Friday, March 18, 2022

Luke for a Lotto

The Yankees have dealt Luke Voit to SD for a 20-year-old RHP named Justin Lange. He'd ranked 16th on Baseball America's current Padres prospect meat list. Big Texan, sandwich pick in 2020 draft, has thrown 22 innings professionally. 

As for Luke... will miss him. Guy's a gamer. Loved the hop-step when he got one. Hit for us from the gitgo. We'll always have 2020. My son once said he looked like a circus strongman, and with his every appearance, I couldn't get it out of my mind. (Though I now go with Kraven the Hunter.) Hope he whacks 50 in San Diego. 


  1. That's a sad return. Wonder if the rumor I'm reading that Rizzo and him had an altercation over Voit treating the youngsters like garbage. Perhaps Cashman then just took the "best" deal already on the table to ship him out and move on.

  2. Voit will be missed. But as Carl Weitz pointed out earlier, Cashie had SD by the short and curlies and came up with..."Hope" Lange.

    Lange's ETA on the Yanks? Hmm, I think that's "never." Yeah, give a year or two, and I'm pretty sure we're at "never."

  3. Our man in the Ukraine: Volunteers "have found their way to a prearranged collection point, a gas station one mile from the Polish border near the western Ukrainian city of Lviv. One morning last week, Bekim Zeqiri, a 27-year-old U.S. Army veteran from Westhampton, N.Y., mixed there with other volunteers, wearing a New York Yankees ball cap and a shaggy dark beard. (Great picture in the article, free link below)

  4. Thanks Luke! I hope you shame Cashman with an excellent season.

    As for Justin Lange, he's already got a bum knee and Yankee development only know how to break ballplayers.

    Good luck, kid. Maybe you'll get lucky and get flipped to a team that knows how to develop, not break, their prospects.

  5. They found their Brooks Kriske replacement


  6. NOBODY could ever replace Brooks. He and Andrew Heaney will forever be emblazoned in the hearts and minds of Yankees fans everywhere.

  7. WSJ won't let me on, Unknown—but great to know! With out man in Ukraine, surely Putin will be vanquished soon!

    1. Horace...if you're blocked by a pay wall or click on an article only to discover that the monthly limit has been exceeded, you can still read the article by going to and pasting the article URL in the box.

  8. And Correa went to the TWINS.

    the small market TWINS.

    Not one more dime of my retirement Scrooge McDuck pile of doubloons will go to that debaucher of franchises, Hal.

    Fuck Hal, his bondholders and the polo pony he rode in on.

  9. Sorry, I take that back. We should not abuse polo ponies

  10. Thanks for the suggestion, Carl J. Weitz!


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