Monday, June 13, 2022

"It feels like the Cubs never even gave Frazier or themselves a chance to find out if he could still be more..." Sound familiar? A Cubs fan laments the fate of one Clint Frazier

 "A lot of this is just me venting, I suppose..."

So it goes. 


  1. Written something along these lines before but I still think this is the reason...

    I saw him do a lengthy interview once and he sounded like a major putz.

    Basically, Frazier is that college roommate who keeps kicking the bong over "by accident".

    Could be a spectrum thing, not reading the room right, etc. Doesn't matter why.

    I feel for him. I do. But if you, as the article implies, play shaky outfield, never found stride as a hitter, are injured a lot, and are a yutz it shouldn't be a mystery why you get cut.

    "But if only he played more he would be better."

    Yes but there are other guys in any system who you can say the same thing about and if they improve, the locker room doesn't smell like 10 day old socks and spilled bong water.

  2. Clint is turning 28 this year. He was a career .239/.327/.434 hitter entering the season and hit .216/.356/.297 with the Cubs. Nothing great for a bat-first corner outfielder. In almost 1000 PA at AAA, he has a sub-.800 OPS. And between the lengthy injury history and a seemingly grating personality (?), I'm not surprised he's struggled to find playing time. Maybe he gets a shot on a team like the Athletics or Nationals?

  3. Good one Celerino…

    Ultimately, players are judged based on their on field production. His was lacking. As Zach said, maybe he gets a shot with a bottom feeder, but there lots of other players with similar resumes to Frazier’s, some younger with more perceived upside. I think his time is through, hope he finds his way in this crazy world.

  4. I see a Pittsburgh pirates uniform in his future

  5. I feel bad for him, too. And maybe he's injured worse than we realize. But yeah, after a while, when you're always the problem...

  6. I'm rooting for Kansas City for him. He should feel right at home; that whole place is on the spectrum.


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