Thursday, September 2, 2021

Switching gears, fans of the New York Football Giants are raving about their chances

The team has signed three players - including nearly an entirely new offensive line -from the scrap heap. Plus, look at history!

In 2017, they started at 2-11.

In 2018, they started at 1-7.

In 2019, they started a 2-11.

Last year, they started at 1-7.



  1. All their big free agent additions are injured in some capacity (Galladay, Jackson, Rudolph, Ross). Engram may need time and Barkley won't be 100% if he plays week 1.
    Nearly the entire rookie class is injured or hasn't been playing in games. Toney has barely practiced let alone play and 2nd rounder Ojulari tweaked something and missed the final pre-season game. 3rd and 4th rounders are starting the season inactive. Of all the Giants cuts this year not a single one was picked up by another team. So to start the season we are basically last year's team without any depth and reshuffled the deck chairs on the OL which played terrible against Pats. Jones only played one PS game, because reasons (mind you Brady and Mahomes appeared in two), and the first 4 drives ended with the following: sack then punt, sack then punt, goal line INT, holding penalty then punt. Are we to applaud Jones for a 2 minute drill TD against the Pats backups? It's a disaster.

  2. I'm OK with the Giants starting 2-11 if it means that the Yankees fire Cashman and Boone.

    Doug K.

  3. Great idea to add another game to the NFL regular season...

  4. It's all about the Bills out here in real NY

  5. The original sin of this iteration of the Giants was thinking that they could tweak the 2017 team and give Eli one more shot at a ring. (Even though the 2017 team sucked as well.) That's why they foolishly drafted Barkley. He was a championship piece on a non-championship team.

    Should have traded down and grabbed Nelson and added picks. Their issues with the o-line start right there.

    To be fair this is hindsight, Not about not picking Barkley but who to pick.

    If not an offensive lineman they probably should have picked Josh Allen but if they were going for a QB they would have picked Darnold or Mayfield. And we'd be in the same boat.

    Doug K.

  6. I'm feeling you Doug K., but there's always the take-the-best-player-available school.

  7. We'd still be in the same boat, no matter what they did. Because they too are idiots.

  8. And no one as mentioned that the Giants don't really feel certain Jones is the man. He is all they have. But he may be another GM drafting error.

    A lot of Giants fans ( the ones who believe in fairy tales ) are all excited about some of the last second signings . But they won't face the reality that every single player they signed was a guy who would not make the team we got him from. Why not staff our entire 53 that way, then?

    The defense will not be as good as hoped, either

    Sam Beal made the damn team.

  9. Alphonso,

    You make a good point about Jones. But it's so hard to tell if he's a keeper when he keeps getting sacked and hurried. What they should have done was draft Tarkington.

    Never mind. We weren't that good with Tarkington either.

    As an aside I came across a good short NFL films doc on Spider Lockhart the other day. It was good. Always was one of my favorites.

    Doug K.



    Let's go Jets!!

    J-E-T-S! Jets! Jets! Jets!

    and Fuck Harold, Fuck the Brain, and Fuck Booooooone too.

    But most of all...



  11. Now, can we get back to baseball - the only game that really matters in this world?

  12. Ricky Ricardo saved John Sterling's life last night:

  13. I really like Ricardo, Lucy or no.

  14. Cashman is obviously moonlighting for the Jints.

  15. Nah, he's moonlighting for the Packers, my favorite team. Hence their decision to try to run their franchise quarterback out of town for an obscure rookie. I wish Jordan Love the best, but some other first-round pick MIGHT have been the guy who squeezed them past TB (bane of my sporting existence) and into the Super Bowl, where they probably would have taken an obviously wheezing Chiefs team.

    Instead...endless chaos and controversy. Added to now almost 30 years of having one of the best QBs in football and making 3 Super Bowls.

    Coops HAS to be behind it!

    1.'re a Packers fan? My son s fiance is AJ Dillon's aunt. But she's only about11 years older than him. Both are from New London, CT. Very nice family. Jewish, Italian and Black. His grandfather played one season with the Giants in 1975. Tom Gatewood. He was also an All-American and team captain for Notre Dame. If AJ doesn't get hurt, he will be a star running back.

  16. Also, I always liked Spider Lockhart. As a neutral observer, I think the Jints could be pretty good this year.


  17. And this just in:

    “… Washington Nationals Vice President Bob Boone has informed the club he’s resigning rather than comply with the organization’s COVID-19 vaccine mandate…”

    Stupidity seems to run the family.

    1. LOLOL, have hit the nail on the head.. probably by the same jammer that repeatedly hit Aaron on his head as a kid.

  18. "Real New York" was just the woods when New York City was the seat of the country.

    Just like "the Heartland" is a euphemism for inbred white supremacist morons who like to wave flags, "REAL" anything is just a term to cloak insecurity and self-loathing with an empty platitude.

    Fuck off and die, real shithead.

    1. You know, every time I see a post from you, I expect vitriol, ad homonyms, and general disagreeable platitudes.

      And you never disappoint me.

      Nevertheless, I’m disappointed. You’re the only one on this blog who does not possess the human qualities necessary for reasonable discourse and I have to wonder.

      Why would you persist in this unfortunate behavior and just participate like a decent human being?

  19. Spider Lockhart was a good player on some really horrible teams.

    I never got into being a Giants fan because they were so bad. Got every one of their games on TV from Albany, but watched the Raiders on ABC because they scored a lot and were on at least half of the weekends.

  20. Fuck you, Dick Allen, you smarmy hypocrite. Dufus Firefly and He/she/it Warblist have been bombarding this list with nonstop personal abuse since forever, but you don't type a peep about that, because you're not about ethics or decorum, you're about defending your little tribal frat house. When Firefly was slathering this blog with his Pizza Boy tirades, no mounting of the pulpit by you to deliver your littler sermons? Fuck off, you sickening phony.

