Sunday, July 24, 2022

Olympus has fallen

 The Yanks no longer possess baseball's best record...

Next to go: Best in league? 

We have lost 8 of 12. 

Our bullpen is in shambles. 

Our batters fail with runners on base. 

The calls are not going our way.

Houston is streaking, the Nats are shopping a generational talent, and Cashman is preparing to reshuffle the team with deadline trades.

We need a hero. Is anybody out there?


  1. We have lost 10 of 17. We look like shit. We can't hit with runners in scoring position, not even sac flies. Our bullpen is in shambles. Our starters have fallen to earth, and there's no reason to think they'll get better. Reversion to the mean? No, reversion to the average.

    We're not bringing up any position players who might help solve at least the RISP issue, instead sticking with the "name brands," including Gallo and Hicks, who has suddenly become the earlier season version of Hicks. Stanton is slumping badly, and has been since before his one-swing "MVP" performance in the ASG. He's been very Sanchez: can't hit for beans, looks terrible, but once in a while connects for a home run. That's not what we need.

    All in all, we look very much like the Yankee teams of the past several-plus years. Carpenter has been great. Judge has been great. Donaldson is in no way an "upgrade" at third, defensively or offensively. IKF, though, at least has proven to be one of our best hitters. No power, but he hits. Rizzo is fizzling in the heat, though I still really like him at first. Every other throw from the infielders would be an error and skipping to the stands if not for him.

    These are the same sucky Yankees we're all too familiar with. As was always the case, what they can do is amazing, but what they end up doing is switching between hot streaks and cold. It's just that the hot streak was a lot longer this year. Which doesn't bode well for the cold streak.

    Boone is an idiot. Cashman is a slow-moving weasel. Hal shouldn't be controlling a major league team.

    Other than that, we're just fine.

  2. And Ortiz gets inducted into the Hall of Fame today. What a perfect day!

    I'm waiting eagerly for A-Rod's induction. Because the Hall ISN'T just about it?

  3. Ortiz is the only player from the PED era with a bigger head than Bonds. That's not suspicious at all.

  4. This underscores the problem with Boone not playing every game with a certain urgency.

    In that (continuing) 10-17 skid, I'd say there were at least 6 games that were very winnable. But...hey, we wanted to give this star or that two straight days off, or give Chappo another inning or two to see if he could get straight, or see if another month would turn around Gallo.

    And no need to ever put on a play!

    Then, lo and behold, came the injuries—as they always do. Another 5-6 wins would've given us some nice extra padding. Now it's going to be a battle just to hang on to the division.

  5. I'm 100% with you, Hoss. And this isn't the first season these stupid rest days have meant winnable games lost. And just look at the amazing results the resting has produced!

    Yeah, nada.

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. Love this thread.

    Logical, clear-minded analytics combined with inspired passion and drive . . .

    (driven by Ford)

    Come on Nestor.

    Ratchet up your intensity today and shut these birds down.

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. Hey, a golden sombrero for Big Ben Rortvedt @SWB last night, 0-4, 4k’s.
    The cavalry isn’t coming over the hill. We’re not getting Soto. Stanton fading like the Beatles on Hey Jude ( t/y Jeff Lynne).
    Promising young pitchers wither on the vine while Cashman trots out the likes of Shane Green. No worries; they’ll be traded
    soon enough for mediocre veteran pitching…
    Gallo back in the lineup today. (Andujar in a cheap Scranton motel room, dreaming about Pittsburgh)
    Torres hitting cleanup.
    Baba Booney said German will start against the Mets.
    Judge contemplating his future elsewhere with a team that wants to win.

    Another loss on tap today, our bullpen keep ice cold at the North Pole. Chapman time today!

    Nuthin’ but bad news. You couldn’t knock the frown off my face if you tried.

  10. Now my mind is full of Jeff Lynn/ELO lyrics . . .

  11. Yeah, Camelot has burned down. Arthur is dead once again and the Dark Ages are back.

    I thought this team was starting to turn into a zombie well before the midway point. I forget exactly which series, but there was definitely a turning point where I knew they weren't going to hang on to the best record in baseball for long. It'll be only a matter of days before the ASS-stros take over the best record in the A.L. And they deserve it, although they're probably cheating again, but as compared to this lump of crap Yankee team. At least the Cheaters are run by management that really wants to win.

    So to fill the void in our bullpen, we bring up 33 year old Shane Green, a guy who was doing worse in the minors than the kids we talked about. WTF? None of the W boys? Do the Yankees have some kind of fixation on guys named Green? Seems he's got that propensity to give up late inning home runs, just like the injured Chad Green.

    Congratulations go out to Cashman & Co. You've outdone yourselves once again. Keep up the good work (or bad work, depending on your point of view), make sure that this team barely makes the wild card game, and HAL will give you another raise.

  12. Terrible personnel management. Terrible management, period.

  13. We have Shane Green back in the bullpen!

  14. There's only one silver lining...

    And, I hate to be the one to point it out because it's NOT going to work out but...

    At least the wheels came off BEFORE the trade deadline. Brain might have stood pat or just did a replacement for Gallo.

    Now he knows that this roster ain't going to get it done. The fantasy is over. He has eight days to get it right.

    He won't. Because Brian is not a good GM but the possibility still exists.

    So for openers...

    Soto (and Corbin's bloated salary - maybe they can fix him) for

    Oswald Peraza
    The Martian
    one of the W's
    and AnDUjar

    He's young, a lefty power hitter and fireplug, playoff tested, mother approved.

