Thursday, September 29, 2022

ZacharyA: "Just gotta enjoy it..."

(From commenter ZacharyA:)

 Aaron Judge AL Ranks

.313 BA (1st)
.425 OBP (1st)
.696 SLG (1st)
1.121 OPS (1st)
213 OPS+ (1st)
61 HR (1st)
89 XBH (1st)
130 RBI (1st)
130 R (1st)
106 BB (1st)
384 total bases (1st)
168 runs created (1st)
11.0 WAR (1st)
7.58 WPA (1st)

Just gotta enjoy it. Because we're probably never going to see a season like this again.


  1. (thanks go out to the O'Jays for that little lyrical treat)

  2. pay him and make him Captain.

    we know that won't happen.

    they'll offer him a lot for a few years and then not budge on extra years.

    fuck Brian, fuck Hal, fuck Booney and Blitzen....

  3. Great to see the stats there, Zach, thank you.

    So further milestones for The Judge:

    —62 or more home runs. Don't count on this yet. Last night, everybody was acting as though it is a done deal. It's not.

    —Triple Crown. The hardest to achieve. But he seems locked in, so...Suspect it will get easier once he passes the home run mark. IF he does.

    —100 or more extra-base hits. It's been done only 15 times, by 12 different men. Throw out the juicers—Bonds, Belle, Sosa, Gonzalez—and the Rocky Mountain High (Todd Helton, twice)—and we're talking only 9 times, by 7 men.

    (And really, Chuck Klein, who did it twice, played in Philadelphia's old Baker Bowl, which made Wrigley Field look like Cleveland's Municipal Stadium. To give you an idea, Klein batted .437 at home the first time he did it; .423 the second time—while batting .266 on the road.)

    So what this REALLY boils down to is something done by Ruth, Gehrig, Hank Greenberg, Stan the Man Musial, Rogers Hornsby, and Jimmie Foxx. Pretty heady company.

    Can Judge do it? He's 11 XBHs short. Figure 3 more homers, 7 doubles, and a freak triple. A tall order...but then, he's a tall man.

  4. And Shotani will still get lots of votes for MVP...because he's amazing...

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. I'm feeling very optimistic about Judge's chances.

    I guess that I'm a 'paper cup half full of Gatorade' kinda guy.

    Except that it appears that none of us here will likely score the 2022 Prediction Leaderboard win.

    I'm sitting pretty @ 96 IF during tomorrow's night's game all of Yankee Stadium gets swallowed up by the 2nd biggest sink hole NYC has ever seen, plummeting straight through the llithosphere layer and causing every living soul in attendance to die painful and tragic deaths.

    But that likely won't happen - so I'll just keep it positive and hope for the best of all possible outcomes.

  7. AA, you are truly a generous individual. I, too, often think of how I might benefit from mass death, but I try to resist those feelings.

    Also, I can't think of a likely scenario.

  8. I can think of many likely scenarios but have yet to figure out how to make them profit me.

  9. :)

    HC99 - Thank you for the kind words.

    Sinkholes should never, ever be trifled with.

    (actually If the scenario I described above did come to pass, I would have gifted my share of the winnings to Parson Tom, who also predicted 96 wins, just . . . to insure that I stayed on the straight and narrow, and, as the residents of Stanford, Gloucestershire in the film Hot Fuzz would say - "For the Greater Good.")

    Onward and Upward


  10. And Judge might get walked fifteen times in the ALDS

    and if they get to the ALCS it will get much worse.

    Who else in that lineup is going to step up?

  11. To see Aaron Judge blossom into the true superstar the he has become, THAT is the best part of this season for me.
    Whatever happens with the Yankees going forward will be icing on the cake,,,, And I don't expect Shallow Hal to be able to retain him as a Yankee, for all the reasons that have been discussed so eloquently/viscerally on this site. So yes, I'm trying to savor this magical year, by this magical homegrown ballplayer, who is doing something that I have never seen, or will never see agin, in my lifetime!




  12. Judge Stays!

    Remember it's just one off-season I I H I I F I I C gofundme away from certainty.

  13. Amen, Ken!

    And what do we think? If the Yankees somehow win the World Series, will Judge...

    —Be more likely to stay?

    —Less likely to stay?

  14. I may have already answered your question about, HC.

    Judge Stays!

    However- more specifically - more likely.

  15. I have a supposition that would enable Cheapskate Hal to avoid going over some tier of the luxury tax AND also entice Judge to remain a Yankee for his entire career....and then some.
    Have them agree to a term of no longer than 7 years at, say, $ 35 million per. Then, when his playing days are over give him a minority ownership in the Yankees at an agreed to very modest percentage when he signs the new contract. Think of it as a deferred contract ala Bobby Bonilla but at a cheaper out-of-pocket cost. The present day value of the small ownership could be at the estimated extra $ 5 million a year he could get from another team times the contract length. This would allow Judge to more quickly cash in his stake than the Bonilla 25 year annual payout. Plus, that stake would appreciate in value during his playing years.

    Although he obviously wasn't a player, Bill Maher tripled his investment of $ 20 million in the Mets in 2012 to when the team was sold in 2019.

    So this can be a win-win for both El Cheapo and Joltin' Judge.

    Pure genius, right? When Cashman retires please suggest to the Yankees that I take over as GM.

  16. Smart Carl, Very Smart.

    You have my vote (so long as I get life time season tickets, lower box seats (only two, thank you) first row behind the on deck circle next to the Yankees dugout.

  17. Great Idea, Carl. But I suspect that the only thing HAL hates more than parting with money is parting with shares in the Yankees.

  18. Love to see him get to the four hundred total bases, important and seldom accomplished.

  19. We could have had him locked up already.

    Thanks, Brian


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