Friday, October 22, 2021

A Few Superlatives for Perusal :

Despite the listing of team mediocrities and failures posted by El Duque ( generating boredom ), the Yankees did have some notable achievements......

1.  Stanton had " top exit velocity on a single."

2.  The team led the majors in runners thrown out at home ( 22 or 23).

3.  The team led majors in runners thrown out on the basepaths ( ties into #2, above ).

4.  The team led league in fewest assists from the outfield. 

5.  The team led majors in games with multiple errors.

6.  The team led the league in total golden and platinum sombreros. 

7.  A Yankee had the "worst game pitched " in majors ( S. Heaney).

8.  A Yankee pitcher had" league best closer meltdown" ( see El Chappy; sweaty hat and three HRs).


  1. Good to know, Alphonso!

    And don't forget, leading the AL in GIDPs, and finishing second in the majors in that category.

  2. Must not leave out Voit's sloth-like, slow-motion foot speed.

  3. I picked a bad season to quit snorting glue...

  4. I’m so proud of this team - the Yankees are positively lethal.

    To themselves.


  5. But the analytics, as we are patronized and lectured about even occasionally on here, are to be trusted and we have just to ignore all this you know meaningless facts about how bad this team really is

  6. Who are you going to believe, Scotland? The analytics or your lying eyes?


    1. Yes who are you going to believe me or your own eyes I remember as a wee boy going to the pictures on a Saturday morning and hearing Groucho say that to dear flustered Margaret Dumont

      Look I get it I've never been to and probably will never go a baseball game in my life
      I normally keep quiet about tactics and trades and such but even to me a few thongs make no sense

      A Yankee line up that plays 81 games games in a stadium especially designed for left-handed power hitters and ending up with a lineup full of right-handed hitters then panicking at the trade deadline and giving away a lot of promising players in a desperate attempt to get some left-handed bats in the lineup there is no excuse for this

      Also so I think I'm correct in saying the starting five rotation consisted of Cole then for starters who I believe between them had pitched the grand total of 2 innings in the previous two seasons that is the sort of lineup I would expect from a small market team who just take the chance that the pictures would have a good comeback season not what I expect from a team with the second highest payroll in all of baseball and supposably one of the favourites for the world series

      I understand that all teams heavily rely on analytics but surely the information is only as good as those interpreting it?

      Apart from bullpen arms where we seem to be able to pick up decent players every other pitching and position players we don't seem to to-do well in

      As far as I can tell we gave up 12 prospects and in return are left with Gallo and an exit in the stupid one game playoff tie
      That is simply not good enough any olla baseball team who spent the money that the Yankees that and made the trades that the Yankees that would see they're general manager booted out the door and the manager would probably be sacked as well but it seems to be a bit of a boys' club and no one is accountable no matter how poor the season is is and and looking at next season with arbitration rises I don't see where the money is is to improve the team

      I love baseball I think about it a lot during the day there is basically no one here in Scotland amongst my friends and workmates to talk to about it so I have really enjoyed being on this fan site and especially the friendship shown to me by my fellow Yankees fans so thank you once again for putting up with me and my probably naive opinions on baseball

  7. Adam Ottavino slamming the final nail in Boston’s coffin.

    Just like Brian drew it up.

  8. Do analytics point out which players are quitters, or are loathe to keep their minds on the task at hand? What kind of fuckery is Hal-Cash be up to? I've seen worse Yankee teams when it comes to talent. But I have never seen them play with such disinterest. I washed my hands of both the NFL and the NBA, for various reasons, and Life continued. It's not a good sign when hardcore fans such as many of you who follow this blog, along with myself. What happens if\when money gets tight? Maybe municipalities will sell bonds to keep their respective teams from taking their toys elsewhere. Ummmmm maaaaybeeee. 😱 Kevin

  9. If a player can't keep his mind on his task, he will perform poorly. So yes, that can be quantified and analyzed.

  10. One step closer to the lowest-rated World Series since the advent of the wireless.

  11. Barney, only the outcomes and the Degree can be analyzed. Not causation, how could a model differentiate between laziness v cumulative injuries?. Naturally, when putting together a team the for the for the future.


  12. But laziness will result in poor performance. If a player is lackadaisical, it will be apparent to his coaches from high school on up. If he's well motivated, that will be apparent too. Motivation matters only to the extent that it affects on-field performance, which can be measured.

  13. Yes, well it IS the teasing of the numbers for possible motivational problems that shows the difficulty in relying on numbers. I doubt that such models exist. At least on the small scale. KEVIN

  14. Scotland, the feelings are mutual—and your opinions are far from naive as you've just demonstrated (once again).

  15. No difficulty in relying on numbers. A guy bats .150, he sucks. A guy bats .400, he's great--whether it's because of lack of talent or lack of motivation is beside the point. Not sure what your point is, other than to find another ridiculous excuse to belittle analytics.

  16. Scotland, you're doing just fine. Kevin


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