  21. Second, Dick Allen, the post that provoked you to your fury of sanctimony was NOT from me--it was from Firefly, engaging in a provocation--he constantly engages in these sock-puppet provocations. But that doesn't bother you either, does it?

  22. If duque wants to grow a pair, he will re-institute moderation of posts--that will solve the main problem, which lies at the feet of Warblist, Kevin, and Firefly--the latter seeking to destroy this blog with psychotic sock-puppet provocations and endless cut and paste Pizza Boy jags, which none of the usual sermonizing hypocrites ever utter a word of disapproval about. Again--I did NOT post the "heartland" invective above--that was Firefly in his psychotic sock-puppet mode.

  23. The Master should head to Route 22 or Fordham Toyota and return his Toyota and then walk to his nearest Jeep dealer. The Master should be driven by Jeep just like the WFAN New York Yankees Radio Network driven....

    By Jeep.

  24. Finally, I would never slime "heartland" working people with the broad brush accusation of racism. A lot of the white working class voted for Trump out of economic frustration and desperation thanks to decades of deindustrializing "trade" (read: investor-rights) treaties that deprived them of their livelihoods--abetted by the usual diversionary culture-war mythologies emanating from Fox News. I blame the corporate class in general--and its neoliberal shock troops in both major parties--for the plight of working class America, some of whom mistakenly direct their justified rage at people of color, not at the corporate elite that is the real source of their misery.

    Clear enough, Dickhead Allen? Now--when you indulge your own little volleys of abuse, keep your targets straight.

  25. As I said, I expect you talk mean, disputable shit, like a demented human being and you never disappoint me.

    Little cunt.


  27. "Now be a good pussy and complain that you're being picked on."

  28. Mets are going to go on a little tear now, as they have many games against tankers. Then, collapse.

    Much as we complain, they are the juju gods' special whipping boy.

  29. Quoth Dick Allen, arbiter of civilized discourse: "Little cunt." Listen, you slavering nut: I did not post that "heartland" comment above that set you on a vituperative rampage of the kind that you advise everyone else but yourself to avoid. Now enough of you, ya' dumb hypocrite.

  30. I mean really, DICKhead--you think that idiotic "heartland" parody of an angry leftist was anything but diverisonary bait for idiots like yourself? It was some right-wing flame addict's crude notion of what a leftist is supposed to sound like--a leftist as depicted by Fox News. You are SO GULLIBLE and SO DUMB, DICKface.

    Now go treat us to another sermon about dialogic propriety while you sputter "little cunt" at the nearest target. LOL!

  31. You are, and will always be, just a little cunt.

  32. Thanks for reaffirming that you are a sexist pig (deeming the word "cunt" a term of opprobrium) and idiot and hypocrite! Are you afraid of cunts? Maybe a little closeted gayness going on there, DICKface! Quite a little resume you have going there, DICKface!


  33. Work up this morning to -- happily -- discover that the Devil Rays actually LOST a game last night. And then I skimmed the above nonsense.

    I'm a big fan of Monty Python. Let's keep the discourse civil here, and take a page out of that group's book -- as in --

    "Your mother was a hamster and your father smelt of elderberries."

    Still gets across the same basic disregard for the other. Plus, you probably only have to smack someone with it the once.

  34. Hear, hear, Joe FOB!

    And yeah, it's a good news/bad news sort of thing.

    The Rays lost two games!

    Both to the Red Sox, including the 4-0 Chris Sale.


  35. And yes, Carl, I am. It was a weird thing. When we moved from NJ to MA when I was a kid my late father—a disappointed NY Baseball Giants fan—started rooting for the Red Sox.

    I mean, think of it: You're besieged in a new town rooting for a team most of your friends hate. And your father starts rooting for that team, too. Even though he has no attachment to them.

    So I started rooting for the Packers—his least favorite football team. (He liked the Jints in football, too—though in his later years he threw them over for the Pats.)

    It was a very healthy relationship. But ever since, I've been a Packers fan. Much less involved than in baseball—but hey, it's nice to root for the one community-owned team in sports.

  36. We need to show Anon some love and respect (once he deserves it). He's just a lonely lad, no girlfriend, or friends of any kind. Maybe he'll learn how normal people discourse. He MUST be desperate for conversation to come on to this blog, filled with nice people who just want to peacefully chat about the Yankees (and flame everyone for any reason). Anon, you play nice, I'm sure the rest of us will as well. Come on and show us that you can..........

  37. Kevin the liar and fraud, makes up stats about Odor's defense and others to impress people with his nonexistent knowledge. Hey psycho--get some fucking help already and get a life aside from obsessing about a baseball corporation.


    See the following:

    Anonymous Kevin said...
    Joey Gallo currently has a 3.5 WAR for the season which is pretty damned good. I for one hope that we keep him next year, and just SEE. He is a player that the old stats (not denigrating "old stats" because when you know what to look for....) won't, at first glance appreciate.

    IMHO, the two positional players who must be moved are Sanchez and Torres, especially Torres. We should get some decent value for him due to his potential (there are always "miracle workers who believe, or can bring him around), but especially because he's cheap. Torres is not a SS, and we have a better second baseman already. It will amaze some (all) of you that the analytics have Odor has an above average second baseman. Obviously DJ will be at second for a few more years, barring injury.

    September 3, 2021 at 1:52 AM
    Anonymous Anonymous said...
    Kevin, you pathetic bullshit artist and worm. Odor has a 2021 defensive WAR of ZERO. His 2020 defensive WAR was MINUS 0.4. You just make shit up to promote your personal faves. You're a fraud and a liar and a moron.

    September 3, 2021 at 4:53 AM


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