Friday, July 22, 2022

The Ju-Ju Gods Have Spoken

 You didn't even know they were lusty, great looking babes, did you?

That is part of the agony.  Many don't even know baseball.

But they have a sense of justice and will stand up for what is right.


Early in yesterday's game, the Yankees trailed by 2 runs, but had the bases loaded with no out.

And our favorite, new addition was at bat.  The totally professional and reliable Matt Carpenter.

The gods had allowed him to come back from Hades, and so here he was in Hades 2.0 ( Houston ). 

And he smacked a fastball.  But right into the glove of the Houston FB for an easy , unassisted DP.  They then had Gleyber swing for the fences but come up a few feet short, for out number three.

And that is the message folks.  

The Ju-Ju gods have said we are going to come up just a bit short in the second half of the season. 

I was ordered to turn off the game and watch re-runs of the 17th stage of the Tour de France.  I could not even think about game 2  ( no one wins double headers, right?) because we were going to lose.  A certainty, and not worth investing any anguish to watch it unfold. 

And that's where I am.

Stuck in the Pyrenees. 

The Yanks are done. Sure, they will win a few more games. Maybe even beat Baltimore tonight. 

However, when the meat is in the frying pan, the heat will go out.  We are not winning it all.

I just keep wondering what the Ju-Ju gods might offer as compensation. 


  1. I don't know that this pathetic team beats the Orioles this weekend. Remember, the Orioles are not what they've been. They are risen from the ashes. My guess is that they'll give the Yankees all they can handle this weekend, and then some.

  2. I know this may qualify as blasphemy. But I'm beginning to rethink our whole attitude toward the juju deities.

    What's that old joke? A flood engulfs the house of crazy religious guy, who prays and prays for God to save him.

    A helicopter appears overhead. A rescue worker leans out and asks crazy religious guy (CRG), now praying on his roof, if he can throw a line down to him and pull him up.

    Oh, no, CRG assures him, I'm waiting for God to save me.

    The copter flies away. A little while later, some rescue workers in a motorboat show up. Same exchange. Then a pontoon plane. Same thing.

    Finally, the flood waters overwhelm CRG, and he dies. He goes up to heaven, shocked, and asks God, "Why didn't you save me? I had such faith in You!"

    And God tells him: "What? I sent a helicopter, a boat, a plane!"

    Old joke. light of our recent musings, I'm beginning to wonder about the hidden meanings in it.

    If the guy was so crazy religious...on some level, did he really WANT to die, so he could go to heaven? In the same vein, does HAL really WANT to win it all? Or is he just happy to blame his team's failings on those poorly, comely juju vixens?

  3. Oh, and enjoy the Tour de!

    Try not to knock over any cyclists on the way to the wine bar.

  4. @Hoss, I am absolutely sure that Hal doesn't want to win. Oh, if they do win, it's not like he'll reject the championship trophy, but he'd be worried, for sure, about what it would do to his portfolio. They're on a track to win maybe once every 30-40 years, and Hal likes it that way. When he congratulated Cashman after that one game exit last year, I think he was sincere. That really was a fantastic job by Cashman, making the playoffs and then getting the boot in one game. It was the best possible financial outcome for Hal. It's probably what they're shooting for again this year.

  5. Dante gets up at the mic in the coffeehouse for the poetry reading. He says, "Okay, I only have three poems..."

    Seriously, are dead-on, Alphonso.

    You know and I know that guys from Yonkers have special psychic powers. We can see what's coming.

    That's why I refuse to drink this year's Kool Aid.

    I love you all.

  6. Orioles are on the rise and they would love nothing more than to out-hustle and outplay a slumping team ripe for the picking.
    I see the Orioles taking 2/3, with baba booney praising everyone for their improved AB’s.

  7. Joey Gallo hitting .091/.265/.236 (.501 OPS) over the last calendar month and yet he's back in the starting lineup tonight.

    What a well-run organization this is.

