Friday, August 5, 2022

Did Yankee fans trade the blight of the Bambino for the Curse of Cashman?


  1. Has it occurred to anyone that all the "inside stories" about how the Jordan Montgomery deal went wrong, might be disinformation coming from Cashman himself?

    That he really thought this was a good trade, and that now he's covering his tracks to pretend that someone did him wrong?

    That might be giving Cooperstown too much credit. But he hasn't survived this long by not learning how to manipulate the press at every turn.

  2. Hoss, I do believe he thought it was a good trade, with positive implications for next year, even if the rest of ours are still concerned with THIS year.

    Speaking of this year, I see Sir Didi was just released. Anybody want him? Minor league contract in case of injury?

  3. The Brain definitely thought the Montgomery trade was a good one and he still thinks so. It checked all of their boxes for next year and Judge's contract negotiations. Over the winter, it would be difficult to have to potentially fill both the CF and RF positions. This way, they have a defense first guy for CF, who hits around .260 with some pop. It helps with Judge's negotiations because it takes away the potential Judge argument that he'll be playing CF a lot and therefore should get paid even more as a CF who hits for both average and power. Even if Judge leaves, they have CF done. All they need to do is sign a free agent RF.


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