Friday, May 13, 2022

Don't Believe the Hype!

The newest piece of propaganda circulating last night on al-Yankezeera, was all about what a historic start this was for our boys in pinstripes (or in this instance, road grays.)

It's true. And no doubt, even more true today, after last night's barnburner, full of ding-dong action, as we ancient scribes like to write. 

Your New York Yankees are now 23-8, a record that puts them solidly within the top nine starts by any Yankees team, ever.

The other Hateful 8 Yankees teams to have done this well or better to start the season?  Their years were:









And as our YES broadcasters helpfully pointed out, EVERY ONE of those 8 teams made the World Series, and ALL BUT ONE (2003) won said World Series.

Well, zowee!  I guess it's all over but the shouting, eh?

Steady on, as they like to say across the pond. The 8 teams in question here were some of the greatest in Yankees—and thereby—baseball history. Most experts agree that either the 1998 or the 1939 editions were THE best, period.  

Not only did 7 of these clubs win the World Series, but 5 if them SWEPT it.

These were teams slathered with Ruths, DiMaggios, Mantles, Jeters, and their supporting casts, and led by 4 different, Hall-of-Fame managers. Even the one team that did NOT manage to win it all was stymied only by the inability of a certain third baseman to hit so much as a flyball in the 11th inning of Game 4 against the Marlins (Looking at you, Ma Boone!).

The 2003 Yankees hit 230 home runs, scored 877 runs, and boasted a starting rotation of Clemens, Wells, Mussina, and Pettitte.  

Does this team truly belong in those lofty altitudes—despite its undeniably hot start? 

Frankly, it looks fragile at all the usual breaking points on recent Cashman teams. No depth, and not much in the minors to back it up. An overworked bullpen with a suspect closer, hitters all too prone to go for the Three Dull Outcomes, and starting players nobody but the GM still believes in.

On the other hand...there doesn't look to be a killer-diller team in the AL this year, so who knows?  Right now, it's hard to see this Yankees team finishing out of the postseason, and as we all know, there's no predicting postseason baseball.

Their main task in the immediate future:  KEEP BOTTOM-FEEDING. The Yanks have another 13 games to go against the tag-team duo of the Pale Hose and Orioles before they have to face the TB Rays. It's vital that they win as many of those as possible.



  1. 1947 Yankees. The '47 Yankees were greatest team ever.

  2. Good post, Horace. I especially liked the phot of Genius Cashman. The greatest GM in the world. LOL. Hal is probably telling that the Yankees have the best record in Baseball and do not have to make any moves. The lineups looks great now. This same lineup I believe could be pitched to in the playoffs.

  3. Seems like a flawed team, but DAMN they just keep winning in every way. But my opinion counts for zilch. I still think that the Angels got crazy hot back in 2002, A total fluke. The '03 Series makes me see red, the following year turns to BLACK.

    But, but looking at the team stats for our traditional rivals aren't frightening, yet. But CF,LF, CA, just scares the HELL out of me. The bullpen needs an shutdown arm, the rotation needs to start giving some length. That Verlander fellow would have been a nice addition, I believe.

  4. Thanks, guys.

    Winnie, I love you, I adore you, you're my idea of a baseball fan. But the 1947 Yankees—a fun group—were not close to being the greatest team ever.

    Bill James says 1927 Yankees. Many say 1939 Yankees—a team that was that great despite losing Lou Gehrig early in the season!

    Me? I don't think you can name any team before the end of the color line as they greatest ever. Sure, if baseball had been integrated already, those teams would likely have had great Black/Hispanic players. But it's just not the same.

    To me, the greatest ever has to be the 1998 team. A club that, oddly, featured almost nobody enjoying a career year. (Brosius, but that's about it.)

    BUT: Incredible depth—backups, at different times, included Joe Girardi, Tim Raines, Chili Davis, Ricky Ledee, Shane Spencer, Homer Bush, and Luis Soho—outstanding lineup, terrific starting pitching, and maybe the best bullpen ever.

    With 207 homers, 153 stolen bases, 965 runs scored,22 complete games, and 48 saves, they could have won in any era.

    Not only did they go a never-topped, 125-50; counting the World Series, they were 17-3 against NL teams, including 4-0 vs. the NL pennant winner, the Padres, and 3-1 vs. the Braves, who won 106 games that year. is the capper...while Yankees on that team LATER juiced, none of them seem to have juiced AT THAT TIME...meaning that without PEDs, they won 125 games against teams that WERE juicing.

  5. And Kevin, you're exactly right. The story of most of Cashman's long and unfortunate reign has been NOT picking up the one player—often readily available—who could have taken the team over the top. There must be at least a couple dozen who we here wanted to grab, but the Yankees scorned.

    Not encouraging!


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