Saturday, December 25, 2021

For the 2,021st time, Christmas wins war on Christmas


  1. Merry Christmas to all, and to all a good night. Once it is night, of course. I mean, it's kind of early in the morning right now, although because it's overcast in the Big Apple, you might think it's night or night-ish. But it's not. So have a fine day.

  2. On behalf of all of me I say - Thanks!

    Same to you.

    Same to everyone.


  3. IIHIIC is the gift that gives me hope in humanity each and every day.

  4. Dick, there are medications for your condition.


  5. Well, Win, I should have limited my optimism to the happy, optimistic crowd that populates these pages.


  6. And to all of you who have prevented me from a total, hysterical collapse this year, my heartfelt thanks and a very happy Christmas

  7. I hope that all you guys had a Great & Merry Christmas, with many more to follow🎅


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