Friday, December 3, 2021

Make noise, everybody! Ten reasons to get super-excited about the 2022 Yankees!

1. Free agent signee Jose Peraza!

2. Extra round of playoffs means games in November!

3. Players' uniforms will have ads! (According to the latest union proposal.) 

4. Bold new initiatives to speed up the game!

5. The return of loyal fans!

6. The MLB web page, cleansed. (As seen below: Tickets on sale now!)

7. Aaron Boone's no-nonsense managing style.

8. Gary Sanchez's new defensive adjustments.

9. The ongoing Yankee rivalry with Boston.

10. The stewards of our National Pastime. (Here's looking at you, Hal.)  


  1. Wow, the players have actually proposed ads on the uniforms?

    If so...I'm out. Oh, I'll hang around with you guys here—you're too much fun to give up—but I won't give MLB another penny.

  2. They already have the Nike swoosh. Because Nike is everywhere.

  3. Hold on..We have Jose Perazo all our problems are solved raise the 2022 World Series flag

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. Blogger Doug K. said...
    Mr Duque,

    Really enjoyed this. Perhaps it should be a children's book.


    We've all pretty much vowed to stop giving the Yankees money.
    What we need is to figure out a way to get THEM to pay US.

    Which brings to mind an old Abbot and Costello routine that I am actually making up right now.

    C: Hi Abbot. Mr. Fields. Hey I was wondering what they call those squiggles of hair that Orthodox Jews have instead of sideburns.

    A: Payus.

    C: Why do I have to pay you? Can't you just tell me what those squiggles are called?

    Mr. F: Payus!

    C: I'm not giving you a dime! Why are you even involved in this!!!! OK, you know what? Here's a quarter.

    Abbot looks at it, shrugs and puts it in his pocket.

    C: Now tell me... What do they call those squiggles of hair that Orthodox Jews have instead of sideburns.

    A: Payus.

    C: I just paid you! I gave you a quarter!

    And so on. This would kill at Grossingers in 1954.

  6. Doug, in the 60s you could've done a bit using the Who and Them.

  7. JM,

    Beaten to it by Slappy Squirrel (Animainiacs)

    Great clip!

  8. If we get really lucky, players will dress up like comic book super heroes!

  9. Doug, you are en fuego.

    And while I don't like the swoosh, at least they're the people making the damned uniform.

    Anything beyond that...I never know how European soccer fans put up with those huge ads for things like UAE Airlines on their lads' jerseys.


  10. ...dress up like comic book superheroes...

    Isn't that what those yellow uniforms were in Boston supposed to be?

  11. "No, Daddy! That isn't Xander! It's PISS MAN!!!"


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