Saturday, August 6, 2022

This can't Last...

 I am watching Nasty Nestor cruise through 4 innings, but being to struggle.  He is throwing with exceptional effort behind each pitch, and I think to myself, " this can't last."

The yankees couldn't get much done, but they did have a lead.  

All my neurons  ( do humans have neurons?) are lighting up and saying to me," what if we have to go to the bullpen ?"

Who takes us through innings 5-8?

What if it is a tight game at the end,  and time for either Chappy or Holmes?

Holmes now has the look of a guy who had a great run, and was recently delivered back to the real world.  The world of Pittsburgh.  

Now we have lost our first baseman ( another tweak of another back ),  which weakens the defense and the offense. Just think, for a moment, how many great plays Rizzo makes on poor throws and crazy pop flies.  We shall soon see DJ's offense fall off as exhaustion flows over him. He can't pay third, second and first endlessly. 

Gleyber has hit a stone wall at the plate and Hicks knows he is already replaced. As Duque has stated, Hicks is just a bald old guy now. Can't hit a foul ball. 

So we have Judge and what?  Carpenter, maybe.  And  we did luck into a catcher. 

In my opinion, we just used our most reliable starter and we lost.  We can't hold a one run lead. Shouldn't even pretend that we can. 

The gods will have a field day with German vs. Monty today.

And LoCastro sits, Andujar wilts and Florial waits for a chance to go to Japan. 

Cashman should be the one going to Japan. 


  1. we could start a go fund me to send Cashman to Japan


  2. After seeing Bullet Train, Japan would be too good for The Intern.

    I'm thinking something more exotic like the Ukraine. Or Palestine. Some place where the chances of a stray bullet might put him out of commission are far greater.

  3. After seeing Blade Runner back in 1982 - I was thinking that we could try to get BC to one of those off-world colonies.

  4. Another little risk-big risk mistake.

    Going into this season, the Yanks were supposedly looking to sign either Freddie Freeman or Anthony Rizzo for first base.

    The two guys are almost identical in many ways. Both lefties, both about to turn 33 (Freeman in Sept., Rizzo on Monday). MAYBE Rizzo is the better fielder, though they are both Gold Glove winners. Freeman is definitely the better hitter, about 45 points up in OPS, lifetime.

    Yanks signed Rizzo for 2 years, $32 mill—with the second year a player's option. Freeman went to LA, for 6 years, $162 mill.

    A big Yankees win! HAL saves $130 mill!

    Except that Rizzo is hurt. Again. And batting more than 100 BA points below Freeman, who is leading the NL in hits and doubles—and might be leading the AL in HRs, if he were playing in Yankee Stadium.

    $130 mill. Think the Yanks make that up with a World Series win in the space of a single season? I suspect they do. But it would have been a risk...

  5. Of course, they could have already HAD Jose Abreu at first since 2014, including his MVP, ROY awards, 2 Silver Sluggers, 3 All-Star games, for a total, over 9 seasons, of $118 mill that didn't even COUNT against the salary cap. But The Brain didn't so much as give him a look...

    Ah, what's the use?

  6. This line up features six guys who can't hit and a guy who can't pitch.

  7. Oh, Domingo, Domingo.

    And brilliantly fielded by Hicks, too.


  8. Boooooone has no clue: Benintendi gets his first solid hit yesterday and sits today.

  9. Amazing how you can tell when a team is in free fall. The Yanks are only down, 1-0, in the second inning. Anybody can win, right? But you know they can't. You know there is no possible way they are going to win this game. I don't know if it's body language or just knowing these players, or what.

    But there is no way the Yankees are winning tonight. If I had a large amount of money, I would go on one of those betting sites and bet it all on the Cardinals winning this game.

  10. And yet…

    Gleyber has had 10 hits in his last 57 ABs and he’s batting cleanup.

    Does F**CKING Boooooone know anything about baseball?


  11. Well DickA when you only have three guys who can hit in your line-up somebody has to do it.


  12. Doug, we have three guys in the lineup who can hit?!?!?

    Will miracles never cease.

  13. Hoss, you are soooooo right, there's a stench about them,,,,, it's not a question of if they are going to lose, just a question of how! URRGGGG!!

