Sunday, August 21, 2022

Comment moderation is on

As you probably know, a troll has been harassing commenters, making this step necessary. For now we'll disable auto-moderation about an hour before games and restore it about an hour after, so we should have a pretty free flow of talk while the Yankees are actively in the process of losing. Some of us will take turns moderating comments by hand during games. I'd like the troll to know that we delete their comments without reading them. 


  1. Sorry you all have to do this, but grateful for you.

    Back to the sick bed.

  2. 13 Bit - do "they" have you on any of the Covid anti-virals?

    Hope you are better soon.

    Also - thanks to everyone involved in the moderation.

    Never fun - but I have seen why it has to be done.

  3. Absolutely! Thanks for doing this, and for trying to keep this site civil. It's something we need in general in this country just now, and there's no reason at all why we can't discuss baseball, fer cryin' out loud, in a civil manner!

  4. I think that it is time to stop this hate towards trolls.
    They can't help what they are. They were born that way.
    They have simply chosen to live under bridges and harass youngsters which attempt to cross without paying the toll.


  5. Thought of saying something witty, but this topic doesn't merit it.

    Thanks to those doing heavy lifting during this process. It is much appreciated.

  6. I'm all for civility. I hear some people are calling for a "Civil" War.

    As to the moderation... absolutely.

    This is not a place for anger and personal insults directed at one another. Let's keep the above focused on where it belongs, on the ownership and management of the Yankees.

  7. Amen, Doug K. I don't know why some people can't understand that the internet should be treated like the real world. If you wouldn't say it to someone's face, you shouldn't be writing it on here (at other commenters). Personal insults only take away from the site, bringing it to a lower level, akin to a schoolyard bullying kind of thing. The mods gave the troll plenty of chances to grow up, but the troll just couldn't handle it.

    And a big thank you to the moderators who'll be working to enforce the rules. Ya'll have my vote for mayor. If you ever decide to run for public office, just shout out "I was a mod on IIH IIF IIG!".

  8. Thanks for doing this, 'Stang.

    The guy has been emailing me increasingly ugly and threatening messages. I just delete them, but it gets tiresome.

    1. @ Duque...Jesus, the guy exuded anger in many of his posts but I didn't think he was stalker psycho. Crazy world we live in.

  9. Thanks for the kind words, everyone. Sorry that happened to you, Duque.

  10. I guess I know who you’re talking about. I’m a big free speech guy, but aware there are limits. I blog and post quite a bit from on political sites, and I’ve been banned from several, both left leaning and right leaning, so I know what it’s like. But the individual seemed to instigate these ad hominem attacks and perpetuate them. The fact that he was e-mailing threatening notes to you is outrageous and over the line. I appreciate the efforts being made to keep this blog safe and civil, while still allowing for free and open exchange of ideas and opinions. Thank you!

    1. @ BTR...You're nobody until you've been put into Facebook jail a few times for political comments. LOL!


  11. Now, if you could only get the Yankees to stop playing ugly, that would be a big help.

  12. Very sorry to hear you received threatening emails Duque, that’s way over the line. Appreciate the efforts to keep this a safe and civil board, while still allowing a free exchange of ideas and opinions. Thank you all.

  13. I had no idea the abuse was going on. I'd seen some fairly rational comments by He Who Cannot Be Named, but obviously missed the worst. And the, that's kind of psycho. (Insert screeching Bernard Herrmann violins here.)

    I wonder how Stat Boy is doing?

  14. So Cashman or Boone are finally reading this website?

  15. OH NO El Duque, that's waaaAAAaay over the line, JEEEEZE! . I'm really sorry your having to deal with this, and thank you all for your diligence!

    @ JM
    I agree, if it's who I think it is, it's a shame since there have recently been some very good points made,,,, at least those seemed civil. I missed many of the uglier posts, but I've seen some real doozies in the past. There's plenty of room here for polite disagreement, but today's world is too weird, dangerous and volatile; this site should always be a safe haven for us to share a laugh, and to commiserate on the horrors of this Yankees management LOL!



  16. If we were all living in John Carpenter's THE THING universe (or The Hidden or Lifeforce to name but a few) then He Who Cannot be Named could have already taken over one of our life forms and is pretending to be one of us - commenting away.

    We may never know who - it - is - until - its - too - late!

  17. He can wear a bag over his head and call himself Suzyn, but if he comes here and shits all over people he'll be deleted.

  18. HaHaHa - if he employs "The Bag" approach he might as well say, I'm Batman.

  19. Seems that the Information Superhighway turned into a conduit for
    lunatics to crawl into your house.

  20. I'm nearly certain that He is a She...

  21. Duque, if this deranged thing is threatening you, it would be advisable to report to the police. At the least, to the blogspot mucky mucks.

    Should be easy to locate the turd just by the email header.


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