Monday, December 27, 2021

With the Giants and Jets "Tankathons" in full bloom, can't MLB find a way to avoid rewarding teams for losing?

Yesterday, I watched the NY "Football" Giants phone in one of their most dismal performances since the days of Rocky Thompson and Vernon Vanoy. They lost 34-10 to Philadelphia, though the score is misleading. If the Eagles could catch a football, it would have been 48-3.  

The Giants are now 4-11, and I curse each of their four threadbare victories. They cost us not only a higher draft position, but they apparently ensure another season of a coaching staff that, around this time next December, will be getting canned. Actually, though, I don't blame the players, coach or even the water boy. It's the owners - John Mara and Steve Tisch - for whom the phrase "nepotistic rich pissants" just isn't enough. The Giants' horror show is so bad, so top-down, that I now refuse to watch movies with Rooney or Kate Mara. I see their faces and want to yell, "FIRE GETTLEMAN, YOU CONNECTICUT TRAMP!"

The worst part of fanhood is having to root against your team, because it's the only way to find hope. 

With the Giants, tanking is a Christmas tradition. Four games into 2021-22, fans read the handwriting. Now, with two games left, there is no reason to win. None. Thus, I can guarantee the Giants will win their final games. Management will claim it gives "momentum" into next year. What a crock. 

According to the internet, the next MLB players union agreement will include the establishment of a draft lottery, similar to the NBA's. Long ago, pro basketball recognized the rampant willingness of franchises to "tank,"-so it imposed a lottery on the draft. It's sad that baseball needs one, but at least its honest. At least MLB will be quietly acknowledging how corrupt its system has become.

I have a plan to end the Tankathons: Postseason playoffs for the bottom eight. 

Let the teams with the worst records face off in best-of-seven series (no days off.) Winners get to go home. The losers must continually play. And the worst of the worst has to tour Afghanistan, Burma and the Middle East. 

Don't reward shitty franchises. The Tankathon World Series.

May the worst team lose!


  1. I have nothing to say on this subject. At the moment, baseball and its assorted problems are the least of my concerns.

    But I will say that "Rare Exports," a Finnish Christmas film (with a fair amount of English) from 2010, is a strange and amusing way to spend 82 minutes. It's on Amazon Prime, rentable for $3.99 or with a sub to IMdb.

    Other than that, I got nothin'.

  2. I think that's brilliant, Duque—even revolutionary!

    I'm not a Giants fan, but I often have the game on in the background, and it just amazes me to see how bad this team is. I know, I know: lots of injuries, Covid stuff, and other bad luck.

    But how the team can have—and be satisfied with—two quarterbacks on the level of Mike Glennon and Jake Fromm beggars belief. I realize that their front line is awful and they are missing all sorts of weapons. But their incompetence is still staggering. There is NOBODY else, no promising young QB who was cut or nobody from the Canadian League who can play better than that?

    Their GM makes Cashman look like a genius.

  3. Before Sunday, we already knew we had no offensive line or defensive line.

    Now we know we have NO backup quarterback.

    Listen to every post game presser Joe Judge does. He says how good the other team is, then he says we have to get better, and then he says we saw positives. EVERY TIME. Judge has to go. So does Daniel Jones. His numbers are almost identical to Sam Darnold's first three years. Yet we hear Judge and Jones are coming back next year. Kill me now...

  4. This current version of the Giants may be the worst sports team I have ever followed. Worse than the Yankees of the late sixties. Worse than the Giants of the seventies. Worse than the Knicks of the eighties. Worse than the Rangers of the late nineties...

    Wow, I've rooted for a lot of bad teams.

    Yesterday was a low point for me. I have more belief in the Washington Generals.

    We complain, rightly so, about the Yankees but the New York Football Giants are the standard for inept ownership, management, coaching, and playing.

    At least the Yankees win games. We're pissed that they don't win championships. Right now the Giants are so bad I'd settle for a field goal with two minutes to go in the first half!

    Wow, they suck! And what's worse is, I still fucking watch.

    Is there something wrong with me? Is my life so devoid of the opportunity of experience that I spend a part of my Sunday watching this crap? Is there NOTHING else I can do with my time? A push up? Clean a drawer?

    As to Mr. Duque's idea... I'm adamantly opposed! Not because it wouldn't be a solution to the problem. But because I would end up watching the Tankathon World Series and apparently I've got enough issues already.


  5. El Duque, you said: "...I don't blame the players, coach or even the water boy. It's the owners..."


    This indictment sounds vaguely familiar.


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  7. Doug...nothing beats the ineptitude of the Knicks since 2001 starting with Scott Layden as GM and reinforced by following GMs such as Isiah Thomas and Phil Jackson. They had marginal success for a short time with Glenn Grunwald but over the past 2 decades, the Knicks have not only been an abysmal failure but they've become the laughingstock of the NBA. Much of the blame goes to that drunken fool James Dolan. Bring Back Ernie Grunfeld!

    So while the last decade of the Giants have been a lost 10 years, nothing says failure quite like the NY Knickerbockers. And by the way, what a horrible name for a sports team. Almost no one understands the reference. It's like naming a Pittsburgh sports franchise The Pantaloons or a Boston team the Britches.

  8. Maybe we can use Binary Scam Recovery to get our lost time and money back from these clowns...

  9. Carl Weitz, as a big Washington Irving fan, I like "Knickerbockers." At least it's something local and meaningful. (I also like "Rangers"—but to be named for a molester of underaged girls who was an honorary Texas Ranger? Oy.)

    You're right about their ineptitude, though. The Knicks were the original NBA team in the original hotbed of basketball and they have 2 rings to show for it? The last one 48 years ago?

    And you're right about where the blame lies. New York sports teams are a walking, breathing (barely) argument for why monarchies and low estate taxes are bad ideas. The Dolans, the Maras, the Steinbrenners—time to move on!

  10. But still, I think the basketball team should be renamed. But I'm all for changing Tarrytown to Knickertown. On second though, that might sound racist.

  11. I agree. The Knicks since 1999 have been the worst show in town.

    But dollar for dollar, the best investment in New York sports is clearly this blog, where i get to read lines that make me snort my coffee like:

    "I now refuse to watch movies with Rooney or Kate Mara. I see their faces and want to yell, "FIRE GETTLEMAN, YOU CONNECTICUT TRAMP!" "


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