Wednesday, August 31, 2022

Game 131: Kinks until we lose


  1. Fuck me. Come dancing. Hicks is in CF tonight.

  2. Hicks not A Well Respected Man.

    Sandoval will eat this lineup alive tonight

  3. Did you ever dance with the devil in the pale moon light?

  4. Winnie, that the "Bat Man" Gentleman Jack Nicholson.

    Although Mr. Loaf did dance by the dashboard light.

  5. excuse the typos and fat fingers.

    I actually like come dancing, it's on my friday martini playlist. As is lust for life.

    Low budget is the best period piece I know and one that has aged well.

    "they're size 28 but I take 34." Unfortunately, we're all on low budgets now.

  6. Loaf did that line as an intro to one of the songs on Bat Out of Hell.

  7. I think. I'm not sure. I've had 3 glasses of wine.

  8. Hicks got it done! A proper sac fly!

  9. Winnie,

    You need to catch up! I'm on my nightcap!

  10. the BABE of angels killed us real good


  11. Winnie, there is no wine in baseball.

  12. Cashman oh Cashman

    Do you feel pain?

    Are you a human

    Empty Refrain

    You're so useless

    You smell

    Yuck Yuck Yuck

    Its you that makes the

    Yankees SUCK

  13. Yes, once again our demi-ace derails. Giving up the big hit to one of the very few people in this lineup who can hurt him.

    Five in the AILC, coming up? A 3-4 swing against these clowns? Holy shit.

  14. It seems like it never occurs to the Yankees to try and pitch around the other team’s big hitter

  15. 3 hits—0 by our first 5 hitters. 2 critical errors. Another ill-timed day off for one of our hotter hitters. Another choke start by our supposed ace.

    "Hello, USPS? Yes, I'm calling to get something delivered. Yes, I'd like to mail in tonight's game. Do I want insurance? What if it's lost along the way? Oh, that doesn't matter! Why do you think I'm mailing it in?"

  16. 3 hits through 8. 10 and 17 this month.

  17. On their way to the worst month since 1991.

  18. So . . . would you have rather had Judge come up with a man on as the potential winning run in the eighth, or lead off as the potential tying run in the ninth?

  19. Oh, brilliant, brilliant play all around!

    First, DJ works a walk off "Excitable Boy" Quijada, the Angels' hyperactive set-up man in an extended at-bat.

    Then...Boone gives Quijada a break from the flow of the game by sending in a pinch-runner. Then...Benintendi swings at the first pitch from this guy who can't find the plate, and pops up. Then...Boone sends Rizzo in to play first, thereby rendering moot his "day of rest."

  20. Sure, in that situation, I'd rather have Judge up in the 8th. But again—numbers of 3-run homers Judge will hit in the first while batting second? Zero.

  21. Judge?


    Oh yeah - I remember when he played for the Yankees.

    He was really good.

    Too bad we didn't sign him.

    But who can blame hime, really.


  22. Number of three-run homers he will hit in the first inning at all? Close to zero, so that's costing him extra at-bats for a roll of the dice on an extreme improbability
    . The point is that the lineup gets scrambled throughout the game, so you don't know where he's going to come up in what situations after the first go-round. Better, then, to have him coming up more often than less often.

  23. 3 run home runs. That's hilarious; like These Our 2022 New York Yankees can manage 2 hits in the same inning.

  24. But once again, Aaron Judge is good at baseball.

  25. Judge better not hurt himself on the base pads

  26. Have faith, young Hoss.

    Have faith, young man.

    Here comes the DP

  27. I'm thinking our best hope here is back-to-back double steals.

  28. Oh, I don't know. I think Donaldson has a very good chance to K.

    But almost, AA!

  29. A manager with balls would've put Rizzo in Donaldson's slot.

  30. not enough faith, Mr Hoss

    now here comes the DP

  31. What a display of incompetent hitting. This guy hasn't found the plate all night, but we're helping him through.
    Gleyber is just awful.

