Monday, January 10, 2022

Yanks shatter glass ceiling in Low Single A

You've come a long way, Yankees.

Stung from the indignity of losing their new hitting coach to the Mets, the Death Barge this weekend made a bit of history: 

It named 34-year-old Rachel Balkovec, a hitting instructor last year, to manage the Yankees' low single A league team in Tampa. 

She's the first woman to run a minor league affiliate. Last year, Balkovec's work with well-hyped bonus baby Jasson Dominiquez drew praise from colleagues.

Cheers to the Yankees for making this move, though we cannot dismiss the suspicion that it's a diversion - a feelgood moment to distract us from this loathsome lockout, which has now claimed Betty White, Sidney Poitier and Bob Saget. 

Obviously, this hiring seems the stuff of a Disney movie, where the greedy owner secretly seeks to destroy his franchise by hiring a beautiful, ditzy manager who clearly knows nothing about the game. But then her womanly instincts rise to the occasion, and after a series of setbacks, her team of lovable misfits wins the Florida State League pennant! Somebody, quick... get me Reese Witherspoon!  

Fortunately, Balkovec won't be judged by wins and losses - the greedy owner doesn't give a hickey about winning a single A pennant. But here's a thought: Her presence might just a positive impact on some 19- and 20-year-olds, in whom it's probably not a bad idea to instill respect for women.  

 I predict she does a great job, until the Mets steal her.


  1. El Duque, Seriously?
    Today's 19 and 20 year old boys have grown up totally brow-beaten with "girl power."
    Most are timid and pounded into submission by the modern society.
    I base this conclusion on my experiences with college and law school interns over 30 years and conversations with military friends of my son whom have transitioned into military trainers for military intelligence [I have forgotten the official term for the specialized training.]
    As a Master Sergeant told me, "first thing we do is let their balls fall down to their sacks." And this MS was only 32.

    But I get it; we need to show that this was a truly wonderful thing even if.

    Jim Jones has some Kool-Aid for you

  2. Absolute diversion. They will probably drop or reformulate the club next year, but they'll try to reap the PR and minor cash reward from this craven move.

    1. Craven? She’s got years of experience coaching and comes from the same driveline as the current mlb coaches. She has way more experience as a coach than Boone did when they hired him.

  3. Duque, Duque, Duque!

    Betty, Sidney, Saget, yes. But how could you leave out Dwayne Hickman? The star of the most subversive show of the late 50s and early 60s?

    Dobie Gillis was a great show. Simply for the father-son relationship that set the template for Homer and Bart. And Warren Beatty. And Tuesday Weld. And Zelda and Maynard.

    As for the rest of the post, you know what they say. Girls will be girls, and boys will whine about it. Good for her.

  4. As Maynard G. Krebs would say,

    You rang?

  5. Who will it be this week? Dick Van Dyke? Barbara Eden? Max Headroom?

  6. I believe it's now called the Florida Complex League, Duque. I'm not making this up! It is, of course, a cut above the Florida Inferiority Complex League.

  7. And most of her work has been with The Martian, huh? Well, he's certainly shined.

  8. Manny Banuelos signed to a minor league deal!

    1. Yeah way back in the days it was the killer B's and the baby Jesus behind the plate were so highly rated and had big expectations.

      The standard of prospects coming through has been bloody awful for years you wonder what on earth is going on with the development of these young players.

  9. I'm very disappointed that they did not hire a Transgender. This team is behind the times.


  10. What does a strength and conditioning coach know about running a baseball team?

    On the other hand, the Yankees hired her - they wouldn't just hire someone without any experience, would they?

  11. She will eventually replace Booney, she'd probably be tougher on the players.


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