Friday, August 12, 2022

Your off-day Yankee questions... answered

No game last night. No morning after pill. No autopsy. Nobody tweaked a thingy. And screw MLB's phony "Field of Dreams" extravaganza, a Hollywood fake-fest that is supposed to somehow replace the wonderful Hall of Fame game, which graced Cooperstown's Doubleday Field for 70 years. I hope the Yankees never again play in that plastic diorama. Did you see the outfield walls, cornstalks drawn in? Fuck that. The inbox is full of questions, all from me, by the way. So, let's dig in...

El Duque, why don't the Yankees bring up Oswald  - or is it Oswaldo, I get mixed up - Peraza to replace Isiah Kiner-Falefa? 

Crashman fears it would backfire, and everybody will yell at him. 

IKF isn't perfect. Maybe not even average. But he's fielding his position, and he's clearly well liked on the team. I don't think Boone wants to break the water cooler, (at least, until our lead shrinks to - say - seven.) Also, there is a legitimate fear about injecting Peraza into a steaming hot pile of pennant race. 

This season, it took Peraza two months to adjust to Triple A. If we bring him up in September, and he slumps, it could not only jeopardize the Yankees, but it could wreck his career. Too many bad possibilities. Now, if IKF were to get injured... say... tweak a left billiard, well, that would different. The Yanks would have no choice but to elevate Peraza. It could take pressure off. So, on that note... run, Isiah, run! And sliiiiide!

Duke, have you seen our record since the all-star break? WTF? WTF? You hear me? WTF?

Yeah, I hear you. Christ, they hear you in Wisconsin. But forget the all-star break. The fulcrum point is July 22, when we beat Baltimore 7-6 but lost Michael King to a blown out elbow. That's when everything turned into monkey pox on cable news. 

Since losing King, we are 6-11, and all but one of those losses stemmed directly from our bullpen. (The lone loss to be hung on a starter: Jordan Montgomery's mulligan against the Mets, when he gave up four in the first.) Since King went out, our bullpen has blown 10 fucking games. It's not just Albert Abreu, either. Everybody has been torched, except... sigh... Aroldis. Still, I don't hear anybody suggesting we give El Chapo the keys to the minivan. We all still suffer from Chapman PTSD. Thus, we're screwed... unless he somehow finds his old mojo.

No better place to slay the demons than Fenway, right? 

Hey, Eldoo, dija hear about Clarke Schmidt? Dija, dija, dija? Guy threw six perfect innings last night for Scranton. WTF? 

Great news, unless we realize that those were six scoreless innings the Yankees missed out on, because Schmidt is ridiculously wasting his bullets in Triple A. 

It's a debatable question: Who has been more inept lately, the bullpen or the front office? 

Dukester, dija hear the great news about Carpenter? Back in 6-to-8 weeks!

Hold your horses, Self. Yes, we all love the Carp. But if he somehow returns in six weeks, that's Sept. 28 - a few days before the season ends. If it's eight weeks, that puts him around Oct. 13 - second round of the playoffs. Do you want him stepping into the postseason without a rehab? Also, Carpenter is 35, which usually means slow healing times. And since when do we believe anything the Yankees say about injuries. 

Sorry, folks. It's great that he avoids surgery, but plan October without him.

E.D., now that he's done with Kim, who does Pete Davidson bed down?

At last, something relevant! I think Peter the Great lands: a) a European figure skater, b) a country music diva, c) a Fox News hottie, d) a Britney (Greiner or Spears) or e) some celebrity's mom. (Justin Timberlake's? George Clooney's?) Longshot: Yank minor league manager Rachel Balcovec, though not until after the regular season. Wait... does Suzyn Waldman have a sister?  

Hey, asshole, when are you guys going to do an IIHIIFIIc Zoom game?



  1. Mlb should do the original wall of fans if they really want to authentically mix it up.

  2. To further fuel the Summer Of Our Discontent, and to fuel our unabashed bashing of Hal Steindumber, you may enjoy today’s flame throwing rant by Neil Keene, It’s free, baby!

  3. Thanks BTR999 -

    Superb read

    A blazing burn

    (with only a few typos to boot)

  4. I think the most frustrating thing about keeping Clarke Schmidt in AAA is the fact that he may only have so many bullets to fire.

    Here's his professional workload since being drafted in 2017.

