Friday, August 19, 2022

And now, your Buck Showalter "Moment of Bliss"


This week, Buck celebrates "the ability of airplanes to get people here," after watching the family of Mets call-up Brett Baty celebrate his home run in Atlanta, on Baty's first major-league at-bat. 

“When I think about not only Brett but all the people who got some joy out of it.  Especially his parents.  It’s when you love the ability of planes to get people here.  But you know, I thought about him acknowledging there, but unfortunately in today’s game you just gotta move on.  That’s the thing isn’t it?  It’s one of those things you kinda wanta go down the runway.  You know, maybe I should.”

This has been your Buck Showalter Moment of Bliss.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. The 'Fire Aaron Boone' chants are on the rise at the stadium.

    As they become louder and louder they become more difficult to filter out from the broadcast.

    Especially the games NOT covered by YES.

    However, before upper management makes such a draconian move, I propose a stage one intervention.

    Effective immediately - take away Boone's bubble chew.

    No more bubble gum for Aaron Boone until this team, HIS TEAM turns it around!

    And by turn it around I mean they need to start winning games again.

    If the Yankees can start stringing together wins and taking series against their opponents - then and ONLY then can Mr Boone have his Bazooka back.

    It's time for Aaron Boone to feel the pressure of HIS lack of performance.

    The New York Yankees are in trouble . . .

    So take away his comfort bubble .

  3. A/A: tough love!
    Who,s to say iy wouldn’t work?

  4. Born2R999:

    And in the end -

    The GUM you take
    Is equal to the BALLS
    you RAKE.

  5. OK then, HC66 - I'll take the first verse:






  6. Fire Cashman. I'll give Boone a chance without having that imbecile calling the shots, deciding who is at AAA and who isn't, trading away guys Boone needs.

  7. Game is on Apple, right? All I get is audio, no picture.

    What gives?

  8. JM, I got the sound-with-still-picture when I tried to watch on my Chrome device. My guess is it affects any platform that doesn't have a happy contract with Apple. Chrome and Kindle, I guess.

  9. The RailRiders would take 2 of 3 from the Yankees. The RailRiders are the best team in the organization. Just the way Cashman, 1st ballot International League HOFer, wants it.

  10. Stanton scheduled to play in a AA ballpark tomorrow. After his day ends, he might consult his dictionary. He almost certainly had no idea what the word "malingerer" means. But he'll hear it a lot tomorrow.

  11. This is fucking lame. Wow. What a collapse.

  12. Remember when Roland’s had the Reliever of the year. Chapman should get arsonist of the year.

  13. @Celerino…Rolaids spells relief…now make an anagram of Aroldis and what do you get?

  14. If the NYC FC performed poorlyy, heads would roll in the front office. Hal just doesn't give a shit about the Yankees. More correctly, he's actively hostile to the Yankees. We are all witness to some weirdo Oedipal/Shakespearean psychodrama. And it's become incredibly boring. Boston's right. The Yankees Suck.

  15. Game highlight: great outfield defensive play by a recently called up minor league infielder. The New York Yankees are a complete fucking joke. Perhaps the worst run organization American professional sports (you're welcome Dan Snyder).

  16. 17-26 since July 1, when they were 56-21. You can't say Ca$h and the boys didn't turn things around.

  17. I'm savoring that case of Utica club that comes with winning the prognostication contest.

    83 wins, here we come!

  18. Cabrera catches tomorrow. Do it, Boonie!

  19. Suzyn and Sweeny (in the postgame) each intimated that Boone saying "crap" was "the equivalent of tipping over the buffet table."

    The fix is in, the script is written and us older people who remember the buffet table are the marks they're aiming at.

    That said, as much as I want to blast the guy for completely valid reasons: Boone NEEDS to quit this shit. On a human level I don't hate the guy and I want him to stop this and go home and live a cool life and save himself. I hadn't heard a post-game press conference this year until tonight. The man (a guy with a history of heart troubles) sounds like he's setting himself up to be the next Johnny Keane. No joke. As pissed as I get at the guy for doing the things these assholes tell him to do I don't want what sounds like it's coming to be what does. Fucking terrible manager, but that's something he can stop being. I don't hate him and really the baseball shit doesn't matter. I hope he makes it out of this okay.

  20. MJ -

    Well then - there it is - all joking and Boone bashing aside - perhaps sometime over the next couple of days or weeks Boone will decide to step down for health reasons.

    So if that comes to pass - who will take his place?

    Who on the big league coaching staff will be asked to step up and take Bubble's place?

    I think I know . . .

  21. AA: I'd like to hear who you think it might be. I'm thinking Rojas. I don't want him, just saying that's the direction I think they'd take.

  22. AA again: I love the crazy Brian Eyes and his other cool facial features. Alfred E. Cash was a thing of beauty. They all are with a canvas as beautiful as the face of this kid.

  23. Steady there, Rufus! I still have 77!

  24. MJ, I fear you are exactly right. Rojas is exactly the sort of automaton Cashman wants to slip into the manager's slot next. But I doubt if Boone will quit, I give him that.

  25. Taillon quit the day Cashman stupidly shipped his best friend to St Louis

  26. MJ - Rojas would be their reflexive move.

    Alternatively - Carlos Mendoza would also be a consideration - given their coaches.

  27. Judge is pressing - Everyone is pressing.

    There needs to be an EPIC reset.

