Tuesday, October 19, 2021

Boone is renewed, and Yankee fans are crazy with delight!



  1. Bosch is having a hernia operation soon.

    I think I'll join him.

  2. John returns in '22 . . . for fewer games!

  3. At least some good(ish) news,,,,,, to listen to The Master, the only reason I'll tune in for games next year.


  4. Look at it this way, they set the bar low right off the bat. You can now go into this off season with the lowest of expectations. Hal says you’re welcome

  5. At least Boone is getting the experience now that he didn't have when they hired him.

  6. Listening to Jessica Mendoza's commentary on the NLCS on ESPN radio: it's as though Suzyn Waldman had been abducted by space aliens and received a brain transplant from a superadvanced civilization from the Andromeda Galaxy.


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