Thursday, January 27, 2022

So, the Yankees have a new coach, with a new hitting philosophy... uh-huh...

In case you missed it, the Yankees have a new hitting coach, a fellow named Dillon Lawson. (Actually, I think I read somewhere that they now have three.) This is big news. 

Did you know that the reason the team fanned 1,482 times last year - the sixth most in baseball - was the failed batting coach, Marcus Thames?

Yep. It was Thames' fault. And this new guy has created ripples in the Yankee Matrix with a stunning new philosophy: "Hit strikes hard." (Edit note: See comments.) 

Yep. That's it. "Hit strikes hard." This goes directly into the teeth of Thames' flawed philosophy, which was: "Miss strikes hard." 

This is big, a sea change. Instead of missing strikes, the Yankees will seek to hit them. Hard. 

Wow... I mean... WOW! Calgon Beauty Bath, take me away! 

Insert sigh here.

You know, while the players and owners dig their mutual grave, it's becoming difficult just to mock these assholes anymore. They transcend parody, even in a burlesque sort of way. And seriously... let's wish Lawson good luck. Here is his Wikipedia thumbnail, and I want to stress that this is real, not bad satire. 

Dillon Lawson is an American professional baseball hitting coach for the New York Yankees of Major League Baseball, beginning in 2022.

Lawson attended Transylvania University, where he played college baseball as a catcher and first baseman.[1] After graduating, he became a coach at Lindenwood University from 2007 to 2009, IMG Academy from 2010 through 2011, and Morehead State University from 2009 through 2012, and Southeast Missouri State University from 2012 through 2015.[2] In 2016, Lawson was the hitting coach for the Tri-City ValleyCats, and in 2017 he coached for the University of Missouri.[3] In 2018, he coached for the Quad Cities River Bandits.[1]

Yep. Transylvania... Lindenwood... IMG... Morehead State... Southeast Missouri State... the Tri-City ValleyCats... the Quad Cities River Bandits... and the New York fucking Yankees. He's a 1980's Dolly Parton movie. But now he'll face the ultimate ceiling, the huge existential question: 

When did multimillionaire sluggers ever listen to batting coaches? 

Will Joey Gallo change? Will Luke Voit - (yeah, he'll probably be 1B again) - start hitting to the opposite field, as he did as a rookie? We know the answers: No frickin' way. They made it this far, earned a shitload of money, and they won't alter their swing for this year's organizational chum.

I think the Yankees should hire a Defensive Coordinator to call each pitch, and an Offensive Coordinator to handle at-bat strategy. Aaron Boone should simply hold a clipboard and yell things like, "LET'S GET TWO!" We need an Outfield Coach, an Infield Coach, a Catcher Coach and at least four pitching coaches, depending on spin rates, mph and BABIPs. Maybe an Exit Velo Coach? 

Surely, we'll see an offensive surge in 2022. What were thinking with that old strategy, "Miss strikes hard?" Yeesh. I'm glad we straightened it out.


  1. El Duque,
    Usually your analysis and research is impeccable, but here your are wrong,
    His mantra is "Hit strikes HARD."
    There ,fixed it. Now you should feel much more reassured of this "under the radar" signing.
    [Sounds like an SU football recruit huh.]

  2. Every time I see “hit strikes hard” it immediately reminds me of Better Off Dead
    “ Go that way very fast. If something gets in your way,turn.”

  3. Hey, he was a coach for the Tri-City Valley Cats, whose games my sister has always enjoyed going to. Schenectady, Albany, know what they say, if you can make it there, you can make it anywhere.

    It's up to you--SchenectadyAlbanyTroy, Neeeww Yorrrrrk!

  4. “If you peel that back just one layer, it’s not that complicated,” Lawson explained. “When we swing, we want to swing at strikes. When we swing at strikes we’re likely to make more contact. When we make more contact, we’re likely to hit the ball harder.

    “The last little thing would be that when we make hard contact, if we can we would like to hit it over the infield. Sometimes we’d like to hit it over the outfield fence … all of that works,” Lawson continued. “But that would be the next layer.”

    There, feel better now? Pass the Maalox, please.

  5. Look how well "Build Back Better" is progressing. "Hit Strikes Hard" has a similar ring to it. How can t possibly fail.

  6. Look how well "Build Back Better" is progressing. "Hit Strikes Hard" has a similar ring to it. How can it possibly fail.

  7. Transylvania University, colloquially known as "Transy", is a private university in Lexington, Kentucky. It was founded in 1780 and was the first university in Kentucky. It offers 46 major programs, as well as dual-degree engineering programs, and is accredited by the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools. Its medical program graduated 8,000 physicians by 1859.[

    Does that mean that Trans....never mind it's politically incorrect...

  8. Tri-City to Quad City and now on the The Big City. He's movin' on up!

  9. I'm editing the piece to take in this important correction.


  10. This is what it's come to: we're getting all jazzed up cause the Yankees are hiring freshman lit majors to run their organization.

    I am still fuming that that bloated juicer was voted into the Hall of Shame and the likes of Bonds, Clemens and Rose are not.

    If Bud Selig was voted in - you may remember him as the man who was commissioner during the entire Roid Era - than how can anyone justify keeping the actual users out? Does anyone believe that Selig and all his fat cat cronies didn't know that steroids were rampant in the game? And then turned a blind eye when McGuire and Sosa saved baseball from itself? Reap the rewards and let the players take the hit?

    Seriously, I want to scream bloody murder. Fucking hypocritical bastards.


    It's okay. I'm fine now.


  11. Maybe I should have put all that in yesterday's blog.

  12. You know, it was also Lawson who invented the Transylvania Twist...

  13. But yeah, Winnie: Quad Cities AND Tri-Cities? Why, that's 7 ENTIRE "CITIES" in just two seasons!

    What's not to love??

  14. Hey Dick Allen, you just sounded like Ed Norton from the 25th Hour. There's a clever little short video out there waiting to Abe made and posted. Nice Work. Now you and Naturelle should go off and settle in a new town and raise a family.

  15. Also - I just watched the interview with Lawson and honestly - this man comes across as a brilliant, ground breaking innovator. Its just freakin' amazing. I'm very nearly speechless. Do you think I can hire him to come out and reorganize my garage before the season starts?

  16. El Duque:
    If God put on a Yankees uniform as a New York Yankee, he could not fix players like Stud To Dud Sanchez and Barren Hicks.

  17. Well - I think that if GOD endowed their lumber with super powers it would raise their BA by a few points. But Hal and Cash would never agree to sign HIM to a multi-year contract.

  18. I thought we had a guy with a latin name who bolted to the Mets.

    Or a woman in Tarpon, Florida who groomed Jessica Dominguez.

    Hey...his name is latino. Maybe he is the hitting coach.

  19. 7 ENTIRE "CITIES" in just two seasons! Hooray!

  20. Hey, EDB, that's entirely unfair! Hicks' golf swing is PERFECT!

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