Sunday, August 28, 2022

Game Thread: Field of Screams


When was the last time they had a hit?


  1. Yesterday? I believe it was yesterday, but my memories grow dim ...


  2. Don’t give a…

    I’m going to watch “The Captain” instead of this garbage.

  3. The Brain Trust: Your team has come off a night of sluggish offense. Whatchagonnado? Put Aaron Hicks in the lineup! Why Aaron Hicks? Because the ballboy was out with a groin strain! Genius!

  4. Last hit was a single by Torres in the 7th inning on Friday. Hey, it’s tough to hit great pitchers like Oller & Martinez. Weren’t there a couple of open spaces in the Hall of Fame, for when they get inducted?

  5. Sorry, 1 hit in 17 innings. Not none. East mistake to make with this bunch.

  6. Easy, not east. Crap, I need another nap.

  7. The Aaron Hicks Strategy: clog up a roster spot with an aging outfielder who can't play anymore, until the last bitter out of the game that eliminates you from the postseason. Known in the past as The Brett Gardner Strategy.

  8. I don't know why we're complaining. They're batting.500 with RISP in this game

  9. This Cashman Yankees team has the ability to allow any mediocre pitcher with an ERA of between 6.00 and 9.00 to consistently and completely stymie their so- called hitters. Amazing.

  10. It’s like that old saying - if you can’t dazzle them with brilliance, baffle them with bullshit. Works against the Yankees every time.

  11. Wipeout is wearing white spikes and is all out the strike zone.

  12. The Gardener Gambit may still be employed this season, so don’t rule it out. He’s tan, fit, well rested- nay, , OLD! And he will come CHEAP.

  13. The A's are trying to give the game to the Yankees, but they're not accepting the charity.

  14. If I had a name like Puke, I'd think I'd change it.

  15. Wow, they might be able to still blow the division after all.

    And the philosophy of playing Hicks...

    —Paying a guy $70 million who is a complete washout: bad

    —Paying a guy $70 million who is a complete washout but insisting on playing him: even worse.

    How hard is this to comprehend?

  16. So, today was a split:

    —That ballgame.

    —Terrific, moving piece, with pictures, from Doug K!

    As usual, this blog is a much better place to be than sitting in front of a Yankees game.

  17. Hoss, so true.

    At least the old ball club is rounding into post season form.

  18. In full disclosure, I snapped off the TV in the first inning and went out into the clean, fresh air. It seems I didn’t miss anything. I guess the team is phoning it in after winning 5 games in a row. This is probably what we should expect the rest of year as we back into the playoffs accompanied by the usual symphony of excuses from management. A first round exit, already de rigeur in these parts, is a stone cold certainty.


  19. After watching the second episode of “The Captain,” and Jeter’s arb case with the Intern after the 98 season, I hate Cashole even more. Which I didn’t think was possible. What a total dick.

  20. AA here - reporting from Northern California.

    I was at the game today in Oakland and I have a bunch of observations to share with all the good people (YOU KNOW WHO YOU ARE) here.

    Its too late now for most of you right coasters (I promise NEVER to rest any of my drinks, hot or cold on top of any of you) so I'll share it at some point tomorrow.

    I will say this - based on my in game observations - the Yankee world is a sad, psychologically troubling and somewhat stressful place for many of the Players and coaches.

  21. Totally agree, DickAllen. I mean, Cashman KNEW he couldn't NOT sign Jeter. He knew it, but went through all of that just to get credit with HAL and the press corps. And worse yet, he actually seemed to want to sign Tulowitski.

  22. Looking forward to your report, AA. I don't know what's going on, but I'm at a point where I don't care. They are simply unwatchable.

  23. But wait, I'm sorry: we're all destroying the team's karma by being...shudder, cringe, shake...NEGATIVE! Tinkerbell will die!

  24. Tinkerbell is Dead, HC99 (just don't call me late for dinner) and I once had a dream which confirmed it!

    I was but a few feet from the on deck circle AND the walkway to the clubhouse.

    This provided a somewhat unique vantage point to observe . . .

  25. AA,

    Northern cali? Dreaming? Are you sure those are flashbacks?


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