom game. Easy peasy lime squeezey into margaritas-ey.

  7. I'm all in for the Zoom game, maybe next weekend for one with the Muts??? Maybe Friday night, would the one on 9//11 be too super charged here, I'm game for whichever.
    I believe Bitty mentioned he could host, I think it would involve all of us sending him our contact info,,,, if I remember correctly, he had a burner Proton email that he used before to set up the logistics for our first Meet Up.

  8. Can't do the 11th, but majority rules.

  9. Meanwhile, on the Joey Watch:

    The news will be that he dipped below the Mendoza Line on the season.

    But the bigger story is that, as a Yankee, Gallo is now down to .134, with only 24 PA to catch Miggy, to become Worst Yankees Regular Ever.

  10. Artificial Lemon FlavoringSeptember 4, 2021 at 1:05 PM

    Margaritas are pretty crappy when you add artificial lemon flavoring to them - and I might drown - just saying . . .

  11. Yeah, artificial flavors have their place, but a margarita isn't one of them.

  12. Gallo has been sucking badly. But Gleyber has had a lousy year, and DJ has only shown flashes of DJness. He might be coming around to the clutch guy we knew. I'll give Joey some time to work it out. It would be very unusual for him if he doesn't.

    He has the coolest hair on the team, though, imo. There's always that.

  13. Fuck that guy and his shitty wine. Unless you're a college student, in which case ain't so bad.

    But still, fuck that guy

  14. Suddenly, Boone is fielding a question about Gallo's bad slump and Kay is mentioning the .134 during the game. Somebody has decided at least one glove is off in the criticism department.

  15. LOL--nice drop by the LF. Just didn't catch it though he was there and it hit his glove.

    E7, two bases.

  16. .134...from the vineyards of Ernest and Julio Gallo.

  17. Artificial Lemon FlavoringSeptember 4, 2021 at 1:47 PM

    Gallo - corked or just screw-off

  18. The gallon jug was always a giveaway that the host really cared.

  19. Re> the ZOOM Meet Up, another option so it's a home game would be this Thursday 9/9 against the Jays???

  20. Night game. Fits right into the drinking schedule. Good for me, then.

  21. Weird coinkydink.

    Why not go to Riga? It's fall--men's extra heavy gold chains weather.

  22. Afternoon game and I'm on the treadmill...a fitting metaphor for my life. But I heartily toast a pint of water in your direction.

  23. Bosch, this has the makings of an ugly loss. Nothing is working. I suggest you gulp down your Negroni and hit the beer garden. Did Merkel open those on her way out?

  24. "Last night and today, they're pitching to Mateo like he's a veteran lifetime .320 hitter...I guess they see something in the scouting report..."


  25. Today is not Monty's finest hour.

  26. Monty is unbearable. Even when he doesn't give up a bunch of runs it's still an awful watch.

  27. Boy DJ is a shadow of what he once was.

  28. He's no Lamont Cranston this season.

  29. Will Stanton go on IL for that? Probably

  30. Imagine what Chris Sale is gonna do to these bastards in the Wild Card Game

  31. stanton is bailing out again. Why can't he keep his legs quiet consistantly?

    Doug K.

  32. Amazing. We're actually being no-hit.

    Toggling back and forth between this debacle and the Mets, it's like a running seminar on everything that's wrong with major-league baseball.

    Both games feel like a bad day in spring training.

    Mets are playing a dispirited, stripped-down team that has decided to tank for at least this year, and the game is full of mental and physical errors.

    Same with the Yankees—only they can't even get a hit. And...all proceeding at a snail's pace.

    Really, baseball like this will kill baseball.

  33. We're now down 3-0 to a AAA team and we haven't gotten a base hit yet...and we're supposed to make the playoffs...FFS.

  34. Pathetic. And Wanda is still in there. Why?


  35. Uh oh. Monty is pitching today. Expect us to score two runs or less, at least until he's out of the game.

    And....just like that, we're being no-hit.

    Fun times.

  36. I switched to the Match Game. More entertaining.


  38. Yep. But they are so good. Some Bavarian mustard, a nice pretzel roll...and weissbier to wash it down. Great.

  39. The same thing happens if you overwork a Yankee. He explodes...and lands on the LIST

  40. I hate this fucking team and I especially hate the bozos who have run it into into the ground over the past decade. Hal, Coops, and everyone's favorite Randy Levine.

