Sunday, May 22, 2022

While two Yankees Go on Covid Watch.....

 Chad Green gets scheduled for Tommy John.   

It's been nice knowing you, Chad.  Thanks for the effort. 

Did I just get a call about Luis Gil?  (He'll call back).

Note to editor :  That third baseman of yours better not call me " Jackie," or some pejorative of my color.

I'll come honk him. 


  1. I wonder how long they can keep guys out with Covid.

    Highy and Gallows didn't test positive, but have symptoms. Kay just said.

  2. That was a Judgian blast. Wow.

  3. Symptoms like, can't catch up to even a flat, mediocre fastball, or make a simple play in the field?

    Yeah, they got symptoms.

  4. Hicks has the same symptoms.

  5. I really despise Hicks. Not only a horrible player but also very stupid one.

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. Put him on the IL, Booney.

  8. As mentioned, this team will not win anything with Torrents as their closer.

  9. My wife asked, “So he has to pitch even though he sucks? Is that one of those unwritten rules?”

  10. The Water Rooster - our closer 😒

  11. If we're lucky, our boys will lose 30 out of the next 35 games and Cashman will start to sweat the way Chapo sweats.

  12. So, again, they bring up Gloria Estevan Florial from AAA who can't hit MLB pitching nor field left adequately. Promote The Martian immediately!

  13. The bullpen is falling apart. The offense is disappearing. This seems so familiar...

  14. In fairness to Torrents—and why we should ever be fair to that jackass frankly eludes me—we STILL haven't scored another run.

    Total meltdown of the lineup again—totally predictable. But hey: Coops has his excuse already. "Well, without ALL the injuries."

  15. " HoraceClarke66 said...

    As mentioned, this team will not win anything with Torrents as their closer.

    May 22, 2022 at 6:19 PM"

    This team will not win anything with the intern in the front office.

  16. I read most of the NYY sites and blogs, it’s amazing how the sportswriters and other “fans” simply don’t get what’s going on with MLB in general and this team in particular. The offense on this team can be turned off like a lamp. One run in 18 innings? Is it possible that we, the beknighted few, are they only one who see these things clearly?

    The June Swoon is a-comin’ Ladies and Gents, and it’s gonna be uglier than a bucket of smashed assholes.

  17. BTR999, don't worry about a two game drought. Worry that we just lost a very reliable reliever for the season, and our closer might be running on empty.

  18. We will preserver - or we won't - but it sure will be an epic ride of diesel - gate wonderment and joy - weeeeeeeeee - I can sense the tiny bubbles of FUN rising up in ALL of you!

  19. "Captain, that looks like a rather large iceberg looming ahead."

    "Come on you weasel, it's merely a flesh wound."


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