    Taking on Corbin's 60 M is why the deal goes down. Maybe finally being a Yankee turns him around. Ya never know. Worst comes to worse he's just Tallion.

    Gallo for ANYTHING! Or NOTHING! Either one. Addition by Subtraction. I'd say the same for Chapman but I think he's got a "no trade."

    It doesn't fix the pitching but it does fix the offense. At a minimum do this!


    The Yankees have designated reliever Shane Greene for assignment, per the team. The move creates an open roster spot for Ron Marinaccio, who has been reinstated from the 15-day injured list.


    keep your freaking glove on your hand whilst trying to catch the ball

  17. Here's a good read on how the guys from last year's team who are no longer Yankees are doing.

  18. Comcast (motto: our customer service is so bad, we had to change our name to Xfinity) has mlb package for free this week. Get the game without commercials - at least in NH. Of course it is without the master.

  19. Rufus,

    You can change the auido setting on the mlb package and get Sterling.

  20. Gleyber is having a heckuva day today, isn't he?

  21. He is the WORST base-runner I have ever seen. I dislike him so much now that they can trade him.

  22. Doug - I made some phone calls on your behalf regarding trading Gleyber.

    I'll keep you posted . . .

    1. AA, listen...I got your call but Ben Cherrington's cell phone is the same as mine but his starts with area code 412 while mine is 203.


  23. I'd like to endorse the idea -- I know we're all kinda-sorta thinking it -- that it's better that the NYYs REALLY SUCK now, right now, which might engender some activity that produces positive results. And soon.

    The alternative: We really suck in September.

    I vote for now. Don't you?

    - - - - -


    Hicks has K'd 24 times in his last 103 plate appearances (30 games), before today.

    Gallo, last 30g, 34 Ks in 96 PAs.

    By way of contrast: Last 30g for Juan Soto, 14Ks in 125 PAs.

  24. All we have to do is get Soto and have him play three or four positions simultaneously.

  25. Hey Doug . . .Turns out that Ben Cherrington's cell phone number is the same as Carl J's - you see Ben's cell phone starts 412 and Carl J's starts with a 203. So I had to make a few additional calls. My apologies for the delay. I'll continue to keep you posted.

    Also - Hicks

  26. Yes, Hicks was laboring for the past few innings - He's done for a bit.

  27. He limped to First, but probably is just cramps.
    I guess no one told him to hydrate BEFORE playing.

  28. looked worse than that - I'm sure he'll be out for a few months :)


  29. Solid win for a change
    Kudos to Cortes and Schmidt.
    Torres totally lacking in BB IQ. Let’s see less of him down the stretch. A lot less.
    NY Post reports Stanton is”exhausted”. Fucking retire already. What a nightmare he’s going to be in a few years. (Maybe in a few months)

  30. Re: Hicks. Maybe he doesn't want to get traded.

    Also, Stanton is exhausted? Maybe he should have skipped the HR derby. Priorities!

  31. Yankees win...

    Some reading material...

  32. So Hicks is down? So maybe we can Andujar? Or Esteval? Please? Pretty please?

  33. And yeah, Torres actually slowed down rounding second. For no discernible reason.

    Unless, of course, it's that old Irish malady: being an idjit. Yes, he may have picked up some idjit along the way.

  34. Doug K., I love your idea for a Soto trade. It might even work.

    But a trade idea for HAL that includes spending MORE money? I suspect that's DOA.

  35. The YES broadcast crew said he was trying to “deke” the outfielder.

  36. That's because they couldn't figure out why the hell else he slowed down rounding second aside from:

    Lack of intelligence

    Lack of hustle

    Lack of base running smarts

    All of the Above

  37. Is no one else worried about the fact that Soto is batting .247 and struck out three times in four trips last night? Is there a reason why now of all times with 2 years before free agency there is a rush on trading Soto? Could his. Current mediocrity be part of a trend.? What is going on with him? Does anyone remember how excited we were to get Stanton? I kno Soto has youth on his side, but what. Is up with him?

  38. Yankee Daddy, to me he’s just a very good player. Sure, I wish he was on my team, but he’s not Ted Williams or Willie Mays. Not yet anyway…and that’s really what this is all about - projections. I’m in the camp that feels that he won’t be traded right now, but at some point he will. If Judge does leave us in the off-season, then the pressure will be on Cashman to make a move for him.

  39. Getting someone that good, that young, is very tempting, Yankee Daddy. I hear what you're saying about the stats, which alarm me, too. But I would take that risk.

    But no, I'm not really concerned because...while I would take that risk, HAL Steinbrenner never, ever will.

    A bidding process that starts with $440 million? No way.

  40. 999, don't you know that EVERYBODY playing today is really much better than Ted Williams or Willie Mays or Babe Ruth?

    ESPN tells me so, and after watching the Mets slog through a sloppy, four-hour beat down of San Diego, I believe them. I mean, just look at Vogelbach—now THAT'S a ballplayer!

    I think two or three Padres did NOT make a physical or mental error tonight, but I'm not sure.

  41. Any of you sleuths know why The Martian and Trey Sweeney were both pulled from HV game yesterday?
    It was only a 4 run differential.


  42. Nothing being reported right now, but as you know pulling prospects can mean that negotiations are ongoing. Jon Heyman has reported that the Yanks are “are in the mix” for Soto, but there are at least a half dozen others involved.

  43. @Yankee Daddy Roger, I didn't know that Soto was hitting only .247. Hmmmmm, would have to check his stats. Maybe there is something physically wrong with him.


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