    (2018) 23.1 IP
    (2019) 90.2 IP
    (2020) 6.1 IP
    (2021) 44.1 IP
    (2022) 58.1 IP

    He's had some scary injuries (Tommy John surgery in 2017, extensor tendon strain in his right elbow in 2021) so I don't know how durable he is going to be longterm.

    And Schmidt is 26, not some teenager trying to find his way. He's older than Gleyber Torres for reference.

    He's got major-league quality stuff so wasting his arm (while it's healthy) in AAA seems like terrible roster management to me.

  5. I got one for you, El Duque. Did you realize how incompetent and what a Geek Genius Cashman is?

  6. Wow, the guy is great, 999!

    Much as I deplore the use of "roster" as a verb, look at this graf:

    On that roster the Yankees have a washed-up, 36-year-old third baseman owed $48 million who was suspended earlier this season for controversial comments. They also roster two pitchers who were suspended for violating the league’s domestic violence policy. Yes, 15 percent of the Yankees’ pitching staff has been suspended for domestic violence. When Aroldis Chapman became a Yankee after his suspension, Hal said, “Sooner or later, we forget, right? That’s the way we’re supposed to be in life.” I didn’t forget. And when Domingo German was suspended for half a season, in order to remain a Yankee, Hal said, “I have to absolutely feel comfortable that he deeply, deeply regrets and is sorry for what he did, and I absolutely have to be comfortable with the fact that he’s turned his life around.” Once Hal realized German would be starting pitching depth making around the league minimum, he was comfortable that German had turned his life around. The roster is littered with scum and fringe major leaguers, taking up roster spots because of money owed and to help with roster manipulation.

    Can we sign him???

  7. EXACTLY, Zach!

    I was thinking this yesterday, when I looked it up. 26! WTF are the Yanks waiting for?

    They're "stretching" him in Scranton?? Oh, please! Stretch him up here!

    It's now-or-never time. For all these guys. 26! Mickey Mantle had already won a Triple Crown at 26. This is just nonsense.

  8. Thank you BTR999, that's a very succinct breakdown of all of the horrors that are this Yankee MisManagement, URRRGGGGGG!

    And El Duque, thank YOU, yet another phenomenal post, as funny as it is gruelingly accurate!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  9. Once again - perhaps we can all combine our resources and make a run at buying the Yankees.

    I'm in for $2009.27!

    Anyone else?

  10. This comment has been removed by the author.

  11. The Yankees organization is terrible.

    Cashman is an idiot.

    Boone is an idiot.

    Michael Kay should be thrown out a window.

    There. Now I feel better.

  12. duque -- Why does Cashman continue to bury Florial, destroying his career? Surely he couldn't be doing any worse than Cashman's expensive pet turkey Aaron Hicks. And if he won't promote Florial, why didn't he at least trade him? Is Cashman not just an incompetent, but a sadistic incompetent?

  13. JM - I agree with everything that you just stated except one.

    The Michael Kay should be thrown out a window comment.

    The window could just a foot or two off the ground, say a living or dining room window.

    There's no guarantee you'd achieve what I think your looking to accomplish there.

    Whatever may happen to Michael Kay based on what you wish upon him, I hope that they keep just his head alive inside some sort of super high tech bell jar on display in the Yankees Museum at the stadium.

    Kind of a cross between a next-gen hologram and the surgeon's head in the original Re-Animator movie.

    By pressing one of a series of buttons, Kay's head bursts to life, sharing some of his favorite calls from over the years.

    However, press the buttons in a certain, specially programmed sequence and his head is suddenly blasted with a wonderful bright blue burst of high voltage electrostatic energy - sort of like he's being zapped by a van de graaff generator.

    Now that would be cool and satisfying . . .

  14. I just finished reading the rant on, and came away with the realization that ever so slowly that the Yankees have turned me into a masochist. What really tore it was that fucking Hicks comment that if he's in the lineup, "cool", if not, " it is what it is". That comment sends him to #2 behind Garry Sheffield on my Yankee "Lineup of the Despicable", ARod with all of his faults loved to play. I can't begin to imagine what George would have said or done, but if I (heaven forbid) ran the team I would have cut that SOB the same day.

    One of the reasons that being a baseball fan is fun, for me at least, is try to anticipate how the team might improve during the off-season, at end of spring training, and of course the trading deadline. I don't think that I'm alone in expecting to be furious when these deadlines come and go. Why do I continue to have a Yankee hobby? Maybe some BB King will give me some more insight.


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