  28. HC66: I don't want Boone to quit because he sucks; most people get fired for that way before this. The dude sounded like he was on a ventilator in the postgame tonight. Thinking back, he sort of always has. I didn't hear him this year before tonight because I can't stand listening to his bullshit. But the man sounds like he's throwing himself against a wall. I really want the guy to go away and live and come back and get that "F'ing" middle name back for a long time. I respect him for not quitting. But the people who aren't encouraging him to do so may not be doing him any favors. The guy looks okay on the dugout steps but sounds rougher than I remember.I hope I'm wrong.

  29. No, you're right, MJ, he doesn't sound or look good. And he has some major health problem, right?

    Not worth dying for Brian F'ing Cashman!

  30. It all needs to go. Maybe you hang on to some of the players longer than necessary but Boone, Cashless, and just about every scout and trainer needs to be sent packing

  31. Judge has been in a tailspin because, like dangerous hitters of the past one hundred plus years, he is being pitched around forcing him to either walk (with no one behind him to make the pitcher pay), or swing at nearly un-hittable pitches to try and make something happen. Baseball 101. "Just" dumping big contracts and then having said player(s) snap out of it is great for team morale, and is career ending. Cashman doesn't have the authority to "just" jettison players who are owed tens of millions of dollars. How many 'virtual GMs' here would sacrifice a seven figure salary to push THAT button if they did have the authority? "Just" is a word used by inexperienced people, way too often, and usually with nothing personally to lose. Example, 'honey, just get that power-line off the car so that we can get something to eat'... 'if you'd just tell Hitler that he's a moron maybe we can pull this war out....'

    There is only one thing which will realistically allow this team to right the ship. Relax, get healthy, and perform. Maybe if Stanton come back as "Stanton", and Rizzo snaps out of his troubles, giving Judge protection, Torres gets ringworm, and Donaldson recovers his youth we have a chance. If the pitching (which isn't terrible, yet) can come together with the hitting, maybe. It does happen. I'm not betting on hit though.

  32. One last thing. I was looking at the rosters of the Dodgers, Braves, and Mets. The key players on those teams are hardly kids. The youthful Rays have no less than seven players out for the season. They are not having any kind of a great season, the Yankees SHOULD have buried them over a month ago. Boston only has one player over 31 who are starters. What happened to their lauded farm system, the one that was stocked after trading Mookie Betts, and others? The Astros have a third of their starting line-up over 32. Their ACE is 39 (I know damned well that had we signed him a few years back he'd have somehow been toast after the first year). I almost forgot about the Mutts. Mad Max is thirty-seven and deGrom is 34. The remainder of the season is a crapshoot for both, great though Max is, and promising as deGrom looks. My point is, their is no secret cake batter to building a championship club. I've watched almost fifty Yankee seasons, multiplied by whatever number of team seasons from around MLB. Well over a thousand seasons. Teams who seem to be scrubs somehow go on a tear. Teams who seem perfectly put together falter. Before my time, but how many people really believed that Pittsburgh could possibly beat the '60 Yankees? The '69 Mutts over the Orioles, the '73 Mutts over the Reds? And so on. Beware of surety when discussing baseball, and what is going to happen. These management teams have a lifetime of living baseball night and day. Do you really think that you know some trick that has gotten past these guys? I used to thing so, season after season. Slowly it dawned on me, my opinions on management decisions is predicated on knowing less than ten percent of what is really happening on any given club. So relax, and let things play out. Maybe things play in our favor, at worst we can curse the imbeciles after the end of the season. My patience has really run out on Cashman. I'm at the point that I can't assume that I'll live to see another ring, and I'm in good health, and not ancient. But look at all those foolish Cub/Red Sox fans who spent their lives rooting for ownership. At some point, like my hometown Dolphins I will say, "no mas" and find another team, or another interest. Time is too valuable a commodity to hand over to businessmen who even though they FUCKING OWE it to there fans are cynically stringing us along. I started to smell the stench of bullshit about ten years ago. "Problems" such as these can easily be rectified. Hal needs to get off his ass and act like a real businessman. Right now, better management skills are to be found all over upper-middle management jobs across the country. He made a couple of billion dollars from foolish voters and greased politicos in NYC. Now he should have the decency to at least give back some entertainment to the fools who supported him. And I don't want to hear about fucking bond-holders and their ilk.

  33. If Cashman was a Roman general of years ago, he would reverently kneel down, place his sword directly under his lowest rib and thrust his full weight against the blade until it pierced his heart.

    Now, those guys really knew how to avoid the shame of an epic catastrophe.

    And think, we could of had Buck if Slow Hal [insert Scrooge McDuck analogy here] had decided to win.

  34. Exactly! Ritual Suicide! Hari Kari or Harry Caray for Cubs fans… and now, with hope… Brooklyn Bridge Booning.

  35. Yes, the Frank Pentagali solution.... "Don't worry Cash, your family can keep the money and the box seats.😨😰😱😭

  36. Yeah, someone tell Cashman to do hara-kiri. Who volunteers to do the head cut? Well, I guess that would be my job, being The Hammer of God. But since I haven't received an order from Heaven decreeing Cashman's demise, I could only cut off his head if he asked me to do it by appointing me as his "second" at his hara-kiri ritual! Who are we kidding, he ain't going to do it. This guy is the ultimate office survivor!

    @Kevin, yeah, as the Master says all the time, "you can't predict baseball". But as you say yourself, we're all sick to death of the stupidity, mistakes, the festering mistakes, and pure financial moves (all disastrous) by Cashman. It's high time for him to go, but I really doubt the evil weasel is going anywhere.

  37. Yep, hard for him to give up that money.


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