  14. Geeze guys - - - don't you remember.......


  15. Good relay there. No challenge, amazingly.

    A little excitement in a dull game.

  16. no challenge ?

    we caught a break there

  17. This team is best taken day to day. No woulda, shoulda or coulda played. Or traded. Or not traded. Or what anyone has batted previous to this specific game. Or thrown, for pitchers. Just now.

    That was a great play by Arenado. He is excellent.

  18. Thanks JM - I keep on trying to call Skinner to see if we can get Mulder and Scully tasked with finding out what really is wrong with the Yankees but no one ever takes my call...

  19. Skinner has shifting allegiances. Always has had.

    German up to 75 pitches through four. Here come the bullpen game blowers.

  20. I see we've traded lots of strikeouts for weak contact...Jesus

  21. Did he just say deadly Yankee lineup?


  22. The fox announcers are insufferable

  23. another reliever that throws 101

  24. but at least Donaldson handled his slider

  25. First overmanaging move of the day.

  26. Sure, change pitchers, make sure you bench the hot hand.


  27. LOL...Even now the Yankees still can't score when Montgomery is pitching!

  28. Lol!!

    It took til the seventh, but we finally got to the Yankees hater to make a snide comment about Yankee Stadium's dimensions. And he was wrong, as usual.

  29. DJ gets a lot of groundball outs. The only reason it wasn't a dp was there were already two outs.

    this is hard to watch

  30. El missile sweating buckets already

  31. Donaldson and Gaybar whiff back-to-back to end the game. What a surprise!

  32. This shouldn't surprise anyone. Still sucks though. I'm starting to wonder if they even get 100 wins

  33. Rays lost
    Jays lost
    Sox lost
    O's won.

    Our lead is safe for another day.

  34. fear is the mind killer

    looks like we are heading towards

    the end of days town

  35. when will Rizzo's back be back?

    when will Stanton be healed?

    when will Cashman be canned

    when will Boone be removed

    when can we be happy again

    when will the world be a happy place again

    when can I stop approving medical releases

    for my Yankee fans who are suffering?

  36. Two hits, and we lose 1-0. Stunning. Simply stunning.

    Against a guy we have had on our own team for 5 years. We could not figure out how to score a single run off him. This might be the most disgraceful single Yankees loss I have ever seen.

  37. And you know, after 56 years...fuck all of them.

    Fuck even Judge, nowhere to be seen tonight. Fuck this whole, half-assed effort against an eminently hittable pitcher. Fuck Cashman and HAL and his whole, miserable family.

    Fuck, above all, Gleyber Torres and his half-assed commitment to the game.


    I'll drop in from time to time, but basically, I'm done.

  38. Been there Hoss - done that. In time you'll feel a bit better. In time - things will balance out. The world will align - no more Ann Heche parallel parking mishaps for you. Just pull in, stop, engine off and pay the meter. You'll be fine. You'll be alright. In the immortal words of Jerry Lewis I say - L A D Y !!!!!!!!*

    Or just move on 'cause this team just might not be worth it.

  39. The Yankees just ran into a hot pitcher. Too bad they can't sign guys like that.

    I'm sure it will get better in Seattle. Fortunately for me, I don't stay up that late.

  40. The very best that can be said about the Yankees right now is they're essentially punting August. The lead's big enough. Stanton and Rizzo are getting extended rest. Bader's resting, of course. Expect Judge to get some extended rest via a tweak of some kind soon too ...unless his agent wants him out there producing every day for negotiation leverage, and/or Cashbrenner doesn't mind the big galoot risking injury and/or diminished performance for negotiation leverage. They'll settle for shitty lineups until then, playing .500 or a little below. They Yanks biggest takeaway from yesterday was German and Chapman pitched well. Offensive production? With that lineup? They knew they weren't scoring runs yesterday, and did not care. The nerds have done the calculations...they can't be caught (that sound you hear is the baseball gods cackling). So, play shit baseball for a while, who cares? Get Rizzo, Bader and Stanton back around Labor Day, then all will be well. A marathon not a sprint, be ready for October, etc, etc. We shall see.


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