Wednesday, April 20, 2022

One Bad Outcome


Just to riff on something Zach was writing: Isn't the whole idea of "Three True Outcomes" baseball to provide, well, power?

So where is it?  Either for the team as a whole, or Thousand-Yard-Stare Joey?

Gallo, of course, is part of the one-third of our starting lineup that STILL does not have an RBI, much less a homer, 11 games into the season.

Even worse, the Yanks as a team have only 10 home runs so far—AND, 10 (grounded-into) double-plays, the very sort of outcome that the Three True Outcomes are supposed to evade.

Generally, through the years, the Yanks have hit home runs to double-plays on about a 3:2 ratio. Some years, it's been more like 2:1. In the long ago, golden age of 2019, the Yankees had almost THREE TIMES as many homers as GIDPs, 306-113. 

There are anomalies and exceptions, of course. 

In the fabled season of 1978, for instance, your New York Yankees had only 125 homers and 126 GIDPs—and still won the World Series. I suspect this was due, though, to the fact that the Yanks were riddled with injuries for the first half of that year, which meant untold numbers of raw bushers or gammy-legged oldsters trying to leg it up to first.

This year? This team needs every out it can get. 

Not only is the New Baseball a mind-numbing, soul-killing bastardization of the game we all love...but we're not even very good at it.



  1. HEY - at the end of the second inning there have only been three strike outs and no double plays!!!

    I'm looking forward to Gallowz pinch hitting in the 7th!

  2. The Falafel displays his power! You cannot stop him, you can only hope to contain him.

  3. One of the few Yankee prospects actually hitting, SS Trey Sweeney, has hit the IL. As usual, the team is providing no information as to the nature or severity of the injury. I find the way the team handled injury updates and related information to be absolutely infuriating. It’s as though they don’t think we are worthy of receiving this information. Such contempt for their customers! Is there anything this team does right? Anything at all?

    1. The Yankees are good at selling bullshit at New York prices.

  4. Nice to see Sevvy get out of his own jam.

    But boy, this team is wretched at the plate! As I seem to say during some stretch every year now, I've watched the Yankees since 1966, when they finished last, and saw the 1968 team, that set the record for the lowest batting average by any team after 1900.

    And even those teams seemed to have more of an idea of what they were doing at the plate than this one.

  5. @ Platoni - thanks, you’re right about that!

    @HC- Re Donaldson, yes! Once we’re done excoriating Gallo (if ever) we’ll move on to JD


  6. So many bums to choose from right now. If we didn't have Gallo and Donaldson to kick around, how much venom would we be directing toward Judge?

  7. Rizz Rizz Rizz - whatever rhymes with Rizz - an HR, a double and a steal of third. Nice!

  8. Just learned that Rocky Colavito had a great arm. Thanks, John.


  9. Every night someone takes a turn donning the hat.

  10. but then Boone manages us out of any bigger threat (sigh)

  11. File this under meaningless complaints, but MLB should change how it awards a “win” for pitchers. Tonight Sevy went 5 tough but effective innings, Green came up and coughed up the lead, but he gets the W? Tain’t right…

  12. And then there were two! Falafel with an RBI, meaning that after 12 games we only have 2 starters without one!

  13. In general, a great win for your first-place New York Yankees.

    Play of the game: Stanton lured slow, tubby Miggy Cabrera into trying to go first-to-third by running after a hit as slowly as humanly possible. Great work!

    And how about that Josh Donaldson, deftly managing to avoid contact on Cabrera's second hit. Good work, J.D.: you could have been really hurt.

    And so what if The Gleyber is hitting .143? He managed to make the tag on a steal. It's the little things that count!

  14. This just in - The New York Yankees have been officially confirmed to be in first place in their division. HoraceClarke66 already proclaimed their location in the stats - but now with all the scores that matter in - the world can rejoice in their prowess. Take a moment now to revel in the brilliance that is Ca$h and Shal(low) Steinbrenner's genius. Never give up on your dreams fellow true believers because when you embrace the light - you are gunna be alright! The flowers are blooming and the air is thick with the beautiful nectar of victory. Embarce your loved ones. Flick an extra silver dollar into the pots of the needy. Our Yankees are On TOP!

  15. * OH - damn - I almost forgot - hit strikes hard!!!!

  16. Pack your confetti for the November Parade.

  17. Um, that's been amended to "Hit Strikes," AA. Soon to be, "Hit Something, Anything. PLEASE!"


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