Thursday, January 20, 2022

The Master awaits another season: "I have no plans to retire. I love it. The games are the easiest thing I do."

 A John Sterling Q&A, in which he swears twice. 

Fortunately, it's a transcript. 

I don't think the Yankiverse can handle hearing him say "bulls--t." 


  1. Sterling is going to be 84 this summer, and he said he still has a year and a half to go before this three kids finish college.

    He started late, but finished strong.

  2. Even as a transcript, I can perfectly imagine his voice in my head as I read it. I’m 43…. We had a little Panasonic radio in the basement, permanently tuned to WABC… so I guess he’s been talking to me since I was 9… it’s permanent. He’s it. What else from when I was 9 is still with me? That voice, that’s about it.

    John’s divorced btw, but he talks about her in the interview in the present tense. I think his ex wife’s name was Jennifer. He’s not over her.

  3. Do you think this is really John Sterling’s address and phone number

    808 Alexander Way, Edgewater NJ 07020. 201-945-1898

    I’d call and try to find out, but if I heard his voice I’d shit my pants.


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