Thursday, August 25, 2022

Nestor to the IL

We're done. 


  1. Yeah, that's about it. And worse yet, it gives Cashman yet another excuse for falling short this year.

    1. I'm Thinking makes him look even dumber for trading Monty away for a hobbled outfielder

  2. Monty is gone. Cash is a moron. We are toast.

  3. Sure would be nice to have Monty around. Stupid Cashole

  4. Nestor will recover.

    One month in a jelly tub with peaceful background music should do the trick.

    But he will have to be catheterized, and leave that appendage alone.

  5. Oasis Dave, love your moniker for the intern.

    And here's hoping Super Mario heals faster than the glass man.

    1. I can't wordsmith like most of you guys can but I'm glad I was able to contribute something, glad you like it!

  6. From Twitter:

    Yankees are calling up Triple-A closer Greg Weissert...

  7. Thank the Scions of JuJu that CashGenius traded that stiff Montgomery.

  8. Who needs an excess of starting pitching? Am I right or am I?

  9. I am thinking that Nester is not that hurt.
    This is a way to limit his innings and still be able to bring up a pitcher.

    We can only hope.

  10. Archie, we hope you’re right!

  11. Don't worry, everybody! Before long, we'll be in so much awe over all the great things in CF that Master Bader does--you know, all those great things we thought Hicks was supposed to do--that we'll forget about Montgomery!

  12. NOOOOOOOOOO! Please please PLEASE be correct Almighty Archangel!

  13. So now we have Sevi and Nestor on the imaginary IL?

    And we traded Monty

    so that's 3/5 of our starters.

    Don't forget he also traded Waldichuk and Sears. They are pitchers too.

    I guess that pitching fire sale at the trade deadline might not have been the best idea.

  14. Oasisdave? Here is an example of my eloquence: Fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck.

    See? Eloquence so easy.

    Fuck CashGenius.


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