Wednesday, October 19, 2022

ALCS Game 1: Shame and secession

If you Google "Texas shame"--which I did in search of ammunition against the Astros for this post--you get appoximately 74,600,000 results. The first page is heavy with editorials against newly adopted state policies or party positions, with headlines like "Shame on Texas," "Shame on you, Texas," and "Deep in the Shame of Texas."

Google "New York shame" and you get about 101,000,000 results, but the early ones are mostly videos of Carey Mulligan singing "New York, New York" in the 2011 film Shame

Now I ain't here to talk no politics, but that "Deep in the Shame of Texas" one caught my eye. It concerns the 2022 platform of the Texas branch of a major political party--I ain't tellin' which one, 'cause like my daddy always said, "I ain't here to talk no politics." The plank that grabbed me was:
“Texas retains the right to secede from the United States and the Texas legislature should be called upon to pass a referendum. The possibility of secession should be put up for a vote in the 2022 general election.”
Which got me thinking. The Houston Astros are Texans, right? Well, maybe some of them think along the same line as the Texas braanch of that major political party. So what, if anything, could the Yankees do in tonight's Game One to motivate the Astros to secede from the American League?

And if there's something, isn't it worth doing without delay? 

[Added to the ALCS roster: Peraza, Montas, Weissert. Subtracted: Gonzalez, Hicks, Luetge.]


  1. If only Texas would secede and stop grabbing an outsized share of federal revenue, supplied by states like ours and those of similar persuasion. As do other states of Texas' persuasion.

  2. Mustang,

    You buried the lede.

    The roster. Other than Montas, it looks like the intern was chained to a chair and forced to ditch he beloved dead wood.

  3. Judge in lead off again? No lefties? Well if it wasn’t the intern we know surely John Sterling didn’t write it.

  4. Oh that an ancient line up you posted. Scared me a little.

  5. Today's line up is good but there's ikf at ss instead of peraza. Why? Why? Also Cabera gets the day off. (for now) Carpenter DH Stanton in the OF.

  6. Shoot! I posted the wrong lineup card! Sorry, everybody. Fixed.

  7. (typed in the voice of Slim Pickens as Major Kong from Doctor Strangelove: OHILTSWALTB)

    I sure hope Ted Cruz didn't throw out the first pitch.

    I sure hope he didn't.

  8. Just started watching and already Verlander has gotten on my nerves.

  9. Bosch, Peraza is suffering from Boone disease.

  10. And that was your daily reminder that Josh Donaldson is pretty much useless.

  11. Do we really need another reminder about Josh?

  12. Now Jameson - please oh please oh please let him be on his game and dominate

  13. Please don't let this get out of control...

  14. Okay. One more time - if we don't sign Judge, and make him Captain, then the whole front office should be held in contempt.

  15. “You’ll see it. You’ll see that catch for years”. -J.S. And we’re outta the inning. This game is going to be brutal.

  16. Wilkommen, bienvenue, welcome. As Joel Grey said, even the orchestra is beautiful.

  17. What outfielder failed us? Stanton? I missed it.

  18. Ok I can’t read this blog, you’re all way ahead of the radio. Darth Bader he says…! Suzyn had an orgasm.

  19. Or did someone make a great catch?

  20. Wow. But a dame as emcee... that works. Puts a different spin on "Two Ladies," maybe a little lyric tweak there.

    So Judge made a great catch, I take it.

  21. Judge made a terrific catch. FUll out DIVE with men on base and held the runners

  22. Judge did make a great catch. But could not quite catch up to the shot Maldonado hit off the wall to tie the game.

    Two outs and two strikes, of course. The Yankees' motto: Never, ever throw a waste pitch.

  23. And now Altuve up, of course. But don't walk him or anything. Oh, no!

  24. By the way, I'm for us ALL seceding. 50 separate states, so I never have to watch another of these appalling election ads.

  25. Blake already out to speak to Taillon.

  26. Single, double, walk—all with two out.

  27. Nice throw by Donaldson, pretty much all he can do anymore.

  28. "The Yankees' motto: Never, ever throw a waste pitch." - I never noticed that before but you seem to be on to something.

    Good play -Rizzo scooped Donaldson's throw

  29. Bosch, that sounds interesting. Ulla cannot be played by a less than appealing gal, so she should make a good Sally.

    I'm not a big musical fan post-1955 or so, but Cabaret is special.

  30. Donaldson has to make a great to throw because it takes him forever to set up.

  31. but now donaldson again...

