Wednesday, August 17, 2022

Estevan Florial and Oswaldo Cabrera: The Yankees are promoting two lyrical baseball names

 Estevan Florial
(Fun fact: This is his fourth try.)

Oswaldo Cabrera
(Fun fact: He wore #3 at Scranton.)


  1. Last 20 Games
    Aaron Hicks .147/.247/.147 (.394 OPS)
    Gleyber Torres .173/.193/.247 (.440 OPS)
    Marwin Gonzalez .111/.238/.194 (.433 OPS)

    That's the bar for Cabrera and Florial to clear.

  2. I’m gonna go out on a limb and say Cabrera ends up bring a spark to this team and ends with up the starting second baseman next year, our answer to Altuve. Torres gets traded.

  3. @AA...thinking that AnDUjar goes down and DJ goes on EL...

  4. Too little, too late? Fuck Cashman.

  5. Looks like Holmes + DJLM to the IL, Andujar goes down.

  6. Holmes has tightness of the pucker hole. Cabrera will probably be traded next year to Oakland for another of their suck-ass pitchers

  7. @AA...Just saw your Mets to Yankees song. Excellent!!

  8. Golly, I sure am getting nostalgic for '05, when a certain Robinson Cano was called up in desperation only after the Yankees had already doubled and tripled down on Tony Womack, often batting him second, if I recall.


  9. 1) They should give Cabrera SS and move IKF to 3rd (his natural and gold glove position) and bench Donaldson.

    2) Florial is doomed regardless. If he excels in CF then Brain looks even worse for trading Montgomery for The Bater.

    3) Next, DFA Marwin Gonzalez and bring up Peraza to play 2nd and bench Gleyber.

    Don't know if they will start winning but they would be WAY more interesting to watch.

  10. When DJ comes back make him the permanent 2B (except for the occasional start at 1st.) Keep Gleyber on the bench.

    Send the Oswald that is doing worse back down.

    When Stanton comes back...

    If Florial is getting it done they should DFA Hicks but they won't.

  11. Doug K, FWIW I think you're spot on.

  12. About freaking time that they promoted some younger position players. How long do we have to endure players like Locastro? They need to bring up guys who have a chance to develop into regular players. Not bench players like Locastro.


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