Tuesday, May 3, 2022

"Why are they waiting?" "Because Stanton caught the ball."

The Master is having a tough year.


  1. John is blind, and Craig Carton is a lying no good convicted felon ponzi scheming piece of shit. Don’t promote his tweet trash.

  2. Are John and Suzyn still not allowed to go to away games? If he's still working off a monitor, I can see why he doesn't always nail it. It's not like they give them a 60 inch TV to watch. It's just a studio/press box monitor. Hell, I'd have a hard time seeing things on it.

  3. Yeah....what BJP Burnside said!

    Sterling's gotten so bad that Suzyn has given up trying to cover for him. LOL, he tried to act confused by saying Stanton had not thrown the ball in when he clearly did.

  4. Leave The Master alone.
    Com'n Man.

    Sterling For President

  5. Love The Master!!

    This is why WE ALL LOVE THE MASTER !!!

  6. Strangely well played entertaining baseball tonight.


  7. John Sterling? Is he still broadcasting?

  8. Bunting, running, moving up runners...WTF is happening to our musclebound team!!

    Oh, baby, I love it!

  9. Wow, really exploiting every weakness of the Toronto Swaggerers.

    A bad call on the rundown, it is true. But then, Toronto had foolishly squandered their challenge.

  10. And hopefully we don't have to see the Faucet!!

  11. How far did Marwin have to go out of the baseline to be called out? Amazing.

    Nice pickoff. But as Coney said, so close to a balk. Not that I still understand what constitutes a balk.

  12. Only Andy Pettitte truly understood the limits of the balk.

  13. Vladi also tagged a Marwin on the neck. So there's that too.

  14. Bottom line : even with some questionable calls, still a decisive win for the Yanks, a series win against Toronto in their own backyard. Let’s keep it going tomorrow, and drive this car ‘til the wheels come off

  15. Apparently you can run as far out of the baseline as you like, as long as you're not trying to avoid a tag. But yes, Vlad DID get him.

    Still, I give Marwin credit for making it a real rundown, which had already moved guys to second and third. Hicks and Judge then plastered pitches to the outfield, so not so sure it was really that big a turning point. Plus Toronto failed to score again.

    Very nice win. Now if we can finish it tomorrow...


  16. Yeah, good win.

    Truth is, I feel sad and empty. The lockout took all the joy out of the lead-up to the season for me and even though the Yankees are going great guns and I should be thrilled, but I’m not.

    I’ve seen too many Yankees teams in the last ten years barely get close to the playoffs and disappear in a wild card game, and I’ve seen too many teams come roaring out of the gate only to lose steam once the weather gets warm and burn themselves by July.

    Last year they just stunk and I’m just not ready to believe in this team. Not yet.

  17. I think your skepticism is well-justified, DickAllen. But hey, I've been thrilled to see guys doing things like hitting to the opposite field, making heady baserunning decisions, fielding well, etc.

    This team seems to have a lot more life now than it did at the start of the season, and for most of last year.

    Will this last? Who knows? They are certainly short on depth. On the other hand, nobody else in the AL looks like world beaters.

  18. Speaking of skepticism...same old Rangers.

    Blow 2-0 and 3-2 leads, at home, in your first playoff game in 5 years? With the other team's goalie hurt?

    Igloo-huggers in five.

  19. They should televise a conversation between Sterling & Biden

  20. Celerino,

    Don't insult our Prez, you dog-faced pony soldier.


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