Wednesday, August 3, 2022

Brian Got Screwed By His Own Protégé

The Trade

The only reasonable explanation as to why he made the Montgomery trade was he had a deal with Miami for Pablo Lopez. Sure, it wasn't in stone (as in signed), but he was dealing with Kim Ng his former assistant. So, with time running out he did the deal with St Louis because Kim would come through.

She didn’t. 

Revenge? Some deep seeded issue with Brain perhaps? Just asking.

If you saw his press conference, he was a beaten man. A betrayed man.

And, speaking of beaten men…

Will AnDUjar Take A Break From The Game?

Yesterday he didn’t run out ground balls twice! This is a guy with a big smile and an exciting swing. A kid whose first year made him the toast of NY. Passing DiMaggio for G-d’s sake.  Given the nickname “Miggy Two Bags” by David Cone. 

Even though he was killing it in AAA they wouldn’t call him up. He finally realized that he will never start for the Yankees and asked for a trade. It didn’t happen. Then the Yankees got ANOTHER outfielder.

They broke him. It makes me sad. It makes me sick. This one I will not forgive.  



  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Andujar's situation is really sad and unfortunate.

    Carrying this over :

    A friend last night texted me that Vin Scully's passing had nothing to do with the Dodger's acquiring Gallo.

    To be honest - it never crossed my mind.

    Also - yesterday - looking at Cashman after the trade deadline I couldn't help but think of him as some sort of idiot freak.

    So I updated the avatar.

    I'll feel a little better if we win today's game with Sulky MacAceFace on the mound.

  3. It's not what he's doing in AAA. It's the fact that he already had a very good offensive season in the majors. Then had a shoulder injury and never got another shot. It's hard to think of anyone who put up a season like he did, probably should've won Rookie of the Year, then got buried in the minors after coming back from injury. Even now, since Stanton is injured, they could've called up Andujar to DH, if they think his outfield defense is still lacking. So instead, they dump a lefty starter and get another right handed bat with a broken foot to play CF.

    Quite obvious that winning a championship is not on the priority list for Yankee management.


  5. Thank God we have Cole starting today. He won't allow any home runs, let alone e 3-run one.

  6. Yep - so much for Cole's start . . .


  7. Right now, a CF with a broken foot has more value than a $10MM per year CF in an 0-22 slump.

  8. Make it stop ...

    Dear Lord, Cole looks like he's one of the old guys throwing Home Run Derby meatballs at the All-Star game.

  9. Gerrit Cole 3.70 ERA
    Jordan Montgomery 3.69 ERA

  10. Cashman would f'up a wet dream. But it doesn't matter, he has a job for life. After 50+ years, it maybe time to root for some other organization that values young players and wants to build a team. Like the Braves.

  11. Speaking of quitters, now ‘bout Cole, the erstwhile ace? Maybe in solidarity with Monty, whose departure “hurt” Taillon last night.
    When asked, Andujar said his Plantar Fasciitis was acting up. Sounds legit.

  12. more disappearing posts ... I despise google ....

    Our resident egg-laying ace, Gerrit Cole, is at it again.

    Maybe we should've traded him for a CF with a broken foot.

  13. HA - BTR999

    At least Castillo got to keep his hair - which certainly could have factored into all of this.

    Given Cashman's glossy dome - there's no room for negotiation.

  14. Cole + ace = Colace! But there's no softening the turd of this doomed season, is there?






  16. On another note, is Tony Dow still dead? I haven't seen anything recently

  17. @Celerino...still...very...dead...

  18. The more important question is is Gerrit Cole still dead?

  19. Cole dies every time he has to pitch in a game that matters

  20. The overall incompetence of this organization—in all the little things—is stunning.

    Witness Luis Rojas waving Falafel around to a certain out at home. We're down 6-1 with 2 out, Castillo seems suddenly vulnerable, and Rizzo is next up.

    A 3-run jack makes it 6-4. A slow single makes it 6-3.

    Unbelievable that we have hired yet ANOTHER coach who cannot figure out whether to send guys or not.

  21. Today's 6 runs were the most Cole has ever allowed in a single inning, in his career.

    Yeah, what an ace.

  22. Also...ENOUGH with the bizarre-o lineups already. Rizzo batting first? Donaldson fourth? Stop, already.

  23. I heard that Judge is resting his lower body today.

    Or perhaps the three stooges wanted to see just how well next year's lineup would do against a very good starting pitcher.