  32. Thu-uhuh Yankees lose to a really bad team.

  33. Well, there go the Kinks. Friday's would have been "Til the End of the Day."

    So smart to put the whole game on the shoulders of a guy who's been in the majors for two weeks. Boone's a cartoon.

  34. And again...a manager with balls, who did not trust Trevino against their closer, would've slotted Rizzo into that spot.

    Not our automaton.

  35. how bad were these last two series?

    this is not a trick question.


    how embarrassing, really

    the players looked tense and uncomfortable in Oakland

    Anaheim - the same way

    this season/year is now officially done

    I hope Judge makes history and enjoys his new team and city (wherever that turns out to be)

    but Cashman should be DFA'd

    Boone should be made a manager of a chain shoe store somewhere in Kansas

    very sad

    very disappointing

  36. Exactly, Stang!

    And you know, for all the "walk's as good as a hit, 3 True Outcomes crap," this is a team with no idea of the strike zone.

    Both of the Angels' relievers could barely find the strike zone. But only DJ, Judge, and Stanton had any ability to wait them out. Benintendi swung at the first pitch, Donaldson and Gleyber at pitches egregiously out of the zone. Oswaldo we give a break, as a rookie. But his last out, too, came at a pitch not in the zone.

    But hey: hit strikes hard!

  37. I recall a Jean Shepherd story where he condescendingly agrees to take a girl out on a bind date, only to find out HE was the pitiable loser who had to be set up.

    We always talk about beating the tomato cans? WE are the tomato cans.

  38. And it is coming. Who said this? We have the pieces to do it. It is right in front of us. Like uh uh you know like. Um Um Um. No other than Manager Kumbaya. Nive job bringing in cheap pieces by Cheapskate Hal and Genius Cashman. 5-4-3-2-1- Choke!

  39. And so, our final Kinks song: “Catch Me Now, I’m Falling”

  40. So, there is every possibility they come back to play a Labor Day afternoon game at the Stadium up only 2 games in the AILC. The Stadium should be sold out—and boiling.

    Really, they'll be booing everything in sight—and good for them.

  41. Regarding lineup configuration. Judge has less of a chance to hit the three run bomb in the first? Why? Typically you would put your best on base men ahead of him. You can even get cute by threatening to steal, bunt, or run and hit. A century of baseball shows that pitchers get rattled and lose the zone frequently. And what is wrong with sending your (often) best hitters up late in the game? Not every late game scenario involves THE BOMB, after all. I'd wager that more late inning heroics are settled in less dramatic fashion.

    Every time I see David Robertson, Johnny Cueto, Luis Castillo, etc NOT PERFORMING for the Yankees, well, everything goes BLACK. IF NOT THIS SEASON, THEN WHEN?????

  42. As the Yanks limp back east, can we expect "Better Things"? Or will they "Do It Again"? The team looks like they're on a "Dead End Street". No doubt Judge was thinking, out there in California, "This Is Where I Belong". When the "People In Gray" (aka the Rays) show up at the Stadium this weekend, so many Yankees fans will be reaching for the old demon "Alcohol" to numb the pain. But since Hal has the Yanks on a "Low Budget", it's hard to see this improving any time soon.

  43. No, Kevin, I meant that if they bat Judge second, he has zero chance of hitting a first-inning, 3-run shot. There literally cannot be 2 guys on ahead of him.

    Sure, last night I would have rather had him up in the 8th than Beni. But there is no way of predicting who will be up in a certain situation deep into the game.

    Above all, I would've like Beni not to have been such an asshat and swung at the first pitch against a reliever who was having trouble finding the strike zone.

  44. Hoss,I can dig. But there is far too much emphasis regarding the "extra AB". And as I pointed out last week, the first team to score wins 65-70%of the time. This team far too often, and for too long plays the game far too passively. We have read far too many narrative baseball books that chronicle how a team comes to life when they seize the initiative. In short, this team isn't sunk unless they don't really want to win. Maybe they don't.


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