  41. Btw, Gary Burghoff is sitting in for Charles Nelson Reilly. Robert Reich in the first seat up top. Some cute girl named Jamie to Richard's right.

    Nice lineup.

  42. Robert Urich, you stupid phone.

  43. I offer today's headline without further comment:

    "Okay, we can exhale. The terror scenario of losing to Baltimore has been exorcized... for now."

    DUQUE WHAT THE FLAMING FUCK!?!?!?!!!!?!!!!

  44. Why pitch hit Gleyber when you know he's going to hit into a double play?

  45. Shit, now Classic Concentration is on. The Hugh Downs version is the classic, not this one.

    So batting Torres for Squid because... Boone is an idiot?

  46. Incredible. "Must. Play. Returned guy."

  47. If we're lucky he'll take a walk.

  48. I can hear my mom's voice..."Why is he hitting? He stinks!"

    They gave him a hit on that. Generous.

  49. He took out a lefty for a righty, to face a righty. It doesn't even makes sense by an analytics standpoint.

    Almost hit into a dp.

    AND FUCKING VOIT IS UP NOW?!?! It just a cavalcade of guys I don't want to see. Is Hicks returning next?

  50. Don Quixote:windmills

    Michael Kay:expanded rosters

    - Melquíades

  51. My God, now Voit the Whiffer for Wade.

  52. If Gallo wasn't on the team, I'd say Voit is the biggest bag of shit on this team.

  53. My wife from Germany says weissbier is the description of the color. Weizen is wheat. We're both right.

  54. So, Erdinger or Wiehenstephaner? I lean to the latter, but it doesn't make a lot of difference to me. Both are good.

  55. About time he did something.

  56. I like to drink Tegenzeer while there. Best in Bavaria, I think. Plus the drawing of the fat guy whistling for his dog, while the little fucker's just standing under his belly gets me every time

  57. We can't have nice things, ever. Chapman follows one good outing with a stinker almost every time

  58. Wow, Bosch, I think of Joey Bishop every time Gallo comes to bat. I thought it was just me.

    I hadn't been drinking beer in years, but recently enjoyed some Stiegl from Austria and the Wiehenstephaner weissbier. Very good, both of them.

    Chapman imploding. Seems that if we criticize a hitter in enough, he hits. Doesn't work on Chapman much.


  59. Bases loaded. No outs. Top of the 9th. Tie game. Boone, please pull El Sweatbo.

  60. The wild pitch strikeout scores. Thanks, closer.

  61. Not winning a wild card. Maybe.

  62. Have I mentioned that Boone is an idiot? His pinch hittergasm was completely idiotic, as was leaving Wendy in, and Chapman.

  63. I think the moths flying around in front of the camera came from Hal's wallet.

  64. What a horrible swing. Jesus Christ.

  65. and they suck

    Doug K.

  66. Goddamit, every time there's been a game at a decent time (for Europe), they've absolutely sucked. Can't catch a break with these assholes.

  67. Anonymous Bosch--Joey Bishop's theme song was actually a Frank Loesser tune written for his musical "The Most Happy Fella," from which Sterling takes his Urshela homerun call--so it comes full circle back to this blog.

  68. I refused to watch after he brought in Chappy. How many fucking times does it take?

    Mets, incidentally, blew a 9-0 lead, but won 11-9 in 11. I think they truly have a better chance of making the playoff than your New York Yankees do.


  70. Anonnymouus Bosch--literally cracking? Not figuratively cracking? When did everyone unlearn the proper meaning of the word literally?

  71. You never had a t-shirt have numbers/letters that cracked? Seriously?

  72. Puckered is losing it even for her normal self. I guess she's never seen an actual jersey in the stand. Wonder if she's ever even been to the Bronx.

  73. Kevin--MORON AND PROVEN FRAUD AND LIAR: The subject was the abuse of the word "literally." Pay attention, moron.

  74. Hey anti-vaxxer Dufus: how many people did you kill today with your crackpot anti-science stupidity?

  75. Proof that Kevin is a liar and a fraud:

    Kevin said...
    Joey Gallo currently has a 3.5 WAR for the season which is pretty damned good. I for one hope that we keep him next year, and just SEE. He is a player that the old stats (not denigrating "old stats" because when you know what to look for....) won't, at first glance appreciate.