  24. What a shitshow, all the way around.

  25. @Hoss, Rizzo had hit too many 3 run homers lately. One of the problems with Yankee management is that they hate the 3 run HR. They only want solo or 2 run homers. You hit too many 3 run homers and they put you in the leadoff spot, virtually eliminating any chance of hitting a 3 run HR.

  26. Judge, shooting for the A.L. home run record and the Yankees Babe Ruth and Roger Maris records, and he's sitting on the bench. Against a top notch pitcher. Do you see any problem with that? I would've DH'd him at least. When Judge comes up short by a few homers in the last game of the season, HAL will personally congratulate Brain-less and Ba-Boone on a job well done. Judge will get a big contract, but at least they'll avoid a $500 million monstrosity.

  27. "Gerrit pitched well today. There were just three pitches that missed their spot early on."

  28. BTW everybody, on the Juan Soto trade, do you guys hear what I'm hearing, that Washington's main reason for trading him was that the team is for sale and that they don't think potential new owners would want to be saddled with a mega contract situation right from the get-go?

    So, as Hoss astutely pointed out a while back, it's all about risk management.

  29. Seems like, instead of being energized after the trade deadline, the Yankees somehow managed to suck the life out of the team.

    If only they had a manager who could inspire and turn the ship around instead of an apologist.

    Also, an actual ace. Or at least one that doesn't always put them in a hole.

    A batting order that is consistent and makes sense.

    And a GM who doesn't get fleeced and leaves us with the same 4 hitters who can't hit.

    Well, at least we don't have to watch Joey Gallo anymore but that's not really enough right now. We're out in the 1st round.

  30. I've got to think that the players know that was a bull shit move, trading Montgomery for a guy with a broken foot. It's taken the sails right out of the Yankee clipper ship.

  31. Dreadful



    HEY at least YES just informed us that Cole has 8 strikeouts today!!!!!!

  32. Hicks and Benintendinitis. now a combined 1-42. (An infield single)

    Alfred E. Boone: “What, Me Worry?”

  33. Let me go on the record to say that I really disliked the Benintendi acquisition. Better than Gallo? Yes, on paper. And we have to hope that he wakes up and starts hitting .320, but I really disliked the move. Leg issues, Red Sux re-tread, zero power. You're telling me that Florial in CF can't strike out three times a game and go hitless every day? This is a significant upgrade over having Florial in CF?

  34. Florial/Andujar my preferences as well. My preferred trade option was Happ, in an expanded trade that would’ve included Robertson. I thought Trivino threw the ball well last night; Kay, always trumpeting the company line, said Trivino has been “unlucky” this year.

  35. Someone finally got to Castillo....jeez

  36. Watching Castillo pitch, and thinking he could’ve been in pinstripes, has Tom Waits crooning in my head:

    Could have been on Easy Street, could have been a wheel,
    With irons in the fire and all them business deals
    But the last of the big-time losers shouted before he drove away,
    "I'll be right back, as soon as I crack the one that got away"

  37. Also - this home plate umpire isn't very good.

  38. Hinkey,

    Ironically (sigh) and from 12/22/17

    The One That Got Away

    Well, this gigolo is jumpin' salty, ain't no trade out on the streets
    No one will take Ellsbury, cause the Giants got cold feet.
    But he’s got a bunch of prospects and there will be hell to pay
    He’s got a goal. His name is Cole he’s the one that got away.

    Could have rested on his laurels. Could have been a wheel
    been happy with Giancarlo cause you know that was a steal.
    A quick resign of CC, even that one seemed OK.
    He’s got the knack he want’s to crack the one that got away'

    He drafted Cole at number one. When the Yankees didn’t work.
    Because we needed pitching and the fans were goin’ berserk.
    Even though the guy said he off to UCLA.
    Cashman pissed away the truth and drafted Gerrit anyway.

    Now Gerrit Cole is older and his fastball’s lost it’s snap. He gives up homers like Phil Hughes and his change up’s turned to crap.
    But we’ll give away Red Thunder before he’s had a chance to play.
    Cashman’s been scorned. You’ve been forewarned. Cole’s the one that got away.

