Monday, November 29, 2021

In 2022, the Mets will own New York. For Yankee fans, that might not be a bad thing


Well, the worst (or best?) that could happen may have happened: 

Max Scherzer is a Met. And the team's owner might not be done writing checks. 

Meanwhile, the Yankees today signed minor league SS Jose Peraza, 27, who hit .204 last year.

Okay, breathe. 

I still believe Brian Cashman might be technically wily by playing the long game - that is, waiting until after MLB's labor dispute is settled, and then acquiring free agents at theoretically reduced prices. Waiting might be the smart way to go.

But the Mets are going to score a lot of tabloid back pages over the next two months, and once the lockout begins, the Yankees will be an afterthought.

This presents an existential threat to the Yankees, as New York's premier sports team. It will be the first time in Hal Steinbrenner's ownership that "Food Stamps" feels actual financial pressure to win. Until now, winning has been simply part of his family spirit. If the Yankees lose, oh, well, the money keeps rolling in... 

The Bombers are about to become Gotham's second team. That means reduced home and away attendance, lower YES ratings and fewer games on national TV. Fewer sports talk shows will debate the Yankee bullpen. Fewer Yankee caps will show up on the streets. Fewer celebrities will be seen at games. 

Moreover, if the Yankees stumble - that is, if they produce a lineup as dreary and unwatchable as the 2021 team turned out to be - Hal could face financial issues that he never would have imagined. Don't get me wrong. He's a billionaire, and he will never face a financial hardship, as long as he lives. 

But one of these days, it will not be fun for Hal, anymore. 

And you know what? 

Maybe this is what we need.


  1. Maybe Cashman is having flashbacks and thinks the Agents are stalking him, so he won't take their calls?

  2. If the Yankees sit on their hands this season might have to go full circle and start rooting for the team that broke Ny’s heart back in the day. Let’s go… Dodgers?

  3. Yes, we must hit rock bottom to shake the lethargy from this franchise. Second to Mets, Knicks and even the Rangers. A Gotham afterthought..
    Then a tank and a rebuild with new ownership and GM. No.#2 or 3 in the draft and a bunch of young players, plus Dinosaurs on long expensive contracts.[ Other than Judge who you sign long-term, just because he's a true Yankee).

    It may hurt, but we came into this world in a burst of pain, so we are used to it.

  4. The big problem for me is I just don't see any light at the end of the tunnel. Every year we seem to slip a little farther down the pole and management could care less. If they were really serious about turning it around it starts with a new Manager. Hal said it's on the players to be better. Well correct me if I'm wrong isn't it the Managers job to get them to play better? Silly me for thinking that I guess that's not the new Yankee way.


  5. And now Seager has signed a ten year deal to play in Texas.

    As if that will get the Rangers above 500.

    Though, over the lifetime of the deal, Seager might get there before his team does

  6. "The Marlins have announced the acquisition of Gold Glove catcher Jacob Stallings from the Pirates. In exchange, Pittsburgh acquires righty Zach Thompson in addition to right-handed pitching prospect Kyle Nicolas and outfield prospect Connor Scott. Miami was connected to Stallings earlier this morning."

  7. Looks like Hal/Brain won't get the chance to put the ol' squeeze play on the remaining free agents. All the leverage has gone to the remaining stars which will force Hal to show his true character. Looking like today will go into the books as "The Day of Yankee Infamy". OTOH, they shouldn't have paid today's prices, but by doing nothing they put the knife against their own throat. Oy!

  8. Sawyer said to be signing with the rangers. I can't remember when I've seen so many free agents come off the board and NYY sits with thumbs up the butt.

  9. Hey, you know that Yasiel Puig is floating around free as a, well available. He is everything that Hal likes in a player. He could be had, cheaply.

  10. they are holding out to bid against themselves for Mitch Moreland and Cameron Maybin, then throw in a dose of Wade LeBlanc

  11. I like it! Keepin that payroll down so that we have flexibility when the trade deadline comes up....


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