Monday, August 1, 2022

Drunk blog concludes (maybe)

 I have seen the future and it does not include the Martian, the Judge, the Cashman and a 2022 world series.

Too many holes. 

I could be wrong. I’m drunk.

But I know what I think I see.

Today and tomorrow, Cashman is going to blow up either the team or the farm system. God knows what we will look like. 

But this team, as currently constructed, falls short.


  1. I think we need...wait a minute, I'm thinking, it's a tough call...PITCHING.

    We didn't get Castillo. We still need an as-elite-as-possible starter and a bullpen arm that is dependable.

    I don't think Holmes is a great closer. Maybe he'll become one. But not as he is. Which means we don't have a closer. He's blown 3 of 20 chances. Very good, maybe excellent, but we got used to Mo and yesterday's (plus other recent) outing(s) is (are) not hopeful. Everyone slumps--except Mo--but we need a shutdown artist. Lasagna is wildly iffy, Chapman is pretty iffy, and Marinaccio is a terrific youngster (but nobody's perfect).

    We ain't got one. And our rotation includes a very good (not really an) ace, Nestor (vulnerable, but holding his own so far), Sevvy (who knows?), Monty (the Disappointment), Taillon (one foot in the pool of mediocrity), and German (oh my goodness).

    Yesterday, against a tomato can, we scored 6 runs. That should be enough. Not with our staff as it currently is.

  2. Very true, JM.

    I remember that there used to be two times each season—usually one very early, and one around this time of year—when The Great One would go into a mini-slump. There'd be something like 3-4 games where he wouldn't quite have it. Maybe overwork?

    Usually, he would get through 2 of those anyway, and maybe the other 2 would get away. Then he'd be fine again.

    Yeah, we were spoiled.


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