Wednesday, September 7, 2022

Game 136: Roy Cohn Day

Saluting the late attorney, New Yorker, and Lionel model train heir, Roy Cohn...

...who provided legal representation and advice to the New York Yankees' late principal owner George Steinbrenner...
. well as to John Gotti, Rupert Murdoch, Joe McCarthy, Donald Trump, Studio 54, Alan Dershowitz, Roger Stone, and The Roman Catholic Archdiocese of New York. 


UPDATE: Check out this lineup. It's like when Perry White had to let Jimmy Olsen be editor-in-chief for a day! 
  1. Cabrera 
  2. Judge 
  3. Torres 
  4. Guzman 
  5. Andujar 
  6. Kiner-Falefa 
  7. Florial 
  8. Higashioka 
  9. Peraza 


  1. Next they will be choosing people at random from the stands.

  2. Not exactly Murderers' Row. It's more like Aggravated Assaulters.

  3. And sure, Torres has played worse than almost any player in baseball for over two months now. Put him in the 3 hole!

  4. At this point, the Yankees should have Judge pull a Bobby Valentine. Dress him up in fake glasses, mustache and uniform number. Have him pose as someone else.. Or delete the glasses and have him wear Stanton's # 27. Just hide Giancarlo and make sure the fake player hits 6 batters away.

  5. Well, BJPB, at least Roy wasn't a victim of death by a lead poison diet by sitting at a window table in an Italian restaurant in Brooklyn like several of his clients.

  6. It's got to do with civics and I really don't understand it.

  7. Roy was trained early, as we all are. One of his earliest memories was driving around with his mother, stopping at phone booth after phone booth while she made calls—pretending to be different people—haranguing the DA for prosecuting Roy's favorite uncle, Bernard Marcus.

    Roy's grandfather had started the fabled "Pants Pressers' Bank," the Bank of United States, down on Delancey St., in 1913. It had grown from handling the deposits of garment workers to being one of the biggest banks in New York. But Bernard and his partners were caught over extended by the Crash, and the other big banks wouldn't help bail him out—some said because of anti-Semitism.

    In any case, the Pants Pressers' Bank went down in a classic bank run, and Uncle Bernie went to Sing Sing. Practically from Day One, Roy was immersed in a family culture of grievance, and felt justified to do anything he wanted to get his way.

    1. Like cohn or hate him, his life is really interesting. Connected to so many different American paths.

  8. Da fuck was that random's like the lineup came outta blender

  9. They’re trying to finish this game in two hours…

    Could have turned off your set right there…

  10. Florial now batting.048…that is not a typo…


  11. Roy was also an advisor to Richard Nixon, and served as an advisor to the House UnAmerican Activities Committee.

    As ugly an American as this lineup

  12. Cohn's granddad had the Pants Pressers' Bank. Roy just concentrated on the zippers on the front.

    I know, I know...

  13. Lillian Hellman famously referred to Cohn, his love interest, David Schine, and Joe McCarthy, as "Bonnie, Bonnie, and Clyde."

    But that's completely awful, and not to be tolerated! (Though it is kinda, a little bit...funny.)

  14. I hope the team can channel some of that Cohn fight. He did fight.

    Thats the most speed ive seen in a yankee lineup in memory. Can they get on base? Well.....

  15. I missed the early part of the game. I saw the score was 3-1 and I immediately thought, "solo shot, Judge."

    Of course, I didn't exactly have to be Carnac the Magnificent for that one.

  16. Guzman 3 Ks so far. He's Yankees material.

  17. A Gleyber sighting!

    So, inning before, you have Florial, who is fast and little else on first. You have Higgy, who is not hitty, at the plate. So you...let Higgy hit away, into a double-play.

    Boone is a dope. But I know that's not news.

  18. Boone is an idiot.

    I just like typing that.


  19. How is Scranton fielding a team tonight? They’re all up here!

  20. Scranton took the night off - they're all at the local Chuck E. Cheese, living the dream.


  21. Not only is Boooooone a dope (and an idiot) he’s inexperienced. He’s the three true managerial outcomes!

  22. Judge must be looking around him in the dugout, and think he’s back in Scranton!


  23. AA, it looks like you and I are the only masochists today

  24. I don't get "prime video." But I'm checking in from time to time.


  25. You’re not missing anything Horace

  26. Hicks had to hit the dirt.
    The only thing he’s hit all year.

  27. Peraza has three hits today.
    Boooone will have to rest him tonight.

  28. Hicks may have fractured something on that play

  29. Must be exhausted, poor thing.

  30. As in 2017, the kids are as good or better than the guys they're filling in for.

  31. Except Florial.

    Great play by IKF. At third. Where he should always be.

  32. I understand that Stanton was almost ready to go today, but then he had a negative thought.

  33. All right. COME ON, YANKEES! Got to win this before we get to Manfred Man time! C'mon, Guzman!

  34. Do you know what that thought was, HC?

  35. "I wonder if I can bench press that blonde in row six."

  36. How's anyone disappointed in Ralph? He's just fine.

  37. Why isn't this a 7 inning game since it's a double- header? They did play seven-inning games earlier in the year if I remember correctly.

  38. I thought they dropped that this year, Carl.

  39. "You'll wonder where the yellow went when you brush your teeth with Pepsodent". Cavities too.

