Monday, November 1, 2021

If the Yankees need a stopgap shortstop, how about bringing back an old friend?

Normally, I don't do "How abouts...?" I'm more a "What ifs...?" kinda guy with an occasional "All things equal, who'd ya...?" I don't tell the Yankee brain trust what to do. They have elite professional scouts and the finest analytics experts that money can buy. So... how about if I ditch "How abouts...?" 

That said, how about solving the central issue facing the Yankees this winter: 

WTF to do about SS. 

On this matter, the Death Barge has wide open options, impeded only by Hal Steinbrenner's willingness to pony up the money. They can sign one of five impending free agents  - you know their names, much like George Carlin's list of words we cannot say - who could man SS for the next three years. Or they can sign a stopgap SS and wait for their their two best prospects - you know their names, like Scylla and Charybdis - to emerge. 

This we know: Brian Cashman will do whatever the fuck Brian Cashman decides to do. If we've learned anything over the years, it's that it is pointless to predict Cashman's next move. It never happens as suggested.

But if predicting 2022 is a mere parlor game, it still beats pondering the Astros still winning the World Series. Frankly, I'm surprised more bloggers have not mentioned the chance of the Yankees returning to their old friend, Didi Gregorius.

Ten reasons why Sir Didi could be a perfect stopgap SS in 2022.

1. He remains a beloved fan favorite. 

2. He bats LH, which we desperately need.

3. He's coming off a terrible, injury-plagued season in Philly, where he hit .209 with 13 HRs in 103 games. His on base percentage was - gulp - .270. He has been a huge disappointment, and Philadelphia is not a fun town in which to be such a thing.

4. He'll earn $15.25 million this season, his final year in Philly. If the Yanks assume most or all of his contract, the Phillies would probably jettison him for next to nothing.

5. He'll turn 32 in February - not young, but not too old for a bounce-back season.

6. He wouldn't stand in the way of Volpe or Peralza. If either rakes at Scranton, they'd have a clear path to SS.

7. Two years ago, in the Covid-shortened season, he hit .284 with 10 HRs (in two months.) 

8. He's been a great teammate. No clubhouse issues.

9. He can handle the pressures of NYC. His best years happened here.

10. He begot one of John Sterling's greatest homer-hollers: "YES, IN-DIDI... THIS IS THE DAWNING OF THE AGE OF GREGORIUS!"

Okay, ditch the first nine reasons. No. 10 is still enough. 


  1. I'd take Didi at short and Romine catching along with Kyle.

    It's not like we're winning anything next year, and it would be nice to see them back in the stripes.

  2. Please, JM, no more talk about Romine! He’s not here and hasn’t been for several seasons and he was nothing much to begin with. He’s certainly no improvement over Kyle, who actually has a positive WAR - in fact, he’d be a downgrade.

    And if you think Cashman is going to jettison his boy Gary, you’re dreaming. Truth is, Romine isn’t in the same league with either of them. A catcher with a negative WAR is not going to be ringing any bells with the Yankees crack analytic team.

  3. Replies
    1. Wow. That was good. Took my genius brain a minute to get that one!!

  4. Here's an idea, just let Wade play SS next year.

  5. Didi kind of fell of a cliff, as much as I like the personality Wade would probably offer more at this point. Wow, never thought I’d write that

  6. OK, OK, Dick. I've just had a soft spot for Romine since they let him go. And since we're not going to be rid of Sanchez anytime soon, I figured what the hell.

  7. As much as I loved Didi, I agree that Wade would make sense as the stop gap. I have zero expectations for this team next year, so why not give the kid a chance to play everyday,,,

  8. JM - I met Romine years ago in the AFL, and in one brief moment came to the conclusion that he was, ah, how should I say this: not exactly a charming individual. What’s really interesting about Romine is that he topped out just above 700 OPS in his last two seasons here and dropped off dramatically these past two years after becoming a free agent.

  9. I love Sir Did. But you are really losing it now, man.


  10. Scylla and Charybdis

    Are these diseases that are related to chlamydia?

  11. Part of the issue with the Yankees has been their lack of chemistry or, dare I say it, joy. There are two major sourpusses and two players on the spectrum in the starting nine. That makes it tough.

    Say what you want about Didi, and admittedly he has struggled these last couple of years, but he is a positive influence in the clubhouse, and raises the level of comradery considerably.

    If his failings were injury related and he's healthy now
    I vote yes. (If he can be had at the right price.)

  12. Love me some Didi. But if it's a stopgap we're after, I say just put in Wade, with Velazquez as his very capable backup.

    And you know, they were saying during last night's snoozefest that Carlos Correa is now second in World Series RBI to Pee Wee Reese. Don't know if that's true, but he has certainly produced in October.

    If Coops can't build a contender—which he can't—and HAL won't fire Coops—which he won't, I say sign away, sign away.


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