Sunday, July 3, 2022

Chapman is awful, Gallo is terrible, Hicks is sad... and yet...

 ... Everybody else in the AL East is chasing the Wild Card.

Call a Yank fan you haven't heard from lately. 

We may never see a summer like this again. 

Happy Fourth, everybody.


  1. Happy Fourth. This season is going to hurt like no other. Mark my words.


  2. Or, as they say on Nabu, may the fourth be with you

  3. As Billy Martin might say " Drink a fifth on the Fourth!"

  4. I think Billy has something there.

    And Chapman IS awful, Gallo IS terrible, and Hicks IS sad. But we're stuck with Hicks, Gallo inexplicably remains, and Chapman is a millstone around our necks until his contract expires at the end of the season.

    Hicks might be coming around enough to remain on the playoff rosters, but I don't see how the other two could possibly be justified. Cashman is just going to have to punt, if they're still around by then. Doesn't he put a lot of store in something called statistics?

  5. Warm birthday wishes go out today to Brian McGuire Cashman - aka THE INTERN.

    Born on July 3, 1967 in a town called Rockville Centre, New York, Ca$hman grew up to be still alive today and working for The New York Yankees.

    Raise your holiday weiners and and salute this man who is EXACTLY who is is.

  6. Andujar, of course is gone, exiled again to SWB.
    Last night in SWB, Florial hit 2 more HR’s and his OPS is now .900
    Marinaccio on the IL, and it sounds serious.
    JP Sears has rejoined the club. Role unknown.
    Chapman is back and worse than ever.
    Judge not playing today, hasn’t been hitting lately.

    Somehow, we need to find a way to win.
    Pitching, Pitching, Pitching.

  7. Dang! Marinaccio really had it going on. This hurts.

    I guess we better pray for Loaisaga's miracle recovery and German's too.

  8. Loaisiga’s rehab seems to be on schedule, but he is not close to returning.
    German had another very successful minor league outing yesterday, but there’s no indication
    from the team what their plan is for him. I’d say he’s just about ready, but hell Andujar’s been ready all year
    and can’t get any real opportunities to play …Cashman/Boone dontcha know…

  9. A Holiday Haiku

    Celebrate today.
    Fourteen games up is a lot.
    Trade Joey Gallo.

  10. and one last one...

    Carpenter hews wood.
    A Judge unites. (For a change.)
    Trade Joey Gallo

  11. Rightie on the mound, so of course Donaldson is playing. The guy who can't hit righties to save his life.

  12. Ridiculous to send Andujar down. Crazy, even.

    Joe must go.

  13. Roster spots are based on salary, not merit.

  14. Doug:

    Your Holiday Haikus were very inspirational.

    I would also like to share one:

    Andujar is Gone

    What the F@Ck are you thinking

    How Disappointing

  15. I am knee walking on hand shaken pina coladas. Joey Gallo is still a useless fuckface.

  16. AA,

    Nice! Also great use of the Gallo graphic.


  17. In the immortal words of Cato The Censor -- "Gallo delenda est."

  18. Joe FoB,

    Necessarium absolute!

  19. I am drinking. These people better tighten their shit up!

  20. Resting guys like this is basically saying you don't want to win every game. You can sit guys and not put your best team on the field. Of course, this being the Yankees, you know the management doesn't care about having the best team on the field. That's why Gallo is still here, why Miggy is in pergatory, why Donaldson starts against righties, why Hicks gets as much playing time as he does, why they won't give up on Chapman... important roster spots taken up by guys who shouldn't be here, leaving hungrier, better, often younger guys mired in the minors. This is the Yankee way, and it's an important reason why we haven't won a ring in 13 years.

    Rant over. We just keep saying the same thing over and over every year, and nothing changes. It's frustrating.

  21. And I can refute everything I said there, so I know, I know. But it still frosts me.

  22. The lineup looks like it was picked from a hat. Rizzo and Stanton, 1-2?

    The season's not far enough along for us to just mail one in—particularly when two runs could win it.

    If they want to rest regulars, Andujar, Florial, and Carpenter should be playing today. Waste of another great pitching effort.

  23. And why is anyone resting with an off-day tomorrow???

  24. Miggy is back in SWB because the Yanks could bring up an extra player because of the doubleheader. So he was the 27th guy. That's why.

    Gallo's trade value continues to dwindle. It's now at two packages of eye black...

  25. Wasn't the "Torres at SS" experiment supposed to be over?

  26. Love how the announcers talk about how few walks this guy gives up, then he walks Rizzo on four pitches.

    Nice error. Two on, no out.

  27. Glad I was cutting down trees and not watching the debacle.

    Looks like an NBA game. Just watch the last two minutes.

  28. A top reliever. Right handed. So of course Donaldson bats. At least he didn't hit into a double play.

  29. Torres was going for 5 run HR. Then the ump screwed him without needing to.

  30. This guy's control is pretty bad.

  31. Boone loses. Cleveland wins.

  32. Hicks! Should be banished to the sticks!

    Leave him in Cleveland.

  33. What JM said. Especially the last thing.

  34. Today . . . we may not be winners . . . .

    but at least we'll have our HOLIDAY WEINERS!

  35. The Yankees are way ahead. They got one hit Sunday. Look familiar. Several bats were out of the lineup, but. Barren Hicks, Joey K Donealdson are automatic outs. Chapman will choke in a big situation if used. Many of the other bats can be shutdown. Judge is in a big slump.

  36. I don't know why everyone is busy bitching about millionaires who play a children's game who fly chartered jets with meal money and custom hotel suites needing a day off before their day off.

    After all, the Union Army took July 4th off after their visit to Gettysburg in 1863;

    My Dad spent 48 hrs in Paris after a couple of months fighting Krauts in 1944. (However, the Battle of the Bugle was a tad disruptive.)

    Saigon was a blast.

    My son said sunsets in the Middle East could be quite breathtaking after a cozy stroll through any major town.

    Give these Yankees a break. They are just suffering from PTSD after "20 games in 20 days."

    You know, a regular Bataan Death March


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