Monday, August 22, 2022

Giancarlo Stanton: Employee of the Week!


He did it, folks!

They said it wasn't possible, but yesterday marked Giancarlo Stanton's 250th game missed as a Yankee! In less than five seasons!

Yes, to be sure, Giancarlo was robbed by the Covid outbreak, without which he would surely be well over 300 games missed by now.  

But let's give him some credit. As it is, Stanton has missed almost 38 percent of all Yankees games since he put on the pinstripes. AND...without missing a single model/actress to, shall we say, "pump."

You go, Giancarlo! PLEASE, GO!


  1. Never been a fan of his, as he seemed a poor fit skills-wise with an incredibly burdensome contract. Despite boon’s protests to the contrary, I believe he will not play the OF again this year. Already doing little more than jog around the bases, he will probably be speed walking them now. Still, he will occasionally guess right and reach the seats, and with our offense now being the worst in the Bigs, he should provide a small upgrade.

  2. HC - may I humbly and respectfully suggest/request an itsy bitsy edit to your above post :)

    You go, Giancarlo! PLEASE, GO!*

    *Immediately after our 2022 season ends - that is once you are able to provide a few more weeks of healthy, productive, protection for JUDGE in the lineup so Aaron has a better shot at making history in what appears will be his last year as a New York Yankee.

  3. When you consider how easily a Glass Giant can chip, crack, or shatter, I think John Carlo has done pretty well.

  4. Just think of the “gamers” that Cashman has brought in; Ellsbury, Pavano, Stanton, Tuliwitzski, Jarret Wright, Youk, Kei Igwawa. The only way they’d leave the game was via a stretcher.

  5. Stanton, Ellsbury, Pavano, Cashman knows how to pick the work horses

  6. "You gotta play with the small hurts."—Vince Lombardi

    "You gotta party until you get the small hurts."—Giancarlo Stanton

  7. I liked Mike Stanton but never warmed up to Giancarlo. Something about the flat-footed strike out swing, missing the ball by a foot or more, always bothered me. The home runs streaks were great but not frequent enough to convert me. Only a few ever came in meaningful situations with a game on the line. Most were just icing on the cake. I keep hoping the Dodgers will find a home for him as they have for Joey G.

  8. Celerino, How could you leave Hicks off your list?

  9. The Mick just used to tape it.

  10. Hoarce, is that more than Jacoby Smellsbury?


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