Wednesday, August 10, 2022

What I learned....

 As a denizen of SoCal, I was required to watch all 13 innings of the west coast "goose egg" show last night.

Here is what I learned:

1.  I will never again criticize Boone or Cashman for letting Andujar rot in Scranton. In fact ( and contrary to the limp "hope" retained by El Duque),  I am certain that this guy has had his moment in the sun, and is now so terrible no one wants him. 

2.  Did I mention that I don't want to see Andujar again?  Here is why:  He struck out three times.  and his "hit" was a little league accident. No one on, two out, a bloop just over the SS head. Worse;  while he was assigned to second base to start one of our extra inning, Andujar made sure that Hicks ) hit into a double play ....even when that seemed impossible. Hicks' soft liner was caught by the second baseman, and Anduhjar was breaking for third, so he couldn't get back to second in time to avoid the DP. No credit to Hicks who is a born rally killer, but Andujar belongs in A ball.  For the rest of his life.

3.  I have felt for some time that "Johnny Lasagna" would be a total failure in any clutch relief appearance.  I get ill when I see his extended lips ( sorry for focusing on. a physical trait, but I am still hating him this morning), and that stupid " set " position he assumes on the mound.  He can't throw strikes.  He is awful.  Even Chapman looks better. 

4.  We cannot win with this line-up.  No Rizzo, no ( gulp ) Stanton and now no Carpenter. They pitch around Judge and everyone else strikes out. 

5.  The guy the Yankees should bring up is Florial.  He is lefty, young and un-ruined ( maybe ). Worst case, he will suck and that is the end. Best case;  he can play. We know Andujar can't.  He fails every time.  Now, in more ways than one. 

6.  Duque and others have covered the " clown college" that had the Yankees create for the Mariners three double plays.  All starting with a runner on second and no one out.  The most disgraceful display of base running in baseball history. Nice coaching.  If Big George were here, Boone and his staff would be fired, and every asshole involved on the bases sent down to Memphis ( Bobby Meachem reference). 

7.  I now have hope that this Yankee team will implode.  Only then will Boone and Cashman get dumped. 


  1. Level headed analysis - Alphy.

    Good work.

    And, as someone that wakes up every morning in Northern California, I too stuck with the game.

    A true head shaker.

    No Rizzo, No Carp, No Stanton, No chance really.

    I'm hopeful that cooler temperatures and less humidity keeps the wheels on the Nasty Nestor express for at least 6-7 solid innings today.

    That and that Judge gets a few good pitches to hit.

    Time for lunch

  2. I'm in SoCal for a couple weeks but had no interest in watching the game. I just now found out what happened. Shameful. This team deserves nothing, and if Judge wants a ring, he should sign somewhere else.


  3. Well, I guess you need an outlet for that horrible display of baserunning last night, however misguided.

    The real culprit last night was the ongoing (for years now) disease of RISP failure. 0-10

    The Yankees claim to have a crackerjack analytics department, but to have a team constructed on power with no ability to move runners or exhibit situational hitting for so long Is disgraceful.

    You can point fingers all you want at the players (who do deserve a lot of credit), but this team is slowly showing itself to be inept. The players are who they are. There are no secrets here. But you have to ask why this is so. How else do you explain trading for a pitcher with a long history of pitching poorly on the road or the loss of a serviceable lefty for a CF who we will never see play this year? Who signed Hicks to a long term deal? Who passed on Scherzer and Verlander? Need I give you more examples? There are so many more.

    This mess isn’t on Andujar. He might actually be collateral damage to a mindset that has no ability to discern talent, coming or going. How else do you explain a guy getting buried for three years after he nearly bumped Joe D off the Yankees rookie diubles record?

    The real culprit in this organizational mess, the one who has denied the franchise of MULTIPLE championships is our illustrious GM.

    Who, I guarantee you, is going to get a three-year extension in the off-season.

    And as I write this, Andujar has another hit!

  4. Who didn't know that was coming, Boone sucks! What is his obsession with Abreu!?!?!?

  5. Sorry, Dauntless Leader. Can't blame this all—or even mostly—on Andujar. And while I'm for giving Florial a chance, too, I don't know that we can count on him doing better.

    I'm with JM: this team is Brian Cashman's creation. He's an idiot.

  6. It's a combination of stupidity and finances and whatever other things they have on their priority list. Winning is obviously not on their priority list.

    There's no way that anyone does the kinds of things that they do if they really want to win.

  7. Hey Dick,

    Andujar gets hits only when they don't matter. He had several opportunities for " full redemption" hits in the 1-0 loss the other night, and did nothing every time. And that has been rue all season, whenever he was given an at bat.

    I don't want to see him.

    ANd, in fat, Duque is right. It is the dead bullpen.


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