  40. Most likely, JM . I guess time has flown faster than I realized.

  41. @JM they did drop the 7 inning double header…

  42. This is maddening baseball. Virtually anonymous players, devoid of basic competence. This is not the game I signed up for.

  43. "I don't understand so much", John Sterling, Sept 7 2022, Bronx NY


  44. Among many other Yankee things that breaks my heart -- and my balls -- this year is the invisibility of Miggy A.

    I know, I know -- NYYs management broke the poor guy. And the injury.

    But I like and root for the guy. He just isn't there when we need him.

    Once upon a time, he was.

  45. Hoss, I'm enjoying this more than any game in weeks. I like the kids. Cabrera is great in right. Peraza is hitting. Guzman is at least a real first baseman. This is fun.

  46. It's bizarre. Even with terrible-hitting Yankees teams of the past—with guys like Jerry Kenney or Jake Gibbs—I never felt like they would NEVER get a hit. Now, I frequently get that feeling.

  47. Cabrera cannot play at this level. Even Hicks world be a better option. I can’t believe I just wrote that, but there it is. I said I meant it.

  48. So...nobody, even on the farm, knows how to bunt. Incredible. And even in this sort of situation, Ma Boone has no dispensation to put on a play?

  49. Cohn’s best move was hoovering Hoover and threatening to tell Tolsen.

    Cut from the same cloth in way more ways than one.

    I wish I had half Cohns wits. I’m just a wage earner with no angle :(.

  50. Cabrera is doing a nice job in the outfield, but he is not a major league hitter. He was put in a terrible position by Boone hitting him lead-off. It's like Boone is trying to get himself fired.

    Boone should go to the Copacabana, get drunk and beat up a bowler like a real Yankee. Fuck! DO SOMETHING CORRECTLY FOR ONCE!!

    Fuck me.

  51. 4 strikeouts and a 3-2-3 double play. It's remarkable.

    "Amazing! That is amazing," The Master.

    Why did we suit up the Hudson Valley Renegades today?

  52. Bases loaded, nobody out, nothing.

  53. The Master is like a great scholar tonight. "Bases loaded and no out. If the Yankees lose the game, they have no kick. No Kick."

    No fucking kick, indeed.


  54. That, my droogs, is rock fucking bottom.

  55. I couldn't believe it. I was checking on this, periodically, on the YES website play-by-play. Bases loaded, nobody out. I came back two minutes later...they're going into the 12th.

    How is this POSSIBLE?

    There is simply no excuse for never putting on a play.

  56. Stanton watched the whole thing.

  57. If there's a golden...........lining to all of this - its that Donaldson is now on paternity leave.

  58. And yes, I think that somehow The Mick would've grabbed a bat somewhere along the way.

  59. Geez HC - give 'em time . .

    There's still another half an inning to go.

  60. It could finish off at 15Ks, 3DPs, 9 LOB when we lose

  61. Marinaccio, having caused a grievous injury to the Yankees chances, is now removed so that Wipeout can administer the coup de grace.

  62. Weissert is okay by me. His introductory outing was also wildly entertaining.

  63. Dammit Yanks, just losing and end of this game already.
    It’s not like you don’t fucking lose all the damn time

  64. Lousy night for Florial. AAAA player?

  65. Trevino almost fucked that up.

  66. We got lucky ... IKF was out at third.

  67. DOn'T KILL the kid - he's gotta play in the next game

  68. Thu-uhuhuhu-uhuhuh-UHUH These Our 2022 New York Yankees/Hudson Valley Renegades WIN!!!

  69. "And a child shall lead them" ??? Ugh.

    Kay has had that line teed up for a while, just waiting to use it.

    And he shouldn't have.

  70. I don't know about that, Bern.

  71. This comment has been removed by the author.

  72. HEY STANG!!! ?

    Does the next game get it's own thread?

    Will it be Truman Capote Night?

  73. I thought the line was corny even for Kay. I cringe at the lines that he's obviously rehearsed and had waiting for a walk-off.

    (Unless you wwere talking about IKF. It looked to me like he was tagged on the helmet before his hand got to the bag.)

  74. Bern, I had the same thought about Kay.

  75. All right, AboveAverage. Stand by.

  76. Bern, the tag missed. Even the laces.

  77. Oswaldo Alberto Cabrera seems to be a genuinely nice guy.

    He deserved an offensive walk-off moment at Yankee stadium - given all he's done defensively - so far.

  78. On the IKF play, looking at the replay it looks like the glove grazed his helmet just before then hand got in there. But I ain't complaining.

  79. Not at all impressed with this. Opportunity after opportunity was squandered.

  80. HAHAHA - JM - that made me laugh almost as much as your line from months earlier about the irony of someone named AA giving advice on mixed drinks.

  81. Truman Capote? Not even in the same league. To follow up a vicious queer you need and epically viciously cruel queer. I nominate my freshman year of high English teacher, Don Hamingson.

  82. Happy to put up a new game thread. Just gimme a minute.

  83. BBB, you're right, it was a terrible line. Especially when hearing the whole thing: "And a child shall lead them....onto a 5-4 victory." Just terrible


  84. Where would the Yankees be without the Twinkies over the last five years?


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