  8. Gallo is Playing - Carpenter is not

  9. Hey. hey AA, whattaya want? Sure, Carpenter slammed a line drive with the bases loaded yesterday...but it was right at somebody! People could've been hurt!

    With Joey, you know that nobody's in danger.

  10. Danger

    We are safe now
    'cause there's no mo'


    (thanks for that tiny bit 'o' inspiration - HC66)

  11. Gallo again.
    Carpenter waxing his ‘stache.
    Andujar sitting in a motel room in Scranton, ready to make a deal with the devil.
    Boone, corporate stooge, has a bevy of college interns preparing his excuses for his postgame presser.

  12. Gallo contributed by not striking out.

    He's such a team player.

    Now, go play for another team.

  13. That was a key walk, Rufus. *cough*

    Taillon is done. Those games earlier this season were a last hurrah. He back to having great stuff that sucks.

  14. I think they'll have to move that left field wall farther back for Judge.

  15. Gallo homers. He may never be deleted.

  16. Wow,

    Am I hallucinating again? The St. Botoph's bozo's are down by three fucking touchdowns?

  17. It is beautiful on NESN.

    Getting to be a minor league game.






  18. Yup. Another harmless fly ball became an inside-the-parker. The Sux CF Duran Duran lost the ball in the darkness, then stood there while his LF retrieved the ball.

  19. Oh how sweet it IS Rufus! Inside the park grand slam against Red Sux, this is divine >>>>>LOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  20. Meanwhile, our ever-popular sweathog has thrown two wild pitches

  21. Rolaids can’t throw a fastball any longer…


  22. and added a single and a walk to his already impressive resume

  23. 27 runs. That's unreal. In another way, so is Chapman.

  24. Package flopsweat with twitch for a frozen pizza.

  25. It'll be a margherita. Just cheese, no toppings.

  26. Rolaids has to go…this is enough rope…


  27. and make that a home run on the night. Quite a line.

  28. Chapman is just terrible. Wow.

  29. Dick,

    I just spit my drink. Touche, brother from another mother.

    Meanwhile the red sox game is better. Like better than... Oh, never mind.

  30. Amazing how fast a guy can totally fall apart. Always shocks me.

  31. He’s not special anymore…lots of pitchers throw 100 mph…


  32. Rufus, you SPIT perfectly good alcohol?

  33. No one in the booth are saying that they are sitting on the slider…

  34. Dick,

    Yes, and I blame you (or your humor)

    So many posts being deleted. A shame.

    Not the red sux game though...

  35. Chapman has lost control of his fastball. The speed is fine, but when you can't throw it for strikes, you're done for.

  36. Looks like the Yanks will need a replacement for King at the deadline as well.

  37. That’ll be one order of TJ surgery, please!
    See you in 2 years, Kingsley.

  38. Hicks strikes out against former Yankees prospect Tate.

  39. Now I can go to bed. Finally.

  40. I’ll take it!
    Nice job by Holmes. Chapman, not so much..
    Very sorry to see King go.

  41. Chapman and Gallo

    What can anyone say

    JM - you need your rest for tomorrow's game

    Sleep well

    Aaron Judge

    Good Golly


  42. so many deletions tonight is taking the fun out of my life


  43. and while i'm on the subject,

    fuck gallo

    fuck hicks

    fuck chapman


  44. oh

    i almost forgot

    fuck boston


  45. Fuck Cashman. Fuck Hal. Fuck Boone. Fuck half the team. Did it ever occur to anyone here that your rooting for the Yankees is a deeply pathological masochism and that maybe you need to find a less demeaning hobby?

  46. Puckered forgot that we hate the TV announcers too. Must have been delirious, being exhausted from delivery all those pizzas last night.

    The St. Botolph's town morning sports reports are particularly entertaining this morning.

    The Argonauts scored four touchdowns and never went for the 2 point conversion.

    Too bad about King.


  47. Oh

    thanks for the reminder

    fuck barney too


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