Friday, February 18, 2022

Fifteen minutes. That’s how long the owners and players met yesterday.

 And 15 minutes could have saved them 15 percent or more on car insurance.

The fools. They are actually going to blow this up.


  1. Heston, beach, Stasiu Liberty...

  2. Sometimes you wonder if the world actually ended in 2020 and we’re just looping through hell at this point. No baseball, crazy politics and somehow Pete Davidson is the gold standard of nailing hot celebrities

  3. Goodbye Baseball...hello Cornhole and Pickleball...

  4. On point. Chances of MLB adopting a common sense approach simply for the betterment of the game itself? None. Yes, it’s a direct result of the owners greed and ignorance, but let’s be honest and say we, the fans, share some of the blame. Not happy with the current state of MLB? Fine. Want your voice to be heard? Then make it LOUD. Even our outrage may not be enough to dissuade the owners from their current path. They consider us to be mindless sheep, two-legged ATMS, faceless nothings who will placidly accept anything they shove down our throats. And if that doesn’t make us mad as hell, then I don’t what will.

  5. Very true, Dantes! But ranger, it won't be the end of baseball. Another baseball will emerge—and I think it's a good bet that will have to be cheaper, more accessible, and conducted with a lot more humility than "MLB."

    Not saying it will happen. Odds are they will patch something up; there's too much money at stake not to. But then, that's the same reason why people thought there would never be another big, European war before 1914.

    Kill the squid!

  6. El Duque:
    I heard twenty. Today they talk about matters of insignificance. This is how they operate. Neither side gives a crap about the fans. The players will not budge because they believe they fought for the power that they have gained. The owners will never open their books. Every team makes a huge profit and will not admit. The owners are spoiled rich morons who cannot get together on anything. The TV contracts are so huge, that it won't matter whether fans fill the ballparks. The game has already been ruined with the Ghost Runner on second. Now we will get seven teams in each league making the playoffs and the second best record chosing whom they wish to play. Strikeouts, homers a nd walks. A once great game now sucks!


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