Thursday, January 6, 2022

Lockout Singalong: The Simpsons' ode to Upstate New York



  1. You're a very good sport, Duque. But to me, that just confirms the fact that The Simpsons long ago lost its fastball.

    Upstate New York "was never that great"? American history from some 22-year-old, semi-literate gag writer. Why do you think it was called the Empire State, asshole?

    Upstate New York (itself a rather condescending, ignorant appellation, referring to everything from the Yonkers city line to Lake Champlain and Ohio) was one of the most prosperous, innovative, and intellectually dynamic sections of the U.S. from the opening of the Erie Canal to c. 1965 or so.

    Then, sure, things slumped as our brilliant national policymakers and business wizzes decided that it was a good thing to have all our goods made by child slaves in Asia and Latin America.

    But the best take that The Simpsons—once the sharpest political satire on American TV—has on that is a nasty, mocking song? Time to hang 'em up, Bart.

  2. I remember seeing that when it aired and my wife and I laughed like crazy.

    I'm from Schenectady, and it just seemed to hit the nail on the head, even if upstate was great once upon a time. Being a teenager during its decline was a trip.

    And no, I'll never forgive GE. Ever.


  3. Hoss,

    "American history from some 22-year-old, semi-literate gag writer."

    Uh, there are no semi-literate gag writers. :)

    That said, don't worry. The country's perception of the greatness that is Upstate NY remains intact and always will.

    When this Simpson's episode has entered the dustbin of history people will still be humming, "The Erie Canal Song" on the way to work.

  4. Sorry, but it just grates on me. It's the same sort of presentism that makes us so ignorant. Otto the bus driver could have written it: 'Man, this area sucks! But hey, it sucked when I was in high school, too, so it ALWAYS sucked!'


  5. Hoss,

    Fair enough. The writer was from Canada (A multiple Emmy Award winning semi-literate BTW) so maybe it's an Alabama/Mississippi thing. Perhaps the concept of "Upstate NY" is a thing north of the boarder. I don't know.

    BTW - I agree with you. It was not a good song. It could have been a lot sharper.

    As to Western NY...

    As I've written here I did my four years reading the Democrat and Chronicle and wondering if Greece bested West Irondequoit on the gridiron. Reveling in the illustrated wit that was Tank McNamara whilst washing down my beef on wick with the flagon of phlegm that is Jenny Cream Ale.

    Flagon of Phlegm. Band name? Something that comes with a purchase? "Order now and we'll throw in a Flagon of Phlegm. Just pay shipping and handling"

    But I digress and sadly, have no actual point.

  6. Do the Finger Lakes count as upstate? Very pleasant there, esp in season. If you visit, make sure to get to the Yates County Fair. While waiting in line for your double sugar funnel cake hoping that you won't lose your great seat at the demolition derby, you'll hear a newly arrived family talk about the wonder of it all in Spanish, and a bunch of busty and brawny adolescents out on date night murmur to each other in old Dutch. God Bless New York.

  7. Big Demolition Derby fan! Sort of takes me back to those lazy Summer afternoons spent at the Roman Coliseum. Good times!


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