Saturday, September 10, 2022

Lead now down to two. The waters are rising, the walls closing in. It will all be over soon.

No more Gleyber, no more Hicks, 
No more hitting .206.

No more Stanton, no more boos,
No more Chapman plagued tattoos.

No more Aaron Fucking Boone,
Forever playing Cashman's tune.

No more Cashman, no more Hal? 
If true, I'd say that all was well. 

I have one hope for this October:
This wretched season, finally over.


  1. It isn’t over until the rappelling elf goes back to the north pole.
    How great was it to see Jetes at the Faux-Stadium, though? Without insincere ARod mooning for acceptance, TG.
    I almost don’t mind losing if it hastens the end of thIS front office clique running things.

  2. I didn't watch the game last night, but saw video of Hicks. My God. The guy is a mess. They should put him on the 60 day IL for a hangnail or whatever bullshit they can cook up. Just stop playing him.

    It's no consolation that the Mets have gone into their own swoon. They were once up 10.5, we were up 15.5. Now they're in second and we're about to be.

    What a fucking lame season it's become in New York. Shit everyone you step even with the doggie do-do law.

  3. El Bard,

    Succinct and completely accurate with just the right amount of the juvenile.

    An IIHIIF classic.

  4. Too bad the Yankees and the Giants can't just trade owners.
    Both are worth 6 Billion according to Forbes.
    The Giants owners love their team and apparently have learned how to clean house. They, of course, are limited by a hard salary cap.

    The Yankees don't actually seem to care as long as people buy the brand and hamstring themselves with a self-inflicted salary cap.

    Hal-hole would love a hard salary cap so he could just shrug his shoulders and the Giants owners would not let Bryce Harper, Machado or Freeman pass without real efforts to make them Yanks. Verlander would have been a Yank.

    They would have just non-tendered Gary and not taken on Donaldson's onerous contract.

    the list would go on and on.

    We could only dream.

  5. Aaron Hicks is a shell of his former self...

  6. Can we put Hicks on the EL for Drain Bamage?

  7. Bravo, El Duque....magnificent poem. As Captain Picard would say "Make it so."

    @ Arch...The Mara/Tisch ownership of the Giants is just the mirror image of the Hal Steinbrenner proprietorship. Unfortunately for the Giants, they clean house every 2-3 years. That is a reflection on incompetent ownership. Like a restaurant that has a completely new wait staff every time you dine there. Whereas the Giants blame their staff (which management supposedly vetted thoroughly and hired), the Yankees hold no one accountable for anything. Unless you want to count a few minor coaches getting fired. But the motives are the same for identical reasons. The guaranteed team revenues of both teams ensure that they will make a king's ransom in profit. So why pay experienced coaches and related personnel when you can hire cheap alternatives? Both ownerships/managements are inept at running professional sports teams. But even if they were, their greed for bottom-line net profits overcomes their pride of winning a championship.

  8. Indeed, Carl, they appear to be skimping on coaching talent just to save money. Sure would be nickel & dime bullshit, the Yankee way.

    Also explains why they adamantly refuse to bring up kids when somebody is hurt. & why they refuse to put injured guys on the 10 day DL. They've got to save that major league minimum pro-rated salary for the 10 days. A penny saved is a penny earned, according to Ben Franklin. & economists will tell you that a penny saved is actually worth more than a penny earned, due to the cost incurred in producing output. Ebeneezer Scrooge would approve.

  9. I want to know what Hal and Ca$h are going to do when those dumb fucks analytics people suggest in the off-season that they might want to get a little younger because of injuries...?

  10. School's out for ... winter
    School's out for ... ever

    The players will collect their paychecks and go a huntin' and a fishin'.

    Ebeneezer will count his earnings in his treasury room.


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