Friday, December 10, 2021

The El Duquecast

In his previous post, El Duque identifies the true challenge of our current situation. How can we  remain participatory Yankee fans when we hate the league, the team's owners, and its management? 

How can we still watch our favorite team with out buying into and enriching a system that does not value, regard, or reward us? And, perhaps just as importantly, and I'm paraphrasing here, how can we get revenge?

At first I thought I would look to historical precedent.  The great protesters who brought about real change. I dusted off my Ouija Board and contacted Mahatma Gandhi. His advice was simple. D-o-n-'t. E-a-t. T-h-e. B-a-l-l-p-a-r-k. F-o-o-d.  

This was good advice and will certainly cut into Yankee revenue but it doesn't really go far enough. Also, most of us don't go to the ball park anyway for a number of reasons. 

We need a solution that will work for all of of us and I think I've got it. 

The El Duquecast  

Much like the similarly named Manningcast, we don’t watch the games on YES, we watch El Duque and his co-host, I’ll say Mustang, watch the games on YES.

For starters we would get better commentary. Well, more honest commentary anyway. Plus they could bring on interesting guests, think Alphonso.  

The El Duquecast would provide enjoyable features such as, “The Seventh Inning Rant” done by any one of a number of us. Hoss could do, “This Day in Yankee History” ZachA could text in salient statistical data.  Winnie could periodically phone in and threaten to kill everyone in the front office…

I do a decent Rizzuto. I could call an inning or two. I’m sure someone does a good Mel Allen. 

Bottom line:  

We get to watch AND get a better entertainment product because, lord knows, it ain't the team on the field. 


The Yankees don't get the money. 

It's a win/win. 


  1. We need somebody who can imitate The Master.

    I'll read the in-game commercials.

  2. I think that's sheer genius, Doug. And glad to see you're back with us, oh agronomist of the urban spaces.

  3. I’m telling you, the answer is zoom. It’s super cheap and I can set it up. Everybody tunes in and we get to shoot the shit. People can have the TV or radios on in the background and we can have a mass discussion while it’s going on. We will get stronger and they will get weaker. It’s a win-win.


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