    His trigger finger’s itchy and Cole’s entering his prime.
    And he’s cost controlled for two years and Hal loves to save a dime.
    Soon the cabinet will be empty ‘till there’s no one left to play.
    He’s heard the call he’ll trade them all for the one that got away.

    Well, he’s lost his equilibrium, and we’d finally turned the tide.
    The Baby Bombers looking good and restoring Yankee Pride.
    If he makes these trades it’s only time till the place feels just like Shea.

    Just play the rooks. Don’t make us schnooks cause there’s one that got away'.

    Doug K.
    December 22, 2017 at 1:50 PM

  39. Typical getaway day game...good thing I'm working and can't watch...

  40. OH boy - can't wait to watch the manager report with Goone

  41. But yeah, Hammer, why NOT play Judge today? Don't we want our best hitter to have as many at-bats as possible against this top pitcher as possible?

    What entertainment value offered today, huh? Down 6-0 after half-an-inning, with most of our best hitters not playing!

  42. And thanks for shout-out, Hammer. Yes, it is about risk management. And really, the cartel that is MLB should never let things happen like the situation in Washington—or, worse, Miami.

    MLB could easily ensure that EVERY new ownership group has the financial backing to compete, and is dedicated to doing so. The Nationals, by contrast, have pretty much destroyed their fan base for years to come.

    First you let Harper walk, with the promise that you need the money for Soto...then you let Soto walk, too? I don't care who buys them now. If you're a young Washington fan, you won't believe a thing these motherfuckers say, ever again.

  43. Michael Kay deciding to turn this entire broadcast into a tribute to Vin Scully, which is understandable, considering how bad a game it is in general.

    But he keeps telling us how Scully "was the greatest ever. No one else even comes close."

    A Yankees broadcaster should know better. Uh, RED BARBER, maybe? Mel Allen? Curt Gowdy?

    There are plenty of others who "came close." Starting in the Yankees' own booth. I know they didn't go to Fordham, like Kay and Scully did. But still.

  44. Boone is an idiot.

    Cashman is an idiot.

    Kay is an idiot and a shill.

  45. Cole gave up home runs to guys hitting .234, .204, and .126.

    Also, Yanks lost by 4 or more runs for just the 5th time this season. Every other team in baseball has lost at least 10 such games.

    Expect us to do some catching up.

  46. At least the Blue Jays lost so our division lead is safe for another day. :)

  47. Doug, I should have checked the archive for the more Yankee-specific version…

  48. The Daily Murdoch had this to say about our new “defensive genius” CF MasterBader:

    “… has played in 72 games while batting .256 with a .673 OPS and 15 steals, along with -2 Defensive Runs Saved in center field, per FanGraphs.”

    That’s a NEGATIVE DRS! He’s a real specialist.

    Thanks for the hand job Brain.


  49. It’s like The Intern’s love life: bringing home birds with broken wings.

  50. Mistakes happen. The Genius on the whole has made some duds.

  51. I'm telling you guys, that's not a GM who is trying to win. That's a GM who's trying to torpedo the season, under orders from ownership. Stupidity does not explain all of these bat shit crazy moves.

  52. Hinkey,

    No not at all. You mentioning the original Waits song was cool and reminded me of the one I wrote.

    It's amazing how prescient, screwed up, still relevant, and totally clueless it was. :)

  53. Meanwhile - how's Judge's lower body doing?

    Do you think that's its over Montgomery's departure yet?

    Its OK -they'll be in St. Louis soon enough.

    (what a unfortunate trade)

  54. Stupid stupid stupid stupid stupid stupid stupid.

    Aside from that...

  55. Just watched the manager's post game report with Aaron (double bubble, toil and trouble) Boone and he really appeared the most lost and uncomfortable that I've ever seen him.

    28 "You Know"s in less than two minutes of talk time, body language was almost too painful and Gallo-like to watch.

    The upcoming series with the Cardinals will show us whether the team can rebound from the trade deadline blunders and pretty accurately forecast how the team will be for the remainder of the season.

  56. @AA - especially since half of Boonie's pressers lately are about Judge's HRs...without that to talk about, you get 28 you knows in two minutes...smh

  57. JM - why WOR-TV/Channel 9 of course watching the Joe Franklin Show

  58. Joe Franklin somehow got stars and superstars to do his show. But he was kinda boring.

  59. comment about Red Barber disappeared or got deleted by someone.


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