    All he needs is contact but he sucks!

  32. When will they smarten up and bench Doneldson?

    1. Boone, get smart? Never.. he'll play him till the bitter end

  33. this ump sucks.

    That said, Astros get guys on the score. We get guys on they die there.

  34. Can't help having a soft spot for Carp. Hope he can come back and be effective.

    But Donaldson sucks.

  35. Donaldson, AKA Gallo Jr., can go fuck himself


  36. Peraza on the rooster, Ralph at SS, and...Donaldson??

  37. Donaldson needs to have a Mike Andrews injury.

  38. The home plate ump obviously has money on the ASStros.

  39. Umpire‘s Mother must really be angry at what a bad job her son is doing

  40. Jameson has thrown 63 pitches through 4 innings.

  41. Stanton broke a scoreboard panel after a running catch.

  42. Jameson tie-one-on could save the Yankees' season.

    Or be someone Yankees fans boo for ever.

  43. Remover this line, Doug?

    “I’d rather have a bottle in front of me than a frontal lobotomy.”

  44. Wow my autocorrect is in hyperdrive - Not REMOVER - REMEMBER

  45. I'd rather have a free bottle in front of me than a pre-frontal lobotomy.

  46. Trevino is a waste of at bats.

  47. "Life is what you do while you're waiting to die."

    ~Zorba the Greek

  48. Dorothy Parker?


    This ump has called strikes outside the zone - High, low, inside, and outside. It's tough enough facing Varlander without giving him a giant strike zone.

  49. Pulling Taillon after 65 pitches? Bullshit, gutless call.

  50. Home plate ump must be a Kate Upton fan

  51. Whew. That was fucking close.

  52. My favorite Dorothy quote was when someone came in and said Calvin Coolidge died, and she said, "How can you tell?"

  53. Wow, Donaldson looks so lost. Why is he the Yankees 3rd baseman?

  54. "If you don't have anything nice to say about someone, sit right here next to me!"

    A martini is nice.
    Two at the most.
    Three, I'm under the table.
    Four, I'm under the host.

    "Her acting runs the gamut from A to B."

  55. JM - Mine was "I know who killed JFK. I'll tell you tomorrow."

  56. Man, Carpenter looks russsssty.... Left-handed or not, he shouldn't be starting.


  57. Boone taking over management lessons from Dave Roberts


  58. Glass half full - Verlasshole has to be about done

    Glass half empty - Azztros bullpen good

    Glass full, spilled all over the table - Schit sucks

  59. Well, so much for avoiding the dreaded "third time through the order". FUCK.

  60. These A@@holes celebrate a little too much. Relax you cheating Texas b@st@rds!

  61. Pulling your pitcher when the bullpen is short and gassed... I don't think that I'm just second-guessing here. Boone should know better, what the fuck could the man be thinking?

  62. Boone is an idiot.

    Schmidt got the double play. That should have been it.

  63. Remember, folks: EVERY DAY ABOVE GROUND IS A GOOD DAY!

  64. Can we cancel the Clarke Schmidt experiment now?

  65. Jameson Taillon should still have been in the game. The pen is burnt out, Taillon was fresh, what was Boone thinking?

  66. If anyone has Boone’s cell phone number - please send him a text begging him to take Donaldson out of tomorrow’s lineup.

    Thank You

  67. Custer graduated bottom of his class from West Point, bet he could still out-manage Boone.

  68. I think that "come sit next to me" quote WAS Alice Roosevelt. She had a pillow with that embroidered on it.

  69. Montas. Go to bed. We're done.

  70. Jesus,

    Trying to justify the intern's horrible trade deadline deals.

  71. They’re bringing in Montas…wave the white flag…

  72. I don't like the whole trend of taking classic plays or movies and just changing the gender of the leads. They're doing that with 1776 over here, and it sounds like a disaster. They cast a handsome Black woman in her 40s as Richard III in Shakespeare in the Park this summer. When she gave her opening monologue, which contains her whole motivation, she of course repeated the original line, "But I who am not shaped for sportive tricks..."

    Well, of course you are. You're more fit that anyone else in the damned theatre.

    My feeling is, write your own fucking play. Really! There are enormous, untold numbers of great female, Black, Hispanic, etc. stories. Tell those. No need to just stick people in roles written for white men.

  73. See ya. And see ya tomorrow.

    Nobody is as bad at managing the bullpen as Boone. No...body.

