Thursday, September 22, 2022

Game 149: Tonight on FOX



  1. I log into anything Apple so infrequently, I end up resetting my password every time. Did it today so I won't have to tomorrow.

  2. Why bother pitching to Judge if you're going to walk him in four pitches anyway?

    Rizzo hbp... classic Riz.


  3. Where I live, in northeast Pennsylvania, Fox is Phillies Braves. Thinking I might throw something

  4. If DJ had had that toe amputated, he'd be back in the lineup by now.

    Donaldson... double play. Schmuck.

  5. Donaldson is really good.

    The 2015 version that is, even with the roid rage. The current one, not so much.


  6. They cut in JM with the Judge at-bat. Sucks bad. Too far up in the hills for the radio feed so I'm blind here. Watching Mannix reruns with the wife😒

  7. Mildred,

    I feel your pain. I am in NH and VT. Both are carmines broadcast areas. So, my subscription doesn't work when the Yankees play the carmines. I am forced to pretend I am in Bratislava. Plug for here. It works, but you have to hunt around for a feed that has enough speed.

    I can stand the Fox announcers, or any of the other national announcers for that matter.

    Works for me. at 60 buck for the second half of the year and about 40 per year for hidemyip.

    Started when I lived in Sydney Australia for a while. Kept it because it works.

  8. I liked Mannix, but I liked Peggy more.

    I signed up for MLB TV when was out in California last month. It was only 25 or 30 bucks for the rest of the season. Of course, I live in NYC, so it's pretty useless here.

  9. Apologies if this was noted in another thread, but it finally happened. Andujar has been designated for assignment. Peralta is on the DL with back tightness. Britton back on the roster.

  10. The master and Joe Castiglione are announcing.

    Castiglione is the only carmines' announcer worth more than a bucket of shit.

  11. This comment has been removed by the author.

  12. I hope the author of this thread rides herd on the turd in the punchbowl.

  13. I fear EBD is right. Even a great young player gets bumped when a big name comes back.

  14. Smoltz gets IKF. I've thought of him as one of our best hitters this year. He makes contact.

  15. Andujar was DFA’d to open a spot on the 40 man roster
    He would have been eligible to become a free agent next if he wasn’t kept on the 26 man roster.
    This likely ends his Yankee career.

  16. Blue Jays down 9-3 in the 5th to the Rays.

  17. Rufus - I'm late to this party BUT I have to ask . . . .

    Is your home straddling the Vermont/New Hamsphire border?

    Do you hang out at night at the Cabot cheese emporium and wait to rummage through the evening trash for some pepper jack?

  18. he stood and watched it and it barely wet out. I hate that crap.

  19. Wow, Stanton got lucky. He stood there admiring that hit, and it barely made it over the wall. If that had hit the wall, there might have been a play at second.

  20. Bitty, don't worry. I still have mod privileges. All sorts of things that need flushing will be flushed.

  21. AA,

    Grew up in Bernmontistan. Own an old log cabin on top of a mountain in Southern Bermontistan in a secure undisclosed location. Long driveway and clean shot to the road. Very safe.

    Legal residence is NH (i.e., tax free NH) near the coast in kinda sorta horse country. Commuting distance to St. Botolph's town.

    Both are in carmines 'home' broadcast area, so my mlb package doesn't work when they play the carmines. So I have to pretend to be in Slovakia in those cases.

    Plus I spend winters in Hawaii. I get spring training games there at breakfast time. I have major first world problems.

  22. Winnie,

    Don't say flushing on a Yankees blog. Too close to referencing the mutts.

  23. Oh Clarke, Clarke, Clarkey-clarkey Clarke.

  24. Ah, I didn't realize who Bit meant. Now I do.

  25. We could be pretty good if we had a bullpen.

  26. Can't help but think of the United Nations when I hear U Thant. I mean Yu Chang.

  27. Is there a turd echo in here?

    Bucks Puckered Hemorrhoid is surrounded by a huge vacuum, where no sound can escape.

  28. And Schmidt completes his meltdown.

  29. Didn't Boone see he had nothing?

  30. Doesn't have a single out in him, and yet he stays.

  31. "this didn't exactly work out for the yanks"

    Yes indeedie.

  32. Boone is a GENIUS. He can see Schmidt hasn’t got anything, but leaves him out there anyway. GENIUS.

  33. Why is he still pitching? Why?

  34. Winnie,

    You are a gentleman and a scholar, and a good judge of fine liquor.

    And to be commended otherwise.

  35. Everyone saw it coming except Baboone.

  36. Is there a rule that you MUST leave the reliever in until they blow the game? Did I miss that?

  37. Wow, Mom's internet service really rocks. Even on wifi from her basement!

  38. This bullpen is a flat out fucking disaster

  39. Winnie,

    That is Boone's rule #46. The first 30 involve making Baghdad Bob look like a straight shooter.

