Friday, September 23, 2022

Game 150: I'm a PC


  1. Restin' Riz

    Plantar Pause for Tots

    'Rappin' around the Aarons

    Its going to be a sticky situation for everyone*

    *But Cole

  2. Hicksie should be banished to the Elsbury memorial manufactured reason DL. Until his contract is up.

  3. Old King Cole aint no merry old soul

  4. The youthful pre-game team on Apple isn't all bad. Just most of them. The lone male (at least that I saw) is kind of insufferably stoked, and some of the women are like Valley Girls or something. Everyone has had way too much coffee.

  5. Read somewhere today that Hicks and Oswaldo have the same number of RBIs since July 30. That does *not* include AAA.

    So I guess he's due.

  6. There were dozens of people sitting at Yankee Stadium - I saw them.

  7. Hell of a tennis match, but Federer ends his career with a loss in doubles. It was about as close as it could get.

  8. the Apple game-team seems a bit too stilted and dry for my taste

  9. Now the crowd is paying tribute. He's crying. Some moment.

  10. A super fast scan of your posts JM made me wonder if Cole was crying for not getting a call - but then I saw that it was a Federer update . . .

  11. Cole does plenty of his own crying.

  12. judge should go back to trying for hits. The HR will come.

  13. Marwin and Hicks...why are they playing?

    Oh, Hicks hit a home run. Guess that explains it.

  14. Just another long out at Yankee Stadium.

  15. he needs a day off

    couldn't have hit that better.

  16. Hicks just made the playoff roster.


  17. I have the master on audio overlay, but the applekids remind me of the liberty mutual ad with Kids! Having Fun! buying insurance! Kids! Having Fun!!

  18. gleyber really is a bad baserunner

  19. The whole Apple broadcast is rotten.

  20. well the players name in a tiny white font sucks for sure.

  21. they tell you a hit probability but not the batters BA or RBIs or any other info so if you don't know the player you have no context.

  22. uh oh... cole is unhappy. 2Run HR coming?

  23. exactly!

    and they lull you to sleep with their leaden banter

  24. why does Gleyber have a front facing fanny pack on?

    can anybody answer that question?

  25. He doesn't trust the clubhouse guys to stay away from his weed?

  26. Rich Hill looks like he's about 53.

  27. Hicks RBI single. We're never getting rid of him.

  28. Pham has an incredibly shitty arm.

  29. Gleyber's OPS is .746. That's awful right? Except scoring and hitting are way down today. League average is only .707. So Gleyber is actually having an okay year...

    Despite what our hearts are telling us.

  30. Now the Farce will cough up the lead.

  31. Except hitting is way down this YEAR! This YEAR, you inattentive typist!

  32. No! C'mon, Pocono! The FARCE has got this!!

  33. Ace can't make it through six. Against these guys.

  34. See? I told you The FARCE had this!

    FUCK ME!

  35. In case it hadn’t been mentioned previously, Gerrit Cole sucks.

  36. I was just about to say Cole has a great array of pitches and then Verdugo hit a very hittable pitch to tie the game.

    He just threw a meatball right down broadway.

    The guy consistently needs 100+ pitches to get through six.

    He’s so much more a thrower than a pitcher.

    And now he gets tossed.


  37. You would think he’d have a better idea of pitching after ten seasons

  38. This comment has been removed by the author.

  39. Dick, a guy who gets a lot of strikeouts will tend to have high pitch counts. But he does suck.

  40. What's he pissed at the ump for? He was allowed to walk Devers on five balls.

  41. And the pitch he was bitching about was a ball, called correctly.

  42. Yeah, JM, I get that, but I can’t help but feel he’s got to be better. As Crash Davis once said: “Stikeouts are fascist.”

    You would think by now he’d be pitching more to contact - he certainly has the stuff for it.

  43. Colace just produces loose turds.

    Get thrown out because your agent said to? Whut?

  44. And the ahole who’s announcing talking about how consistent Cole has been.

    Boy he certainly has…

  45. Listening to these three “announcers” is like listening to morning rush hour AM radio.

  46. Ranger - yeah that pissed me off. Plus the bullshit that screwing up makes you a better pitcher. These announcers are insipid.

    That said, the woman in the stands who interviewed Roger Maris Jr. did a nice job.

    Also, Judge looks tired. They should give him tomorrow off.

  47. I agree with you about Colace, Dick. He rarely can shut down a team.

  48. That woman is the brightest spot in the coverage, Doug.

  49. I want to say something about the oort cloud right now, but it's after martinis, so I can't think of anything.

    PS Hicks still sucks.

  50. Maybe The Intern can swing a deal and trade Hicks to the LIV golf tour

  51. You just think she’s hot. I just listened to her interview on mlb app and she has no idea Roger Maris is dead. He died in 1985. She asked what “You and your dad think the real home run record is”. When Maris did the home run record did not involve opinion.

  52. She sounds like one of those perky little girls whose parents paid somebody to get her into college.

  53. Where's Kate Smith when you need her?

  54. Really damn tired of this CC commercial for Mastercard.

  55. No she said “you and your dad”. It’s around 1:50 in this video:

    That said, she IS hot. But in an artificial way. LIke she’s got one of those beach ball valves in the back of her neck.

  56. Beau - Why can't it be both.

    and ok so that was an error on her part but it was a great question, put him on the spot and it was cool to hear him say that
    61 is the real record.

    Especially since McGuire was such a thieving douche bag when he was hugging the family while cheating them out of the record.

