Sunday, March 20, 2022

Redsocks sign Trevor Story, adding to the pressure that Anthony Volpe and Oswaldo Peraza didn't need

Back in November - before the lockout - our looming question was whether Hal Steinbrenner would man-up and shell out to sign Carlos Correa, or Freddie Freeman, or Javier Baez, or Trevor Story, or any of the top free agents on the market.   

We now know the answer: No, no, no, no, absolutely no. 

Today, Mr. No added to his love for chinzy, as he watched Story sign with the Redsocks. The Yankees have done nothing... nuthing.

Why punt on all these players, while pretending to field a contender? Well, Hal has mentioned two prospects, neither of whom will be ready for opening day, if at all in 2022. 

I can't believe this: The Yankees are using Anthony Volpe and Oswaldo Peraza as excuses to shrink payroll. This is incredibly wrong. 

If either or both turn out to be anything less than the next Derek Jeter, a vast segment of the Yankee fan base will always blame them. Each might have a serviceable career, but he'll be remembered as the reason why Hal couldn't get off his pasty, puckered ass and sign someone. 

This is prospect abuse. 

Over his long career, Brian Cashman has seen ups and downs, but I cannot recall a winter when I've felt he's been so outwitted by our rivals. And clearly, our problems won't go away if Cashman leaves; they reside with his boss.


  1. At least we were able to steal Marwin Gonzalez away before any one else got him. We'll always have that, won't we . . .

  2. OH - and if you'd all excuse me a second . . . HERE COMES THE JUDGE! HERE COMES THE JUDGE! HERE COMES THE JUDGE! (extension news). Stay tuned, true believers.

  3. I don't get the animosity for Prince Hal. Did he force Cashman to trade for Stanton? Did he force him to sign Cole? Did he force him to resign Chapman? Did he force him to trade for Donaldson. The last time I looked they had the second highest payroll in BB. The problem is, the GM doesn't know hold to build a team. They didn't need Stanton. They could've have traded for Cole, but he didn't want to part with Frazier (lol). He couldn't build a pitching staff, thus 300+ M for Cole on the downside. He trades for a washed up Donaldson, so Minn can sign Correa. I haven't even gotten to Elsbury, Sabathia, etc. Until they bring in someone who knows baseball, this team will suck.

  4. When you look at the Dodgers, the Mets, even the Twins, you see echoes of a Yankees era gone by. And boy, has it gone by. See ya!

    If Cashman had a green light to spend whatever it would take, would we have lost out on Correa, Freeman and Story? Would we have not gone after free agent pitching, such as it was this year? Could we not have found a better catcher than Mr. Olympia?

    I don't know. But it's hard to imagine we wouldn't do anything substantive. Like we have.

    Cole, meanwhile, is seeing his hopes for a ring with this team disappear quickly in the rearview mirror. It's hard to believe this is the caliber of team he thought he signed up for.

    Of course, given the reality, what high-quality player would want to be here? Sentiment aside, why would Judge want to stay here?

    It's pathetic.

  5. Sad is a polite way to say it.

    I can't wait for the NFL Draft.

  6. Just wait till 2025. Donaldson and Rizzo are gone after 2023 season, meaning the 2024 team will likely feature numerous rookies and/or sophomores. At that point we may or may not have judge. GUESS WHO has an opt out after 2024 season? Gerrit fucking Cole. Welcome back to 1993 minus the future potential

  7. When the Yankees went into 2018 with a payroll around $180M — which was ~$90M lower than it was in 2005 when accounting for inflation — despite soaring revenues, I was ready to pin 100% of team failures on Hal.

    The 40-man roster payroll right now is at $246.6M, third highest in baseball. Yes, that's not as high as it ought to be, considering the Yankees massive wealth, but I think the pandemic did cut down on revenue for two years straight, so it is what it is.

    It's very hard for me to get too angry at an owner who greenlights a $250M payroll. (Talk to me again in 2024 when Hal wants back under the CBT threshold.)

    Instead, when I look at this mediocre roster and its monstrous price tag, I gotta wonder whether we have the right guy putting it all together.

    1. The problems is MLB teams revenue went UP during the pandemic not down...then to come back and act like the team is on welfare.... 250 million for a team with as many holes as the Yankees is unacceptable...if Half is giving Cashman carte blanche for this albatross he's as much to blame as Cash

  8. A-men, Duque, a-men.

    The failure to sign Correa—losing out to the Twins—just makes me sick. It strikes me as even worse than spitting the bit on Moncada.

    I especially agree that the pressures on Volpe and Peraza are ridiculous. Remember when we supposedly had an endless supply of catchers—Montero, Cervelli, Murphy, Romine, Sanchez—all lined up and ready to go.


  9. It IS good to see, at least, that our usual sort of perpetual grumbling and grousing has spread into the wider Yankeeverse. It even gets mentioned in mainstream media now, such as SNY.

    There is a tsunami of unhappiness gathering, and if we have a season as rotten as the one I suspect we will, it may submerge even The Office Boy.

  10. Oswald hit a grand that's a good sign...

  11. Just remember, life really has no meaning, there is no afterlife, and death is a dirt nap.

    That means we need to enjoy every game in real time and not malign our Dear Leader Hal.

  12. Reporter: “What is your feeling about this upcoming Yankees season?”
    Man on the street: “Oh, blique”

  13. If you're a real Yankee fan, you have to hope the Mets, Sox and Twins eat our lunch this year. The more they suck, the better our odds are for Cash to end up on the scrap heap.

    We are doomed.

  14. Sinatra would have some doleful ballad about this
    or Warren Zevon.

    "Send lawyers guns and money Dad, the shit has hit the fan."


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