  40. Never forget, those goons from Beantown LIVE to fuck us. They live for it.

  41. This comment has been removed by the author.

  42. Judge got walked three times, but the silver lining is don't bogart that joint is 0 for 4.

  43. I'm so disgusted with this game. But I'm learning new things about all sorts of stuff. Not Flushing, but flushing. Mmmmm ... minty fresh like the space between Boone's ears.

  44. So very many pitches and pitches beat the "Riz."


  45. "lead off double and they didn't score him. that's not good."

  46. He it's fine! This lineup has got lots of leadoff doubles in them! It'll be fine!

  47. Not Chappy!!!!!! It's still a winnable game...

  48. They're counting on scoring 13 runs in the bottom of the 8th!

  49. Chappo is a fucking head case.

    Keeping the cement footed runner close.

  50. None of the last 4 pitches were anywhere near the strike zone.

  51. I hate trash can cora, but he sees that he can fuck with chappo with a faster player.

    Bonehead doing something that bright? Ain't gonna happen.

  52. The Master agrees the bullpen has "Big Problems. You could hear the capital letters when he said it.

  53. So, I guess Judge really is going to pitch the 9th.

  54. Trivino is just as wild as Flop Sweat was. This is bracing.

  55. Criminy. Just fucking fucker fuck criminy.

  56. OK, who pitches the 9th?

    Jesus, they're going to put Britton in, fresh off the DL

  57. Boone must consider the game expendable.

  58. Bitch ass Boston refusing to pitch to Judge

  59. Wait! Overturned and then OsO advanced the runner?

  60. Judge will get another AB, but they will walk him.

  61. To paraphrase Samir from Office Space,

    Boone is a very, very bad manager.

  62. Judge could turn out to be a pretty good outfielder.

  63. One, Holmes sucks. Two, Judge doesn’t.

  64. Arraez went 1-4 tonight & is batting .313. Bogaerts is 0-5 & is .314.

  65. Would Trevino be boo'ed if he hits a HR?

  66. I have to admit it: I kind of love Tots Bader.

    He DOES play a great OF. And he gets guys in.

  67. Two pretty damn fine innings by Holmes

  68. Bader is okay. I'd rather have pitching, but he's okay.

  69. Holmes' second inning actually better than his first. Because he STOPPED throwing 0-2 strikes!!!

  70. You said it Hoss. Bader looks good, and it is such a pleasure not to see Hicks out there.

  71. Thuhuh-uhuhuhuh-aaaaaahhhhahahahaah-UH! UH! UH! UH! Yankees WIN!!

  72. We are now officially a wild card team

  73. Playoffs clinched. Magic number for the division...down to 6, I think. 24th playoff appearance in last 28 seasons.

  74. And no World Series appearances in the last 12
    Fuck The Intern

  75. Yes, 6 for the division clinch.

    We have 13 games left, 3 w/TOR, they have 12 games left.

    I thought the camera work on Judge’s 9th inning ball was deceiving, they did a wide shot of CF as if the ball was gone, which unfortunately it was not. Hope he gets it done at home, but if Boston is intent on pitching around him…

    Thank you mods for blocking EDB/Barney or whoever the fuck it was. We have so much freedom on this blog, all we have to do is be civil to one another. Is that hard? (that’s what she said)

    See you all on the morrow.

  76. This team could win the World Series, but give us all a-fib. A lot of talent on the squad, top to bottom. The problem is that most of the players are totally capable of have a catastrophic night. I prefer teams who jump ahead by three runs in the first inning, then slowly pull away....

  77. Love the Carel reference, 999! And you're not kidding, Kevin!

    I don't know if it was the weather, the big crowd, or what, but this team seemed absolutely galvanized tonight. Some flashy D, great situational hitting.

    And...I gotta far I am LOVING Tots. Seems like a smart, situational hitter—got that tying run in—and it's been so long since I've seen it that I was genuinely baffled by his circling around to line up that high fly in the 10th.

    Then it hit me: Oh my goodness—could it be—he's actually positioning himself to make the strongest possible THROW???

    Fundamentals! Dazzling!

  78. Still don't think they have the pitching to go all the way. But at this point, I'd settle for a good faith effort.

  79. Oh, and 999, you're completely right: that camera angle in the 9th was horribly deceptive. It was the John Sterling equivalent of camera angles.

    When I saw him hit the ball, I immediately thought, "He didn't get all of it." But you never know. As Judge himself said, "Windy night..."

    Then—no. Absolutely moronic—just playing with us.

  80. Hoss, yes it was crazy watching one of our outfielders set himself up for the throw. I can't recall the last time a Yankee outfielder took advantage of momentum like that. Emblematic of our farm system's "way", as compared to say, the Cardinals who perennially come up with the " right " players. The amazing thing is how Judge is able to make those canon throws flat-footed and seemingly without effort! Well he is built like a biomechanical catapult... I think that he's a better athlete than Winfield and it's not even close. Hopefully Hal understands what he has right now.


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