Thursday, September 9, 2021

You little wretches are this close...

I just spent a chunk of precious Thursday morning time--time I could have spent watching the new Star Trek: Lower Decks, or celebrating today's birth anniversary of the great Neil Hamilton, who played Commissioner Gordon on Batman, or even getting work done--I just spent that time deleting comments that have nothing to do with Yankees, baseball, or just hanging out with people who like, or like to make fun of, a lot of the same things.   

You have no idea how close you are to the return of moderated comments. No idea.

Do not engage the trolls. If you engage the trolls, I'll assume you are a troll and your comment will be deleted. And if I have to spend another Lower Decks-worth of time deleting comments, I will not hesitate to launch the moderated option. Just try me. 


  1. Amen brother, by all means send the trolls to the space under the bridge or wherever the unredeemable spawn of Satan are deemed to spend eternity.
    The Unforgiving Archangel

  2. Wholeheartedly agree. We already get enough trolling from Boone and his lineups. There's simply no room for more.

  3. I don't agree with Mustang.
    Some of the trolls can be annoying but Duque's suggestion of ignoring them is the best method in the long term. Also, I get a bit of perverse amusement watching some self-destruct and foam at the mouth. Ignored, they will eventually go away. I'm not a big fan of arbitrary censorship. However, I can do without the testimonials for Dr Erlu's potions and incantations solving all of life's problems.

  4. It is not lost on me that this entire blogosphere is one elaborate troll of the entirety of the Yankee organization in all it's facets. So of course we have our own trolls, like barnacles growing on barnacles.

    But yes Mustang, I promise to be good. I have resolved to only respond to those who post with a name or pseudonym.

    Maybe I can get a little scolding later? Just a little!? [wink wink!]

  5. I posted this earlier.

    TheWinWarblist said...
    Good morning Commentariat. After reading Duque's post about our, ahem, "problem" I have resolved to only respond to those who post with a name or pseudonym. Which will be a challenge what with my general lack of self control, anger, logorrhea and drunkenness. Please know that if an unattributed post appears that I will excoriate it in my heart and head, but not in the comments. You will be able to hear the dulcet tones on my fuming rage for real if we ever pull off the Zoom game hang out.

    September 9, 2021 at 10:30 AM

    But now there's the possibility that Mustang will scold us? Scold me specifically? Perhaps vigorously!?!?!! Oh oh!! It is enough to make one swoon!!! Now I don't know what to do!!

  6. Carl,

    Ignoring has not worked for the last five years. Deleting might.

  7. Shhazzaam to that. Thanks, Mustang.

  8. I am more than willing to help moderate. I did it for a living in the 90s, believe it or not.

  9. Bitty, Mustang, I also would be happy to moderate.

  10. After the first few times that I was mauled by"you know who ", I. started coming in to show support and appreciation. I had no idea what was going on, but by nature I won't be passive when attacked. Everyone knows the nature of the beast, I'm very happy to be done with the vitriolic exchanges.

  11. I second that emotion for the esteemed Mr. bit and the Warbling Warblist to moderate or at least be enabled to delete nastiness. I volunteer for picking up the cost of a year of paid moderation if it comes down to it.

    I also volunteer to pick up first round at the designated near-stadium watering hole for all of the huckleberries as long as it is after we no longer have to worry about the plague and can actually shake hands like real hu-mans.

  12. I third the emotion for adding Bitty and Winnie to the Mod Squad, they are my Dream Team, and ALWAYS cut through the crap with surgical precision!


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