  57. Dick, do you mean Katie, who's jabbering during the game? The woman who did the interview is Heidi. Or something. Different gal.

  58. They also have a John Sterling interview on mlb app and the photo of him they use has to be 20 years old.

  59. But are these people worse than Kay and Yokel O'Neill?

  60. JM - that's whataboutism :) why can't they all suck.

  61. I dunno, I haven’t heard Kay’s voice since he was on WABC with John S :)

  62. Also can Devers get any more chewing tobacco into his face? It’s grotesque and disgusting

  63. I can hear the fans chanting “hey hey goodbye”. Reminds me of the old stadium… the old rowdy beer fight fans pulled from the stands drunks everywhere old stadium. It was awesome in the 90’s.

  64. whats with those hit probabilities anyway?

    When Hicks came up it said hit probability 30% and I thought, "In what universe?" Then when there were two balls on him it dropped to 6%.

    Is the AI drunk?

  65. I thought MLB banned chaw? Maybe I got that wrong, too.

  66. This pitcher looks like he could've been on Justified.

  67. These AI percentages are worthless. What are they based on? How can we judge whether or not they're "correct"? If a 6% guy hits a home run, what does it mean?

    Nothing. Nothing at all.

  68. It's like Judge's fly out to center yesterday. Gee, it was 110 mph at a 35 degree launch angle. It should have been a homer. But it wasn't.

  69. JM. I still can't understand if the percentage applies to the upcoming pitch only or to the entire PA--that is when I can actually read the damn tiny number from across the room.

  70. Boots and Trevino manufacture a run.

  71. Glad Trevino got on. It means Judge will get another at bat, after the bullpen blows the lead.

  72. Think we'll see Britton tonight?

  73. Sending Lasagna out for the ninth. Eek.


  74. There’s no law that says you can’t have Katies and Heidis commenting on baseball games? There ought to be! I can’t tell those two squeakers apart. Maybe I’m just not really listening to them. Never mind the maybe part.

  75. Actually the AI is pretty funny.

    Marwin comes in at 45% to reach base. (He bats under .200 and obp is .265) So he's bad. Are they adding it? Next, he pitcher throws a ball and it goes down to the 20's even though a ball should be a positive thing.

  76. It should not be this hard to beat these stiffs.

  77. You’re right Win. Especially with our “Ace” on the mound.

  78. Our Ace is doing drugs in the clubhouse

  79. Against an .093 hitter, too. Is anyone capable of a one-run save?

  80. Oh, pardon me. This isn't a save situation technically.

  81. Dick, my wife calls squeakers "beepy". Beepy voices.

  82. Then there are two beeps on tv tonight.

  83. Wow that was a really shitty call.

  84. Looks like Hinckey might have been right. We may well see another Judge at bat.

  85. The ump has made some terrible calls.

    But we win!

  86. The Yankees win (thanks in part to a senile umpire)

  87. The UhUHUHUH uh uhuhuhhh UHUUHHHH Yankees WIN!!!

  88. Jays and Rays beating each other up.

  89. Heidi is endowed. She won't drown

  90. Rays now up 8-6 in the 8th. Got a second run when Bichette let the third out roll right under his glove.

  91. Nah. She’s wearing her Mae West JM

  92. The O's shut out the Cheat-stros two games in a row.

  93. A few thoughts.

    The commentators tonight were the most insipid I’ve heard in a long time.
    I’m rooting Judge, of course, but the spotlighting is getting tiresome.
    So … the Bader - Montgomery trade WASN’T the worst one ever? Still chewing on that.
    Gerrit Cole is a loser. It’s going to piss me off every time someone mentions he holds the Yankees’ single season strikeout record (he’s about 5 away). Wouldn’t trade him for Guidry in his prime. Guidry battled. Cole spits the bit.

    Rays just got two more & lead by 4 heading into the 9th.

  94. Oh, and Stanton is pretty much Joey Gallo at this point. Article on FanGraphs gave some numbers & they’re pretty horrifying (not that we didn’t know all this just by watching).
    Finally, will someone please tell Gleyber Torres that he’s NOT invisible & pitchers DO see him breaking off base before they start their windups?
    Rays have defeated the Jays 10-6 & are now tied with them for 2nd. Yankees’ magic number is 4.

  95. A couple of thoughts:

    That umpire should be reviewed and retired.

    Michael Kay has a big head.

    David Cone has a new hip.

    Beers are expensive at Yankee Stadium.

  96. I refuse to watch the Apple broadcast. It’s not just the juvenile, not ready for prime broadcasters, the whole operation has a cut-rate feel and look about it. It seemed the visuals have a herky-jerky quality about them; they simply don’t look as good as the YES broadcasts.

    Suddenly we find ourselves as the hottest team in the AL, and the magic number is now 4, as TOR has lost. Winning the division seems inevitable. I hope they clinch as quickly as possible so they can use the remaking games to develop some sense of order in the bullpen, if possible. Likewise hope Judge hits a couple of HR’s quickly so we can just focus on October. (Gulp).

  97. We can only hope this “hottest team in the AL” can stay that way for another eight weeks

  98. I feel the same way, 999, and did not watch, either.

    To hell with them and their cash machines. I hope they clinch soon, too. And i hope Judge gets the mark. Aside from that, I have nothing resembling hope for this team.

  99. Hope?

    I am hopeful that they sign Judge to a hundred year, 4 million per contract!


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