    IMHO, the two positional players who must be moved are Sanchez and Torres, especially Torres. We should get some decent value for him due to his potential (there are always "miracle workers who believe, or can bring him around), but especially because he's cheap. Torres is not a SS, and we have a better second baseman already. It will amaze some (all) of you that the analytics have Odor has an above average second baseman. Obviously DJ will be at second for a few more years, barring injury.
    September 3, 2021 at 1:52 AM

    Anonymous said...
    Kevin, you pathetic bullshit artist. Odor has a 2021 defensive WAR of ZERO. His 2020 defensive WAR was MINUS 0.4. You just make shit up to promote your personal faves. You're a fraud and a liar and a moron.
    September 3, 2021 at 4:53 AM

    Oh--and Joey Gallo has a ZERO WAR as a Yankee.

    Case closed.

  76. Sexist anti-vaxxer psychotic Dufus thinks it's an insult to label someone with a feminine pronoun--meaning he hates women and is therefore probably a closet gay. Nice job, Dufus, you sexist slavering pig.

  77. Proving once again the old adage, 'There three kinds of liars: liars, damn liars, and statisticians'. You only quality as the second type.

    And who uses the word "dufus" anymore?

  78. Wait--Kevin, you dumb fuck. You claimed that "analytics" shows that Odor is an above-average fielder--without citing a single source or statistic, as usual, because you're a chronic bullshitter and liar. I proved that "analytics" shows no such thing--that he is, at best, an average or below-average fielder. I further proved that you are a liar and a fraud. No need to belabor the point, ya' dumb fuck. Allow me to repeat so everyone can see what a dishonest piece of shit you are:

    Kevin said...
    Joey Gallo currently has a 3.5 WAR for the season which is pretty damned good. I for one hope that we keep him next year, and just SEE. He is a player that the old stats (not denigrating "old stats" because when you know what to look for....) won't, at first glance appreciate.

    IMHO, the two positional players who must be moved are Sanchez and Torres, especially Torres. We should get some decent value for him due to his potential (there are always "miracle workers who believe, or can bring him around), but especially because he's cheap. Torres is not a SS, and we have a better second baseman already. It will amaze some (all) of you that the analytics have Odor has an above average second baseman. Obviously DJ will be at second for a few more years, barring injury.
    September 3, 2021 at 1:52 AM

    Anonymous said...
    Kevin, you pathetic bullshit artist. Odor has a 2021 defensive WAR of ZERO. His 2020 defensive WAR was MINUS 0.4. You just make shit up to promote your personal faves. You're a fraud and a liar and a moron.
    September 3, 2021 at 4:53 AM

    Oh--and Joey Gallo has a ZERO WAR as a Yankee.

    Case closed.

  79. Dufus because it's a rhyming play on Rufus, ya' dumb fuck. And who claims to cite analytics without citing a single stat and then reviles "analytics" when they show the opposite of what he claims they show? A fraudulent dumb fuck and fraud like you, Kev. For example:

    Kevin said...
    Joey Gallo currently has a 3.5 WAR for the season which is pretty damned good. I for one hope that we keep him next year, and just SEE. He is a player that the old stats (not denigrating "old stats" because when you know what to look for....) won't, at first glance appreciate.

    IMHO, the two positional players who must be moved are Sanchez and Torres, especially Torres. We should get some decent value for him due to his potential (there are always "miracle workers who believe, or can bring him around), but especially because he's cheap. Torres is not a SS, and we have a better second baseman already. It will amaze some (all) of you that the analytics have Odor has an above average second baseman. Obviously DJ will be at second for a few more years, barring injury.
    September 3, 2021 at 1:52 AM

    Anonymous said...
    Kevin, you pathetic bullshit artist. Odor has a 2021 defensive WAR of ZERO. His 2020 defensive WAR was MINUS 0.4. You just make shit up to promote your personal faves. You're a fraud and a liar and a moron.
    September 3, 2021 at 4:53 AM

    Oh--and Joey Gallo has a ZERO WAR as a Yankee.

    Case closed.


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