Monday, April 18, 2022

The next guy the Yankees won't sign


His name is Roki Sasaki, he's 20 and - o, hell with it - why should we even bother, because the Yankees will never sign him.  


  1. For some reason, the Yanks seem to be off Japan. Was it Ohtani's rejection? Did that hurt Widdle Bwian's feelings?

    But who needs it? You know, large, wealthy country, full of people who follow every move of a Japanese player in the majors...What good does that do us?

  2. I miss Hideki Matsui...we need another

  3. Joe -

    The guy we needed was Seiya Susuki who is killing it for the Cubs.

    Why we wouldn't even make an offer to a guy that hits for avg. and power and is a gold glove defender (and is only 27 and signed for 85M for five years) is beyond me.


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