  74. And yeah, pointless to bring in this clown.

  75. Is anyone here really surprised?

  76. It's games like this that show just how valuable Mike Stanton and Jeff Nelson were.

  77. Boone is nothing more than a shaved ape costumed in a Yankee uniform. Beyond Donaldson, beyond Cashman, beyond Steinbrenne, there is Boone…his affable mask obscuring the true hopeless incompetence that lies beneath. Sickening, yet predictable. Yes, I’ll watch on to the bitter end. My fate as fan.

  78. Nothing says, "boys, we're gonna lose" like warming up Castro....

  79. How many consecutive games does Donaldson have to strike out 3 times before Boone has a frank discussion with him and say " look Josh, this isn't 2016. You're no longer a home run hitter so don't try to be. Become a contact hitter or be on the bench?"

  80. I thought the umps that worked the playoffs were supposed to be the good ones?

  81. Carl,

    Do you still believe in the tooth fairy?

    Same possibility.

    1. I just woke up to a 5 dollar bill under my pillow!

  82. Even Judge looking bad at the plate now.

  83. Also, since I'm in this bad mood there any athlete on any team in any sport any longer—including ours—who does NOT do an elaborate little celebration when they do the smallest thing well?

    I don't mean celebrating a walk-off home run or the like. But just a single or a strikeout brings an avalanche of heart shapes, salutes, knowing signals to teammates, etc. It's silly already.

  84. Nice shot by Rizzo. Gee, too bad that didn't make it 3-2...

  85. Donaldson has enough trouble without the ump giving him trouble.

    And now he swings at ball four...

  86. Darling saying that, in order to win the World Series this year, a team will have to beat the other team's closer.

    Don't know why that follows at all. The key, as it is in the regular season, is to get out in front early, then rely on YOUR closer.

    Of course, that's a little difficult for us...

  87. Think Carpenter's not ready yet? I'd say he's not ready yet.

    Really no need to play him or Montas in this game. And yet, quite possibly, that's the whole difference.

  88. Carpenter ain't ready dog... He needs to sit

  89. IKF a Gold Glove third baseman? I don't think so. Double-clutches every throw, arm is more suited for second base.

  90. It’s not Chinatown Jake. It’s worse than that. It’s Houston.

  91. Awful at-bat by Falafel. Yeah, glad we don't have Correa and/or Machado on this team. Nope, who could use them?

  92. @Horace, your comments about the petite celebrations are so right on. Call me an old grouch, I remember when touchdown celebration started. I liked it better when it was all about the "Sport" instead of about "ME". Getting old sucks, or maybe watching the end of Men with Balls sucks more.

  93. Must agree about all the celebrations. ( Although the NFL is worse. Somebody gets an interception and the whole D has to run to rhe end zone to pose). It's all part and parcel of the modern day athlete. Part of the same mindset that thinks it's not cool (I know they don't use that word) to run hard to First, or even hustle in general. Yeah, we're just a bunch of old school scolds, but it doesn't mean we're wrong,

    Meanwhile, buckle up L + G's, this could be a sweep. Could definetly be a sweep.

  94. I know, I loved the old adage, "When you get to the end zone, act like you've been there before." Or the great Jim Brown just dropping the ball to the turf after he had pile-driven about 10 guys to cross the goal line. Or watching Mantle all but race around the bases after hitting one out, so as not to show up the pitcher.

    What goes on now, I don't know if it's less macho or more macho. Probably the latter. "In your face"—on every play. And sure, things change, people want to celebrate more, fine.

    But the level it's at's so elaborate you get the feeling these guys put as much time into their self-celebrations as they do studying the pitchers they face.

  95. So 17 strikeouts tonight, which is unacceptable. Verlander wasn't even at his best. No control of the strike zone.

    An offense that, once again, only knows how to play "Three True Outcomes" baseball. And when the other team's pitchers are NOT walking everybody in sight, and you're NOT getting the calls from the comes down to Two True Outcomes.

    No way they can beat a team this good, playing this way.

  96. This team is built to die in the playoffs

  97. Who believed that the Yankees had a chance against the Braves in the World Series...?

  98. In a best of 7, you can lose two and still come back to win the series convincingly. '96 Yanks, '81 Dodgers are examples.

    Or this might be the Yankee equivalent of Custer's last stand.

    Which will it be?

    0-2 comebacks can happen, but I'd love to see Yanks win Game 2. But seriously, BaBoone, would you sit Donaldson already.

  99. Carl,

    Did you leave a ten under your pillow when you when to sleep?


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